
how to exchange old electric bicycles for new ones? official interpretation of the policy


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recently, the ministry of commerce, the ministry of industry and information technology, the ministry of ecology and environment, the state administration for market regulation, and the national fire rescue administration jointly issued the "implementation plan for promoting the trade-in of electric bicycles" (hereinafter referred to as the "implementation plan"). we now interpret the relevant contents of the document.

one,what is the background and main content of the “implementation plan”?

in april this year, the state council safety committee deployed a full-chain rectification campaign for safety hazards of electric bicycles, and the general office of the state council issued the "action plan for the full-chain rectification of safety hazards of electric bicycles", encouraging places with conditions to promote the replacement of old electric bicycles with new ones. in july, the national development and reform commission and the ministry of finance issued the "several measures on strengthening support for large-scale equipment renewal and replacement of old consumer goods", which included the replacement of old electric bicycles with new ones in the scope of support. in order to implement the above policy spirit, the ministry of commerce and other five departments jointly issued the "implementation plan for promoting the replacement of old electric bicycles with new ones" to promote the replacement of old electric bicycles with new ones.

the "implementation plan" starts from the perspective of safeguarding the safety of people's lives and property, closely follows the requirements of the full-chain rectification action on electric bicycle safety hazards, and proposes key tasks such as enhancing the supply capacity of high-quality products, strict sales supervision, carrying out consumption promotion activities, and increasing support for old-for-new exchanges from the aspects of production, sales, and old-for-new exchanges. it also clarifies the division of responsibilities among departments, and through the guiding role of funds, promotes the updating of old electric bicycles under the name of consumers into qualified electric bicycles to reduce safety hazards. at the same time, it also requires all localities to improve work mechanisms, strengthen policy interpretation, strengthen compliance awareness and other safeguard measures to help improve the safety level of electric bicycles.

two,electric bicycle trade-in policyhow to serve consumers?

in accordance with the spirit of the "several measures on further supporting large-scale equipment upgrading and consumer goods trade-in",local governments will formulate implementation rules for the old electric bicycle trade-in based on their actual conditions, and independently determine the specific support amount and method.

local governments provide subsidies to consumers who return their old electric bicycles and exchange them for new ones, encouraging them to buy new electric bicycles that meet the "electric bicycle industry standard conditions". the batteries of lithium-ion battery electric bicycles purchased for exchange should also meet the "safety technical specifications for lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles" (gb43854).

the trade-in of electric bicycles has been included in the "2024 consumption promotion year" campaign, encouraging qualified products of compliant electric bicycle manufacturers to participate in consumer goods trade-in activities. relevant companies have set up online and offline areas to facilitate the trade-in of old bicycles by the general public.

three,why return old lithium-ion battery electric bicycles?consumers who exchange for lead-acid battery electric bicycles,can the subsidy be increased appropriately?

taking into account that although the development of lithium-ion batteries in my country has been rapid in recent years, lead-acid batteries account for nearly 80% of the batteries used in electric bicycles, and are safer and cheaper, they are deeply favored by consumers. for consumers who replace their old lithium-ion battery electric bicycles with lead-acid battery bicycles, it is appropriate to increase subsidies. this is in line with the requirements and actual situation of the full-chain rectification action on electric bicycle safety hazards, and reflects a safety orientation.

fourth, the implementation plan clearly states that “local people’s governments may, based on the actual conditions of their regions, use local fiscal funds to provide subsidies to consumers who return electric bicycles and batteries with high safety hazards.” how to identify “high safety hazard” electric bicycles and batteries?

lithium-ion batteries are prone to fire, explosion and other safety accidents if used improperly due to their high energy density and active chemical properties of the organic electrolyte inside. in particular, as the use time increases, the safety of lithium-ion batteries will continue to decline, and the risk of accidents will further increase.

therefore,batteries with high safety hazards refer to lithium-ion batteries that have obvious damage, leakage, severe deformation, burn marks, etc. due to long usage time, poor usage environment and maintenance conditions, resulting in a higher risk of accidents.electric bicycles with high safety hazards refer to electric bicycles that use lithium-ion batteries with high safety hazards.

5. the implementation plan clearly states that "qualified products of compliant electric bicycle manufacturers will be organized to participate in the consumer goods trade-in activities." what kind of companies can be considered compliant electric bicycle manufacturers, and what kind of products can be considered qualified electric bicycle products?

compliant electric bicycle manufacturers should register in accordance with the law and abide by national laws and regulations. qualified electric bicycle products should have a certificate of conformity and pass the compulsory product certification (ccc certification) to prove that the product complies with relevant safety standards and other relevant regulatory requirements.

on april 29, 2024, the ministry of industry and information technology, the state administration for market regulation, and the state fire and rescue bureau jointly issued the "electric bicycle industry standard conditions" and the "electric bicycle industry standard announcement management measures". on june 18, the new version of the "lithium-ion battery industry standard conditions" was revised and issued, which put forward higher requirements for production enterprises in terms of strengthening product quality, improving production safety, and protecting consumer rights. on august 19, after the application of enterprises, document review, on-site inspection, online publicity and other procedures, the ministry of industry and information technology announced the first batch of enterprises that meet the "electric bicycle industry standard conditions" and simultaneously announced the eighth batch of enterprises that meet the "lithium-ion battery industry standard conditions". it is hoped that these advanced enterprises will play a leading role and guide the majority of electric bicycle enterprises to improve the quality and level of development. it is recommended that consumers give priority to purchasing qualified electric bicycles and lithium-ion battery products produced by enterprises listed in the announcement list of "electric bicycle industry standard conditions" and "lithium-ion battery industry standard conditions".

