
dumplings, sausages, barbecue, "marathon exploded into a food street", experts remind: eating at this time will cause indigestion


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recently, the harbin marathon was held, and the rich "hard food" supplies in the competition caused heated discussions.

some runners held several small paper cups filled with various delicacies, including dumplings, sausages, barbecued meat, popsicles, etc.

according to media reports, the food at the harbin marathon includes not only harbin red sausage and madiel popsicles, but also freshly made sweet and sour pork, dumplings, barbecue with a smoky flavor, pig-killing dishes and other special dishes.

in addition, there are fruits such as bananas, watermelons, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupes, hami melons, cakes, bread, instant noodles, western desserts, moon cakes, chocolates, cookies, vegetarian meat and dried tofu and other foods.

in fact, as early as 2023, the harbin marathon became popular for its rich and diverse food supplies. some netizens took pictures of what they saw and heard: they had just run 7 kilometers and the supply station started serving food.

along with the delicious food, the rose petal ice water foot bath after the race is also well known. a protective trainer in the recovery area of ​​harbin marathon said that putting ice cubes in the water and applying ice to the runners' feet can "constrict capillaries, inhibit inflammatory reactions, and effectively relieve pain."

in addition to the harbin marathon, in recent years, many marathon supply stations have also been "rolled up", not only providing traditional basic food to replenish physical energy, but also a variety of local specialties, and even desserts...

during the 2017 wuhan international marathon, the local organizing committee added four energy supply stations, and local wuhan specialties such as duck necks, hot dry noodles, and bean curd appeared among the supply foods.

in 2019, shandong penglai marathon provided wine supplies throughout the entire course, and guests could also eat seafood.

in 2019, the harbin marathon placed 8 large pots in the supply station, each of which could cook 500 dumplings. a total of 20 stalls were open, basically reaching the speed of an assembly line.

in the 2019 guangdong shantou marathon, runners can eat beef balls, rice dumplings, goose meat, oyster omelette...

many netizens joked: "marathon food street explosion"↓

some netizens are also worried: is it really okay to eat while running in such a long-distance running competition?

sports medicine expert lin sheng said that marathon is a long-distance sport. during exercise, the body's blood mainly supplies the cardiopulmonary system and limb muscles, which will automatically reduce the supply to the digestive system. at the same time, the digestive system is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system. during exercise, the sympathetic nervous system is excited, which will inhibit the function of the parasympathetic nervous system. eating at this time will cause indigestion. therefore, even if you need to replenish energy, you should mainly eat liquids and fluids, and solid food is not suitable.