
the national energy administration answers reporters' questions on the "rules for issuance and trading of renewable energy green electricity certificates"


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cctv newsaccording to the wechat public account of the national energy administration, the national energy administration recently issued the "rules for issuance and trading of renewable energy green electricity certificates" (hereinafter referred to as the "rules"). relevant officials of the national energy administration answered relevant questions.
q: what is the background and significance of the issuance of the rules?
answer: general secretary xi jinping stressed at the 12th collective study session of the political bureau of the cpc central committee that we should follow the trend and seize the opportunity to promote the high-quality development of my country's new energy with greater efforts and provide safe and reliable energy guarantees for china's modernization drive. the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee proposed that we should actively respond to climate change and improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism.
the national energy administration, together with relevant departments, conscientiously implemented the decisions and arrangements of the party central committee and the state council, and actively promoted the improvement of the green electricity consumption system based on green certificates, helping to form a green and low-carbon mode of production and lifestyle. in july 2023, the national energy administration, together with the national development and reform commission and the ministry of finance, jointly issued the "notice on promoting the full coverage of renewable energy green electricity certificates to promote renewable energy electricity consumption" (development and reform energy [2023] no. 1044), which clarified the status of green certificates as the only proof of the environmental attributes of renewable energy electricity and the only certificate for renewable energy electricity production and consumption, and required full coverage of green certificate issuance. since the issuance of the document, the full coverage of green certificate issuance has been smoothly promoted, the scale of green certificate transactions has steadily expanded, the public's awareness of green electricity consumption has been significantly enhanced, and the level of green electricity consumption in the whole society has increased rapidly.
in order to further standardize the issuance and trading of green certificates, we have compiled the "rules" based on the previous full research, extensive consultation and full absorption of opinions from relevant parties, clarifying the specific requirements in terms of division of responsibilities, account management, issuance of green certificates, trading and transfer of green certificates, cancellation of green certificates, information management and supervision. the issuance and implementation of the "rules" will help to fully reflect the green environmental value of renewable energy projects, better cultivate the green certificate and green electricity trading market, and further create a green electricity consumption environment in the whole society. it has important practical significance for promoting the high-quality development of renewable energy, supporting the clean and low-carbon transformation of energy, and promoting the green development of the economy and society.
q: what are the general principles for the issuance and trading of green certificates as clarified in the rules?
answer: the issuance and trading of green certificates adhere to the principles of "unified issuance, open trading, market competition, information transparency, and full traceability."
first, the issuance is organized by the state. the green certificate is issued monthly by the national energy administration's electric power business qualification management center (hereinafter referred to as the national energy administration qualification center) and is stamped with the national energy administration's green certificate seal.
second, the transaction is open to the whole society. both parties to the transaction participate in the green certificate transaction independently. the seller is a renewable energy power generation enterprise or project owner that has been registered and registered, and the buyer is a civil subject such as a legal person, non-legal person organization, or natural person that complies with the provisions of the civil code.
third, prices are formed through market-based means. no unit may take compulsory measures to directly or indirectly interfere with the green certificate trading price formation mechanism, restrict the green certificate trading area, etc.
fourth, the disclosure of green certificate related information is timely and accurate. the national energy administration qualification center timely discloses the national green certificate issuance, trading and cancellation information, and each green certificate trading platform discloses the green certificate trading and cancellation information of its platform.
fifth, the data of the entire life cycle of green certificates is traceable. the national green certificate issuance and trading system is built in accordance with relevant national information data security standards, using new technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and blockchain to completely, accurately, safely and reliably record and store data on the entire life cycle of green certificate application, issuance, transaction, and cancellation, ensuring that the data of the entire process of green certificates is tamper-proof and traceable. the national green certificate issuance and trading system provides green certificate traceability and anti-counterfeiting query services.
q: what is the scope of application and main content of the rules?
a: the rules apply to the issuance, trading and related management of green certificates corresponding to the electricity generated by renewable energy power generation projects in my country. energy-consuming units or individuals in hong kong and macao can voluntarily participate in green certificate trading as needed. the rules have 8 chapters and 35 articles, mainly covering 5 aspects.
first, the green certificate market participants and the division of responsibilities are clarified. the national energy administration (new energy department) is responsible for the specific policy design of green certificates and guides the issuing institutions and trading institutions to carry out specific work; the national energy administration qualification center is specifically responsible for the issuance of green certificates; power grid companies, power trading institutions, and the national renewable energy information management center cooperate in the issuance of green certificates and provide data and technical support for the entire process of green certificate issuance, trading, transfer, application, and cancellation; green certificate trading institutions are responsible for the construction and operation of their respective green certificate trading platforms, organize and carry out green certificate trading, and synchronize trading information to the national green certificate issuance and trading system as required; green certificate buyers and sellers can participate in the issuance and trading of green certificates independently or entrust an agency.
second, clarify the requirements for green certificate account management. each trading entity opens and manages a unique real-name green certificate account through the national green certificate issuance and trading system to record the green certificates it holds. after the seller completes the file establishment and carding on the renewable energy power generation management platform, the corresponding green certificate account will be automatically generated in the national green certificate issuance and trading system. the buyer submits the relevant information for green certificate account registration through any green certificate trading platform, and the registration related information is automatically pushed to the national green certificate issuance and trading system and generates a green certificate account; the green certificate account can also be directly registered through the national green certificate issuance and trading system. previously, if the buyer and seller have completed the registration on the green certificate trading platform, they will automatically generate the corresponding green certificate account in the national green certificate issuance and trading system after supplementing and perfecting the relevant information as needed. when registering a green certificate account, the buyer and seller should submit the business license or relevant identity certification materials as required, and the seller must also submit a letter of commitment to apply only for china green certificate and not to apply for other certificates of the same attribute repeatedly.
