
the loan has to be repaid, but the car is not in hand yet. many 4s stores of guanghui group in shanghai are experiencing difficulties in delivering cars?


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"september 7 is the first repayment date for the car loan, but i haven't received the car yet. should i pay it back or not?" recently, many car buyers reported that they encountered difficulties in picking up the car after buying it at the "shanghai baoxin" bmw 4s store on wuzhong road. the reason for not being able to pick up the car is mostly because the vehicle's certificate of conformity is mortgaged to the bank, and the 4s store does not have the funds to redeem it for the time being.

shanghai baoxin is a 4s store under the guanghui automotive service group (hereinafter referred to as guanghui group). reporters found that the difficulty in picking up cars has occurred to varying degrees in many 4s stores under guanghui group. in connection with the recent news that guanghui group was delisted due to performance losses, many car buyers are worried: can they still pick up the cars they bought?

the car is at the 4s store but i can't pick it up yet

ms. du, a citizen, said that she bought a bmw i3 new energy vehicle at shanghai baoxin 4s store in july this year. at that time, she paid a deposit of 18,000 yuan and agreed with the 4s store that the remaining 200,000 yuan of the car payment would be paid by loan. considering that it takes time to apply for a loan, the two parties agreed in the car purchase contract to pick up the car around august 21. the loan was quickly and smoothly issued. at the end of july, ms. du saw the current car parked in the parking lot of the 4s store, completed the vehicle inspection procedures, and also received the frame number, car purchase invoice and other materials one after another. next, ms. du only waited until the agreed time to pick up the new car. during this period, she could also handle many matters such as installing charging piles and preparing for license plates.

shanghai baoxin bmw 4s store

since august 21 was a working day, the two parties agreed to change the date of car pick-up to august 24. unexpectedly, on august 23, ms. du suddenly received a call from the 4s store, saying that the car pick-up needed to be postponed. "i have already seen the car and inspected it, why do i need to postpone it?" ms. du was puzzled and went to the 4s store on august 23 to negotiate.

after repeated questioning, the salesperson at the 4s store finally told the truth, that is, although the car was in the 4s store, the vehicle's certificate of conformity was mortgaged to the bank, and the 4s store used the loan funds to pay for the purchase of the car. normally, after the vehicle is sold, the 4s store should release the certificate of conformity in a timely manner. however, due to the tight capital chain of shanghai baoxin, it is temporarily unable to redeem the certificate of conformity, and therefore cannot deliver the vehicle with complete documents to ms. du. how long will it take to extend the period? the 4s store said that there is no clear deadline for the time being. what's even more embarrassing is that on september 7, ms. du will face the first installment of the car loan repayment. "i don't know if the car can be picked up smoothly. do i still have to repay the loan?"

ms. wang, a citizen, had a similar car-buying experience. she bought a bmw 3 series sedan from shanghai baoxin and was scheduled to pick up the car on august 15. for more than half a month, the 4s store repeatedly delayed the pick-up time. ms. wang not only had to pay the first installment of the car loan on september 5, but she had also paid the insurance premium and applied for a temporary license plate as early as august 16. the delay in picking up the car caused her considerable additional losses.

in addition to the inability to pick up the car due to the failure to redeem the vehicle certificate, some car buyers also reported that after they paid the deposit to shanghai baoxin, the car was delayed in arriving, resulting in the inability to pick up the car on schedule. when the car buyers asked for a refund of the deposit, the 4s store refused due to financial constraints.

in addition to shanghai baoxin 4s store, the reporter learned through "12345" that many 4s stores in shanghai have recently encountered the phenomenon of difficulty in picking up cars. taking the bmw brand 4s store as an example, the phenomenon of difficulty in picking up cars involves many 4s stores such as zhongguo baohong, shanghai huibaoxing, guanghui baohong, and other 4s stores of other brands are also involved, such as gac toyota kailong xuhui store, which has also received many complaints about difficulty in picking up cars. is there any connection behind the difficulty in picking up cars in these 4s stores? the reporter's investigation found that the above-mentioned 4s stores are all under the guanghui group.

the picture shows the sales vehicle showroom of zhongguo baohong bmw 4s store

many 4s stores said they are working hard to solve their financial difficulties

while they were unable to pick up their cars, the news exposed by guanghui group made car buyers uneasy. on august 21, guanghui group issued a statement through its official website, saying that it would be delisted in accordance with regulatory requirements. in the statement, guanghui group admitted that it was experiencing periodic operating pressure and "the production and operation of some stores were also affected to varying degrees." however, in the statement, guanghui group also promised that it was actively taking measures to ensure business continuity and strive to minimize the impact.

guanghui group is the largest fuel vehicle dealer in china. its official website shows that it has 13 4s stores of various brands of cars in shanghai. according to the reporter's understanding from industry insiders, many 4s stores under guanghui are short of funds. on the one hand, it is related to the gradual shrinking of the overall market share of fuel vehicles. on the other hand, it is directly related to the price war of fuel vehicles in the first stage of this year, and 4s stores are selling cars at a loss.

when will the positive measures work? when will car buyers be able to pick up their cars? the reporter recently visited several 4s stores of guanghui group to understand the situation. on august 27, the reporter first came to shanghai baoxin bmw 4s store at no. 1786 wuzhong road. near noon, there were many customers in the store. in the rest area on one side, there were many car owners waiting for maintenance and repairs, and there were also consumers negotiating with sales about car purchases. it seemed that the business situation was not affected too much. lu jiajun, the marketing manager of the store, told reporters that for shanghai baoxin alone, there are still more than 10 car owners who cannot pick up their cars smoothly because of the mortgage of the vehicle certificate. however, the 4s store has been actively seeking ways such as capital injection from investors to solve the financial difficulties. at present, several car owners have successfully picked up their cars.

zhongguo baohong bmw 4s store located at no. 233 hongliu road, putuo district, also gave a similar statement. it is understood that zhongguo baohong has gradually encountered difficulties in picking up cars since june this year. currently, there are as many as 40 buyers who cannot pick up their cars. gu junjie, the store's marketing manager, said that the 4s store has been actively solving the financial difficulties. at present, all buyers who failed to pick up their cars in june have picked up their cars, and the backlog problems in july and august have also been gradually resolved.

zhongguo baohong bmw 4s store

both 4s stores promised that they would allow car buyers to pick up their cars smoothly, but this would take some time and would be a process. at the same time, the two 4s stores promised to improve service quality and provide some compensation to appease car owners who were delayed in picking up their cars.

as of press time, the two car buyers at the shanghai baoxin bmw 4s store have received a promise from the 4s store that they will be able to pick up their cars before the first installment of the car loan repayment date. the liberation daily and shangguan news will pay attention to whether the difficulty in picking up cars at 4s stores under guanghui group can be alleviated, and also call on relevant shanghai departments to intervene in a timely manner, on the one hand urging 4s stores to fulfill their delivery promises as soon as possible, and on the other hand reminding 4s stores that they should let consumers know that the delivery cycle will be longer when selling new cars at this stage.

the picture shows a car buyer who received a promise from shanghai baoxin bmw 4s store, saying that she would be able to pick up the car before the first installment of the car loan repayment date.