
Meituan and Vanke Property jointly launched a rider-friendly community access solution, which will be connected to more than 3,000 communities by the end of August


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (Hubei Daily Online) (Reporter Jun Meng)Recently, the pain point of "difficulty in entering the gate" for riders has attracted much attention from the society. On August 23, as the records of Meituan riders' access rolled out on the big screen of the Wuhan Digital Operation Center of Vanke Cloud, Meituan and Vanke Property Management jointly launched the "Rider-Friendly Community Access Solution". The two leading companies have achieved data docking, and riders can use WeChat to scan the property applet code at the entrance of the community to achieve one-click registration and instant verification. The whole access process takes only a few seconds. The results of the cooperation between the two parties will be launched in more than 3,000 communities managed by Vanke Property Management within this month.
The solution has been tested in some communities. Xiao Wang, a food delivery rider at Wuhan Guanggu Huijing Community, gave a thumbs up to the new product. "Entering the community gate is a hurdle for riders to deliver orders, especially new riders who often encounter communication problems. Now it takes only a few seconds to complete automatic recognition with a mobile phone scan, and there is no need to register with the gatekeeper." Manager Li of the community property participated in the product test in advance. His keyword is peace of mind: "In the past, we had to urge riders to register various information. Now the new product is lighter and more standardized. The food delivery platform and the property company have each conducted training for this launch, which reduces a lot of communication misunderstandings."
Before entering the community, the rider scans the code and generates a pass code in just 5 seconds, which can be used to pass through the gate (Photo: Wen Ming)
The Social Work Department of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee attaches great importance to the problem of "difficulty in getting in" for riders, and strives to make breakthroughs from small incisions. According to the requirements of first providing services and then bringing out the effects, solving the problem of "difficulty in getting in" is used as the focus of services to gather new employment groups such as takeaway brothers, using the concept of co-creation, increasing overall coordination efforts, and exploring specific paths to solve the problem. Regarding the cross-border cooperation and co-construction between Meituan and Vanke Property, the Social Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee stated that to solve the practical problem of difficulty in getting in for takeaway brothers, it is necessary to give full play to the role of the "three-party linkage" mechanism, widely solicit opinions from owners, negotiate and solve different concerns of property management and takeaway services, and improve the effectiveness of grassroots governance. Meituan and Vanke Property, two leading companies in the industry, focus on grassroots governance problems, establish a communication and coordination mechanism between the takeaway platform and the property, and make positive and beneficial attempts to solve the problem of difficulty in getting in for riders, which not only provides a more convenient working environment for riders, but also expands new management methods for property management, which is conducive to jointly providing residents with more accurate and efficient services and achieving a win-win situation for all parties.
Yang Guanghui, deputy general manager of Vanke Cloud and chief partner of Vanke Property, said that behind this solution is the cooperation of the technologies of both companies. Based on the "minimum necessary" data collection, it provides "maximum possible" two-way support, which not only meets the efficiency of riders' passage, but also ensures the order of visitor registration in the community, turning industry pain points into service highlights. Vanke Property also fully feels Meituan's high attention to the rights and interests of riders. For example, in the "Rider-Friendly Community" project, Vanke Property will also actively participate in the co-construction, continuously improve the experience of the last 100 meters of delivery, and jointly provide high-quality services to owners. From the perspective of Vanke Cloud, we are also willing to help more property companies achieve docking with Meituan.
Zhang Ruoyu, general manager of Meituan Delivery, said that property management is the key to solving the problem of the last 100 meters of community food delivery. The cooperation process with Vanke Property Management fully demonstrated the digital capabilities of this leading property management company. The technology teams of both parties have made rapid progress since the docking, and the results can be implemented in more than 3,000 communities at one time in less than a month. Meituan will deepen cooperation with Vanke Property Management and contact more brand property management companies to accelerate the promotion of rider-friendly community access solutions, help more large communities to manage the entry and exit of food delivery personnel, and take into account the convenience of residents' lives and community order.