in order to connect the responsibility weights of renewable energy power consumption, better calculate the consumption of renewable energy power, and receive the stock of conventional hydropower green certificates, the state has set up a provincial green certificate special account, which will be managed by the development and reform and energy authorities of each province (autonomous region, municipality). at the same time, in order to support the green certificate and green electricity transactions of subsidized projects participating in guaranteed purchases, a green certificate special account will be set up for power grid companies or renewable energy development settlement service agencies in due course.
the third is to standardize the specific method of issuing green certificates. the national energy administration will automatically issue green certificates in batches on a monthly basis based on the electricity data provided by power grid companies and power trading institutions. for power grid companies that generate electricity for their own use and are unable to provide the information required for issuing green certificates, power generation companies or project owners can directly or entrust an agency to provide electricity information and related certification materials, and the corresponding green certificates will be issued after preliminary review by the national renewable energy information management center and review by the national energy administration qualification center.
fourth, clarify the specific requirements for green certificate trading. implement the relevant requirements of the "opinions of the cpc central committee and the state council on accelerating the construction of a national unified market" and accelerate the construction of a national unified green certificate trading market.
on the trading platform, individual green certificate transactions are carried out through the china green electricity certificate trading platform and the beijing and guangzhou power exchanges; cross-provincial green electricity transactions are carried out through the beijing, guangzhou and inner mongolia power exchanges, and each provincial (autonomous region, municipality) power exchange center is specifically responsible for green electricity transactions within the province.
in terms of trading methods, there are mainly three methods: listing, bilateral negotiation, and centralized bidding. among them, for listing, the buyer can list the information of the green certificate to be sold on multiple trading platforms at the same time, and the buyer completes the transaction by delisting; for bilateral negotiation, the buyer and seller independently negotiate to determine the quantity and price of the green certificate transaction, and freely choose the green certificate trading platform to complete the transaction and settlement; centralized bidding transactions are organized and carried out in a timely manner as needed. the national green certificate issuance and trading system uniformly manages the green certificate inventory and synchronizes with each green certificate trading platform in real time to ensure that the same green certificate is not traded repeatedly.
in terms of green certificate transfer, the national energy administration qualification center will make green certificate transfers based on green certificate transactions and green electricity transaction information. for existing conventional hydropower corresponding to green certificates put into operation before january 1, 2023 (inclusive), if the transaction is directly settled by power generation enterprises and energy-consuming enterprises, the green certificates will be directly transferred from the seller's account to the buyer's account based on the results of the electricity transaction settlement; if the power is purchased by the power grid agent, it will be automatically transferred to the corresponding provincial green certificate special account based on the results of the electricity transaction settlement, and the provincial energy department will determine the specific method of allocating green certificates to users together with relevant departments.
regarding the validity period of the green certificate, the rules clearly state that the green certificate is valid for 2 years, starting from the natural month (inclusive) of electricity production. the use of green certificates in mechanisms such as the responsibility weight of renewable energy power consumption shall be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations. in order to fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of renewable energy power generation projects in different periods, the rules set a transition period. for the electricity of renewable energy power generation projects before january 1, 2024 (inclusive), the corresponding green certificate validity period is extended to the end of 2025.
regarding the cancellation of green certificates, if they have expired, they will be automatically cancelled by the national green certificate issuance and trading system; if they have declared to have completed green electricity consumption, the national energy administration qualification center will cancel the corresponding green certificates based on the green electricity consumption certification or declaration materials submitted by the user.
fifth, standardize the management of green certificate issuance and transaction information. in terms of information systems, the national green certificate issuance and transaction system is the basic platform for green certificate issuance and transaction management. the system construction and operation management are organized and implemented by the national energy administration qualification center, and the national renewable energy information management center cooperates. green certificate trading institutions shall improve their respective green certificate trading systems in accordance with relevant specifications and requirements to support the orderly development of green certificate transactions. in terms of information statistics, the national energy administration qualification center shall summarize and compile national green certificate issuance and transaction information as required, and compile and publish green certificate issuance and transaction reports on a monthly basis; the national renewable energy information management center will work with relevant units to timely calculate green certificate transaction data to support the effective connection between green certificates and energy consumption dual control, consumption responsibility weights, carbon markets and other mechanisms.
question: how to promote the effective implementation of the rules in the next step?
answer: after the "rules" are officially issued, we plan to promote their implementation from the following three aspects.
first, the preparation of supporting implementation rules. the national energy administration qualification center prepared the implementation rules for the issuance of green certificates based on the "rules", and each green certificate trading platform improved the implementation rules for green certificate trading based on the "rules", further refined the requirements for the issuance and trading of green certificates, and built a unified, efficient, standardized, orderly, fair and just market environment for green certificate and green electricity trading.
second, we will carry out extensive publicity of green certificates. after the issuance of the rules, we will use a variety of methods, such as green certificate business training, regional theme lectures, promotional short videos, expert interpretation, etc., to promote the green certificate policy and supporting rules and regulations to international organizations, relevant provincial-level departments in china, enterprises, and the public through online and offline channels, so as to promote all sectors of society to better understand, purchase, and use green certificates.
third, strengthen the supervision of the green certificate market. the dispatched agencies of the national energy administration will work with relevant local departments to supervise the implementation of the green certificate system in their jurisdictions, and the national energy administration will work with relevant departments to provide guidance. at the same time, strengthen the supervision of repeated applications for other certificates with the same attributes, data falsification, and disruption of the normal trading order of the green certificate market.