
Effective from October 1st! Guangzhou issues pilot management regulations for basic map applications of intelligent connected vehicles (trial)


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On August 27, the reporter learned from the Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau that in order to strengthen the basic map services and management of intelligent connected vehicles in Guangzhou, assist the development of the intelligent connected vehicle industry, and maintain geographic information security, the bureau has formulated the "Guangzhou Intelligent Connected Vehicle Basic Map Application Pilot Management Regulations (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") based on Guangzhou's actual situation.
The Regulations point out that the relevant departments and units of the Guangzhou Municipal Government encourage innovation and progress in the scientific and technological development of intelligent connected vehicle basic map surveying and mapping, support the testing and verification of intelligent connected vehicle basic maps under different technical routes and multiple application scenarios, promote the trial and demonstration application of new technologies, new products and new business forms, and promote the development of the intelligent connected vehicle basic map industry. The Regulations will come into effect on October 1, 2024 and will be valid for three years.
Clarify the scope of use and applicable subjects
What is the basic map of intelligent connected vehicles? The Regulations clearly state that the basic map of intelligent connected vehicles refers to a necessary geographic information data set composed of the location, attributes and semantic information of various traffic environment facilities elements, used to support assisted driving, automatic driving, intelligent vehicle-road collaboration, refined management of smart transportation, and related testing and application activities, and does not include dynamic perception data such as traffic flow, pedestrians, and traffic signals. Among them, the basic map of intelligent connected vehicles mainly includes high-precision maps and advanced assisted driving maps.
In terms of the scope of application, the Regulations state that the collection, storage, transmission, processing, use and provision of geographic information data related to the basic maps of intelligent connected vehicles, as well as related supervision and management work, are subject to these Regulations within the administrative area of ​​Guangzhou. In terms of applicable entities, the Regulations clarify that the relevant units of the basic maps of intelligent connected vehicles refer to all units involved in the collection, storage, transmission, processing, use and provision of geographic information data related to the basic maps of intelligent connected vehicles, including surveying and mapping qualification units, car companies, service providers and intelligent driving software providers. Drivers and passengers of intelligent connected vehicles who only receive assisted driving services, various types of on-board sensors, and automobile manufacturing, integration, and sales personnel are not persons involved in the relevant surveying and mapping activities.
In terms of information processing, the Regulations point out that activities involving the processing of personal information should follow the principles of legality, legitimacy, necessity and good faith. Basic maps for intelligent connected vehicles must not express geographic information involving state secrets or sensitive information. Surveying and mapping qualification units should establish a content security review system for basic maps for intelligent connected vehicles, and review, check and filter geographic information data that may be confidential or sensitive.
In addition, the relevant units of the basic map of intelligent connected vehicles shall set up servers that produce, store or transmit the basic map data of intelligent connected vehicles within the territory of the People's Republic of China, and take effective measures to ensure the security of geographic information data; the basic map data of intelligent connected vehicles that have not fulfilled the data outbound security assessment and external provision approval procedures in accordance with the law shall not be transmitted abroad.
Encourage the development of basic map industry for intelligent connected vehicles
The Regulations point out that the basic map of intelligent connected vehicles shall implement a map review system. Before the basic map of intelligent connected vehicles is delivered for application or public use, the surveying and mapping qualification unit shall use the confidentiality processing technology recognized by the state to process it confidentially, and apply to the competent natural resources department with review authority for map review. If the map review number is not obtained in accordance with the law, it shall not be delivered for application or public use. The map review number of the basic map of intelligent connected vehicles is valid for two years. When the map review number expires, it shall be submitted for review again. The basic map of intelligent connected vehicles that has passed the review shall be stored and used in accordance with the relevant provisions of the surveying and mapping geographic information data results.
In addition, for basic maps of intelligent connected vehicles that have obtained a map review number, if the road scope changes beyond the relevant map review requirements, the collection element categories are newly added, or the data structure and format are converted, they should be resubmitted for review in accordance with the relevant provisions of map review; if there is no such situation, the surveying and mapping qualification unit should conduct a self-inspection of the incremental content and file it with the planning and natural resources authorities every 6 months. The planning and natural resources authorities shall conduct spot checks on the filing materials.
It is worth noting that the "Regulations" clearly stated that the relevant departments and units of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government encourage innovation and progress in the scientific and technological development of basic map surveying and mapping for intelligent connected vehicles, support the testing and verification of basic maps for intelligent connected vehicles under different technical routes and diversified application scenarios, promote the trial and demonstration application of new technologies, new products, and new business models, and promote the development of the basic map industry for intelligent connected vehicles.
According to the Regulations, the Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Department shall use information technology to improve the technical capabilities of auxiliary management, strengthen the supervision and management of intelligent connected vehicle basic maps, and provide convenient and efficient services for the public source collection and update, data security transmission, cloud service model, and incremental map rapid review. At the same time, it shall promote the construction of a standardized public service system for intelligent connected vehicle basic maps and establish an application model of public source update and co-construction and sharing. The Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Department shall, together with the Guangzhou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Department, guide and supervise the formulation of the Guangzhou Intelligent Connected Vehicle Basic Map Standard.
Text|Reporter Dong Pengcheng