
the vascular surgery team of west china hospital challenged the limits and successfully "removed" a retroperitoneal tumor weighing 32 kilograms


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red star news reporter learned from west china hospital of sichuan university on august 30 that recently, the hospital's vascular surgery professor zhao jichun's team and multidisciplinary teama female patient was successfully treated with a radical resection of a giant retroperitoneal tumor. the tumor involved blood vessels and multiple organs, and weighed 32 kilograms after present, the patient has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, and his abdominal compression symptoms have completely improved.

according to reports, the patient, xiao wu, is 34 years old and has been gaining weight over the past two years. as the pressure in his abdomen became increasingly severe, he went to the hospital for treatment. the examination results showed that xiao wu had a huge mass behind his peritoneum and in his abdominal cavity, which had invaded multiple abdominal organs and affected several important blood vessels in the abdominal cavity. faced with the huge mass, many hospitals found it difficult to provide an accurate and effective surgical plan.

recently, xiao wu came to see professor zhao jichun of the department of vascular surgery at west china hospital. at this time, her abdomen was swollen like a pregnant woman about to give birth, and her life was seriously threatened.

after further examination, it was found that the patient xiao wu had a huge mass hidden in the retroperitoneum and abdominal cavity. the main body was mainly located in the left upper and middle abdomen, reaching down to the pelvic entrance. the larger cross-section was about 31.4×28.4cm. the mass pushed the abdominal organs, the pancreas, stomach, and duodenum shifted to the right front, the spleen shifted upward, and the left kidney shifted backward. the corresponding structures were slightly deformed due to pressure. the pancreas was not clearly displayed, and some lesions surrounded the left kidney and left adrenal gland. the lesions pushed the intestinal tract, and some parts of the boundaries with the intestinal tract were unclear.

considering the huge size of the tumor, professor zhao jichun's team admitted xiao wu to the hospital urgently and immediately initiated a comprehensive preoperative evaluation and discussion.

in order to minimize the damage during the operation and improve the patient's quality of life, professor zhao jichun's team conducted mdt discussions with multiple departments including the department of anesthesiology, gastrointestinal surgery, pancreatic surgery, liver surgery, blood transfusion department, and critical care medicine, and developed a personalized treatment plan for the patient involving radical resection of retroperitoneal tumors involving multiple organs and vascular resection.

the operation took 5 hours, and the multidisciplinary team defused this "time bomb" with their rich experience and mature professional skills.

according to the hospital, the patient xiao wu has recovered and been discharged, and his abdominal compression symptoms have completely improved.