
chinese mission to the eu: the eu has no right to dictate on the south china sea issue


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a "task force" of two warships commanded by german rear admiral schulz once sailed through the south china sea

q: on september 1, the spokesperson of the european external action service issued a statement condemning the dangerous actions taken by chinese coast guard ships against philippine ships in the south china sea, saying that this action endangered the lives of people at sea and violated the freedom of navigation enjoyed by all countries under international law. it claimed that it adhered to international norms such as the united nations convention on the law of the sea and the 2016 south china sea arbitration ruling, and supported partner countries in exercising their legitimate rights. what is china's comment?

a: xianbin reef is part of china's nansha islands and is china's inherent territory. for some time, philippine coast guard ships have continued to illegally stay in the xianbin reef lagoon of china, unilaterally changing the status quo of xianbin reef without people and facilities. china has made solemn representations to the philippines through diplomatic channels many times, demanding that the philippines immediately withdraw the relevant ships. the philippines not only turned a deaf ear to it, but also intensified its actions. the illegally stayed coast guard ships continued to provoke trouble in the xianbin reef lagoon, and even deliberately collided with china's coast guard ships that were normally safeguarding rights and enforcing the law in a dangerous manner. the above facts are very clear, and the spokesperson of the chinese coast guard has made a statement as soon as possible. china's on-site operations were legitimate, legal, professional and standardized, and beyond reproach. the responsibility for the collision between the two sides' ships lies entirely with the philippines.

the eu is not a party to the south china sea issue and has no right to make comments on the issue. the eu is determined to ignore the facts, confuse right and wrong, and openly endorse the philippines' provocative behavior of violating china's territorial sovereignty. what is the intention of this behavior of adding fuel to the fire and taking sides? the south china sea is the safest and freest sea in the world for navigation, and there has never been any problem with freedom of navigation. the "south china sea arbitration" is a complete political manipulation and political farce. the so-called ruling itself is a serious violation of international law, especially the united nations convention on the law of the sea. the eu's repeated hype about freedom of navigation and the "south china sea arbitration" not only goes against the common desire of countries in the region to maintain peace and stability in the south china sea, but also does not benefit the eu's own interests and international reputation.

china is strongly dissatisfied with, firmly opposes and will never accept the relevant accusations made by the eu. we urge the eu to face up to the truth, uphold objectivity and fairness, be prudent in words and deeds on the south china sea issue, and earnestly respect china's rights and interests as well as the efforts made by regional countries to maintain peace and stability in the south china sea. china will continue to take effective measures in accordance with the law to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and maintain the seriousness of the declaration on the conduct of parties in the south china sea.