
beijing cdc: schools and childcare institutions should do the following during the school opening season


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this article is transferred from [beijing center for disease control and prevention];
back to school season
take the first lesson of health
the new semester is approaching quietly, and the children are about to embark on a new learning journey. the dense population in collective units such as schools and childcare institutions increases the risk of infectious diseases such as influenza, covid-19, norovirus, and hand, foot and mouth disease. as their strongest backing, we should not only care about their academic performance, but also pay attention to their physical and mental health, and escort the children's growth path!
1. schools and childcare institutions should:
before school starts
schools and childcare institutions should conduct self-inspections, focusing on:
1. develop infectious disease prevention and control plans and emergency plans, and provide training for school doctors and class teachers.
2. environmental improvement and disinfection. before the start of school, the campus should be thoroughly cleaned, and classrooms, libraries, health rooms, dormitories, canteens and other gathering places, toilets, garbage dumps should be cleaned and disinfected, and dead corners should be thoroughly cleaned. classrooms, offices, and dormitories should be well ventilated, and sufficient hand washing facilities and hand sanitizers and other hygiene products should be provided.
3. food and drinking water safety. before the start of school, we should manage and inspect drinking water and food safety, implement various management systems, conduct comprehensive cleaning and disinfection, strengthen environmental management, and ensure the food and drinking water safety of teachers and students. we should carry out food and drinking water safety education for catering staff and water supply management personnel, and do a good job in health management of employees.
after school starts
schools must implement various infectious disease prevention and control systems:
1. after school starts, the systems of morning and afternoon health checks, registration and reporting of absences due to illness, etc. should be implemented as required. parents should be contacted promptly if students have symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, rash, etc. after a clear diagnosis, active treatment should be carried out according to the doctor's orders, and students should avoid participating in group activities and entering public places while sick.
2. classes with suspected or clinically diagnosed cases of infectious diseases should strengthen symptom monitoring, case management, disinfection, ventilation and other measures.
3. strengthen the dissemination of core knowledge such as personal protection, vaccination, and rational medical treatment through health classes, theme class meetings, parent meetings, etc., guide teachers and students to adhere to good hygiene habits such as frequent hand washing, frequent ventilation, coughing etiquette, cleaning and disinfection in daily life, and combine the city's influenza vaccination arrangements to do a good job in influenza vaccination knowledge education.
2. students should do
1. students should promptly report any physical discomfort to teachers and parents to avoid attending classes while sick.
2. maintain good personal hygiene habits, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, pay attention to hand hygiene, and try to avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose with unclean hands.
3. eat a balanced diet, do not overeat, and do not eat spoiled or unclean food. drink boiled water instead of raw water. keep a regular schedule, exercise moderately, and enhance your physical fitness and immunity. when doing outdoor activities, add or remove clothes in time according to the weather to avoid catching a cold and increasing the chance of infection.
4. during the epidemic season, you should try to reduce activities in crowded public places, avoid contact with patients with respiratory infections, and wear a mask properly when entering crowded places.
5. reduce going out if you have respiratory symptoms and wear a mask when going out.
3. parents should do
1. pay attention to your child's mental state and health. if your child has fever, cough or other physical discomfort, you should seek medical treatment in time, rest at home, and do not go to school while sick.
2. pay attention to food hygiene and wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly. keep raw and cooked food separate to avoid cross contamination. leftover food should be stored in the refrigerator in time and the storage time should not be too long. before eating again, it should be heated thoroughly.
3. keep the living environment clean, wash and change clothes, bedding and utensils frequently, and ventilate the room well, 2-3 times a day for at least 30 minutes each time to keep the indoor air circulating.
4. parents should help their children eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, have a regular schedule, exercise moderately, and guide their children to develop good hygiene and living habits.
strengthen care for children with infectious diseases at home
1. when a child has symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, or rash, he or she should get enough rest, drink plenty of water, and eat a light, easy-to-digest, and nutritious diet.
2. closely observe changes in the condition. if the child has persistent high fever, severe cough, rash, or recurring illness, seek medical attention promptly.
3. when parents are taking care of or accompanying their children to see the doctor, they must protect themselves and their children (such as wearing masks) to avoid cross infection.
4. all family members should pay attention to personal hygiene and take personal protection when in close contact with sick children. they should wear masks when in close contact with and caring for children. after direct contact with sick children, or after handling items used by sick children, or after contact with respiratory secretions, they should wash their hands with detergent or disinfect their hands with disinfectant.
5. if there are multiple children in the family and one of them develops respiratory symptoms, one family member should be relatively fixed to take care of the sick child and pay attention to strengthening personal protection. when in close contact with the patient, they should wear a mask. other family members should minimize contact with the sick child, especially uninfected children, and minimize contact with the sick child.
source: municipal center for disease control and prevention, institute of health and communication
original title: [beijing cdc reminds you] back to school season, take the first lesson on health