
"Things about China" African media: "Green" is full of vitality and "blue" is painted. China-Africa cooperation lays a solid foundation for a better future


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China Daily reported on August 22 that the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit will be held in Beijing from September 4 to 6, and the summit will focus on strengthening cooperation between China and Africa. The Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) reported on the 17th that the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2000 marked a new chapter in China-Africa relations. Speaking of China-Africa cooperation, people will think of a word - "kaleidoscope", which represents the fruitful results achieved in many fields of bilateral cooperation in recent years.
Energy transformation to "green" promotes sustainable development in Africa
Lack of modern energy services is a major obstacle to development in Africa and the entire "Global South". Recognizing the need to improve energy efficiency, Africa has identified green energy development as an area with great potential. China has always been an important partner in Africa's green transformation. Under the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, China has repeatedly emphasized its support for Africa's development of renewable energy projects, including the construction of solar and wind power stations, at previous summits. In addition, in 2021, China proposed to support Africa's transition to renewable energy by building 10 green energy projects and providing relevant training for 10,000 African professionals.
The article points out that in the past, Kenya's Garissa region relied on expensive and unreliable diesel generators. But now, this situation has completely changed, and the region is playing an important role in Kenya's economic development. Power outages are a thing of the past, and local businesses are able to thrive with uninterrupted power supply, and stable power supply is expected to attract more industrial investment in the region.
The 50MW photovoltaic power station in Garissa, Kenya, was built using a Chinese concessional loan. (Photo source: China Aid)
China has supported about a third of new grid-connected renewable energy capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa since 2000. Kenya has made great progress in expanding renewable energy with Chinese support.
At the same time, China has also had a significant impact on Ethiopia's green energy development. Renewable energy currently accounts for nearly 90% of Ethiopia's installed power capacity, compared to just 33% in 2010. The Adama wind power project has greatly improved Ethiopia's energy independence by diversifying energy sources and reducing dependence on fossil fuel imports. At the same time, the project plays an important role in meeting the country's growing energy needs, especially in rural areas.
As Kenya begins to embrace electric vehicles (EVs) and focuses on combating global warming, the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation provides opportunities for cooperation and investment. The article wrote that on the 61st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Kenya, Kenya should learn from China's successful economic strategies. For example, advocating respect for diverse civilizations and conducting international exchanges; China's protection of historical sites such as the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors also provides a reference for Kenya to promote the development of its own tourism industry and create jobs.
"Blue" economic linkage paints a bright future
The ocean connects countries and carries infinite hope. In recent years, under the framework of the "Belt and Road" Maritime Cooperation Vision and the "Belt and Road" Blue Cooperation Initiative, China has taken concrete measures to establish a blue partnership with Africa.
In the Vision for China-Africa Cooperation 2035 released at the 8th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in 2021, blue economy cooperation is listed as a "new growth point" that can "value-add and sustainably utilize marine resources." Infrastructure projects in this area create many jobs in Africa and help train much-needed engineers, technicians and other skilled professionals.
The embankment of the Lamu Port project was photographed in the Manda Bay in northeastern Kenya in May 2017. The embankment connects the mainland with the artificial land. (Photo source: Xinhua News Agency)
The Lamu Port project built by Chinese companies in Kenya is a good example. The project occupies an important position in Kenya's long-term development blueprint, the Vision 2030, and is part of Kenya's efforts to become a major trade hub in East Africa. More than three-quarters of the project's employees are Africans, and the customized training mechanism has been warmly welcomed by young Africans. A large number of skilled workers have been trained through more than 2,500 job opportunities. After the project is completed, they will be able to find new jobs and live a better life with the skills they have mastered.
Speaking of the achievements of China-Africa cooperation over the years, KBC wrote in an earlier report that from the eastern plateau to the western coast of Africa, from the landlocked countries in sub-Saharan Africa to the small island nations in the western Indian Ocean, the roads, railways, bridges, ports, schools, hospitals and power stations built with Chinese assistance are paving a better future for this land full of hope and potential.
“If you want to get rich, build roads first” is not only a Chinese proverb, but also an important experience of China’s own development. Based on this experience, China has been working with Africa for decades to build the transportation network needed to promote economic growth. The Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway (AADR) is a witness to this. It is a transportation artery connecting Ethiopia and Djibouti, and it is also the first standard gauge electrified railway in East Africa. It is a flagship project of the “Belt and Road” initiative and the “Ten Cooperation Plans” of the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.
Ahmed Shide, Ethiopian Finance Minister, said: "The Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway is an example of the growing prosperity of China-Africa relations. The China-Africa partnership has withstood the test of time, demonstrated resilience, and marks a brighter and stronger future." The article concluded that China's continued support for Africa's infrastructure development over the past decades has its roots in Confucianism. Quoting the words of Confucius in The Analects: "If you want to stand up, help others to stand up; if you want to succeed, help others to succeed." In other words, in the pursuit of its own development, China sincerely hopes that African countries, important members of the "Global South", will become prosperous and strong.
(Translated by Ma Rui, edited by Gao Linlin and Han He)
Source: China Daily
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