
Why did Leslie Cheung commit suicide? Ma Weidu tells the truth: he was abandoned


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The entertainment industry went haywire in April 2003!

Hong Kong superstar Leslie Cheung jumped from the 24th floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, bringing his 46-year brilliant life to an end.

This idol, affectionately called "Brother" by fans, left a huge joke to the world in such a horrifying way.

But what kind of sad story is hidden behind this seemingly absurd April Fool's Day?

Is it true, as Ma Weidu said, that my brother has been abandoned by this world?

The news of my brother's departure was like a bombshell, instantly detonating the entire Chinese entertainment industry.

The heartbroken cries of the fans seemed to pierce the sky, and the entrance of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel was flooded with flowers and cards.

The topic #张国荣死亡# on social media spread like wildfire, and it only took a few minutes for the number of readings to exceed 100 million.

Everyone is asking: What kind of devil took away our beloved brother?

Some people say it is the invisible killer of depression, while others guess it is the bumpy love life.

But the words of the well-known cultural scholar Ma Weidu cast a deeper shadow on this tragedy.

He said, "My brother has been abandoned by this world." This sentence makes people gasp.

Ma Weidu recalled their encounter in Beijing many years ago when Leslie Cheung was preparing for "Farewell My Concubine".

"At that time, there were stars in his eyes, as if the entire Milky Way was twinkling in his eyes." Ma Weidu exclaimed.

But when we met again, my brother's eyes were as dim as the moon covered by dark clouds.

What exactly made this once brilliant superstar become so sad?

Is it the criticism that follows you everywhere? Or is it the discrimination that penetrates your bones?

Perhaps it was the unbearable loneliness that pierced my brother's soft heart like a sharp sword.

Ma Weidu's memories seemed to open a window into his brother's inner world.

Through this window, we seem to be able to see how much unknown bitterness is hidden behind my brother’s smile under the spotlight.

When talking about my brother’s turning point, we have to mention the heart-breaking 1997 Golden Horse Awards ceremony.

That year, my brother should have been the only choice for the Best Actor award with his superb acting in "Happy Together".

Who would have thought that the award ceremony would turn into a blatant public execution.

The host kept talking about "gay love", "disgusting" and "perverted", and his words were full of disparagement of the film.

What's even worse is that he even made exaggerated vomiting gestures to make the audience laugh.

Oh my god! This is not an award ceremony, it's just a low-level joke.

Imagine you are sitting in the audience and your face is repeatedly enlarged on the big screen.

You hear laughter one after another, but you still have to force a smile and pretend nothing happened.

This feeling is probably more painful than being cut into pieces, right?

What’s even more heartbreaking is that when it came to the voting session, no one voted for my brother.

The judges' reasons were simply laughable: he was just using the role to express his inner world.

Come on, isn't this blatant discrimination? Isn't it the role that actors play to inject their own soul into it?

These so-called judges probably haven’t even touched the door of acting!

From that day on, my brother's smile seemed to be covered by a layer of haze, and was no longer as bright as before.

This scene was probably the last straw that broke the camel's back for my brother.

How painful would it be for a person to have his talent trampled upon like this?

Looking at this scene, I just want to say: This world is so unfair to my brother!

In my brother's turbulent life, there was a person who was like a ray of warm sunshine, illuminating the dark years of his childhood.

This person is the family nanny who is affectionately called "Sixth Sister" by my brother.

Speaking of which, my brother was born into a wealthy family in Hong Kong and should have lived a life of luxury.

But who could have thought that family affection, which cannot be bought with money, would become the greatest luxury in his childhood.

Dad is busy like a top, working hard for his career all day long; Mom is cold as ice, as if she has no interest in her youngest son.

Just when the little brother was about to be overwhelmed by indifference, the sixth sister was like a warm harbor, giving him full love.

Although the sixth sister did not receive much education, she taught her brother the principles of life through her actions.

Her love is sweeter than honey and warmer than sunshine, and it has become the most precious treasure in her brother's life.

For more than 20 years, no matter what stage of life my brother was in, my sixth sister was always his strongest support.

When she is at her lowest point, she is her brother's safe haven; when she is at her best, she is her brother's reassurance.

However, just when her brother needed support the most, her sixth sister suddenly fell ill.

The brother was extremely anxious and tried every means to send the sixth sister abroad for treatment, but was rejected.

In the end, the sixth sister passed away, leaving her brother alone to drift in the storms of the entertainment industry.

Having lost his last spiritual support, my brother completely collapsed.

Ma Weidu said that this might be the biggest regret in his brother's life, as if there was always a piece missing in his heart.

Imagine that when you are misunderstood and abandoned by the whole world, the only person who understands you leaves forever.

That kind of loneliness and despair is probably more terrifying than the end of the world, right?

The departure of Sixth Sister was like a heavy blow to Brother’s fragile heart.

From then on, my brother’s eyes no longer had the same brilliance as before, as if his soul had been sucked out of him.

The departure of Sixth Sister seemed to cast a huge question mark on Brother’s life.

Looking back at Leslie Cheung’s life, it is simply a gorgeous and sad movie.

He conquered countless audiences with his talent, but he was never able to conquer this prejudiced world.

From "Farewell My Concubine" to "Happy Together", my brother has interpreted one classic role after another with his superb acting skills.

Each character seems to be a part of his soul, shining with a unique light.

But in real life, he cannot escape the secular gaze, as if trapped in an invisible cage.

My brother once said something heartbreaking: "I have done good deeds all my life, but why do I have to be treated like this?"

This sentence reveals his inner pain and helplessness, which is very moving.

Ma Weidu said that Leslie Cheung was abandoned by the world. But is it really so?

Maybe this world is not tolerant enough to accept a unique soul.

My brother has been gone for 21 years, but the impact he left behind will never disappear.

His singing, his acting skills, and his smile are all deeply engraved in our memories.

Whenever the night is quiet, should we ask ourselves: In this world, how many people like Leslie Cheung are being "abandoned" by us invisibly?

Perhaps my brother’s passing is not just the fall of a superstar, but also a wake-up call to the world.

It reminds us to learn to be tolerant, to understand and to love.

Because everyone is unique and deserves to be treated kindly by this world.

Let us remember my brother’s smile, his talent and the thoughts he left to this world.

May there be no prejudice in heaven, and may my brother find true happiness and freedom there.

We should strive to create a more inclusive world where every soul can bloom freely.