6. the implementation plan clearly states that “the batteries of lithium-ion battery electric bicycles that are replaced must also comply with the requirements of the safety technical specifications for lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles (gb43854)”. the national standard gb43854 will be implemented on november 1, 2024. before that, how can consumers replace electric bicycles?

on april 25, 2024, the safety technical specification for lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles (gb43854) was officially released and will be officially implemented on november 1. after the release of the standard, the ministry of industry and information technology organized several publicity and implementation activities to guide enterprises to speed up the research and development of products that meet the new standards and the transformation of production lines. the majority of lithium-ion battery manufacturers for electric bicycles responded positively and stepped up preparations for production.consumers are advised to exchange their bicycles for electric bicycles with lead-acid batteries before november 1, and for electric bicycles with lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries after november 1.

vii. the implementation plan clearly states that “all localities should properly recycle and dispose of waste electric bicycles and their waste batteries.” what should localities do with recycled waste electric bicycles and their waste batteries?

electric bicycle batteries mainly include lead-acid batteries and lithium-ion batteries. if these two types of waste batteries are not properly dismantled and handled, they will harm the ecological environment and human health. for waste electric bicycle batteries recovered during the old-for-new exchange process, they should be handed over to legal units with corresponding capabilities for standardized dismantling and handling.

the ecological and environmental departments of all localities should actively cooperate in the recycling and treatment of waste electric bicycles and their waste batteries, strengthen environmental supervision of the dismantling and treatment process of waste electric bicycle batteries, and guide and urge relevant units to dismantle and treat them in accordance with the "technical specifications for pollution control in waste lead-acid battery treatment" (hj 519) and "technical specifications for pollution control in waste lithium-ion power battery treatment (trial)" (hj 1186) and other relevant requirements; at the same time, they should severely crack down on environmental violations such as illegal dismantling and treatment of waste batteries, strictly prevent and control environmental risks, and maintain the bottom line of environmental safety.

8. the implementation plan puts forward requirements for strict supervision of electric bicycle sales. what are the main contents of the related work?

focusing on strengthening the quality and safety supervision of electric bicycle products, the relevant work mainly includes:

first, urge electric bicycle sales companies to establish and implement a purchase inspection and acceptance system, and strictly check product qualification certificates, mandatory product certification information, etc.

second, urge relevant e-commerce platforms to adopt automatic retrieval technology and blocking and deletion measures to clean up information on illegal modifications. it is strictly forbidden to release information such as "lifting the mutual recognition agreement", "lifting the speed limit", and "increasing capacity". it is strictly forbidden to sell electric bicycles, batteries, chargers and other products that have not undergone mandatory product certification in accordance with the law. the content of "illegal modification is prohibited" must be clearly stated on the sales page of electric bicycle related products.

third, we will strictly investigate and punish illegal and irregular acts such as selling electric bicycles that do not meet mandatory national standards, have not obtained mandatory product certification, and arbitrarily modify the original factory adapter, dismantle and modify the speed limit, external battery bracket, modify the battery slot box, and replace the large-capacity battery before selling the electric bicycle. those suspected of committing crimes will be transferred to the public security organs in accordance with the law.

fourth, we will open up channels for reporting clues about defects in electric bicycle products, conduct defect investigations in a timely manner for electric bicycle products found to have safety hazards, and if defects are confirmed, urge the producers to implement recalls in accordance with the law.

ix. the implementation plan sets clear requirements for the quality of electric bicycle replacement products. how can consumers obtain product quality information when participating in the electric bicycle trade-in process?

during the process of trading in old electric bicycles for new ones, consumers can learn about the quality information of the replacement products by checking product identification information, verifying ccc certification status, and paying attention to official information.

first of all, you should carefully check the product's identification information, factory name and address, implementation standards, etc., and read the product certificate, especially the manufacturer, product model, and vehicle code listed on the certificate, which must be completely consistent with the information on the vehicle body nameplate.

secondly, consumers can log in to the national certification and accreditation information public service platform ( through the ccc certificate number marked on the product to check the authenticity of the certificate and confirm the certificate status.

at the same time, consumers can also promptly learn about the quality status of new replacement products through the electric bicycle product quality supervision and random inspection announcements issued by market regulatory departments, law enforcement supervision, and consumer complaints.