
Good and evil will eventually be rewarded! From "the first host" to "infamous", Cao Kefan fell from the altar


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Do you believe in horoscopes? Do you believe that character determines destiny?

If you don’t believe it, then Cao Kefan’s life story will definitely surprise you!

The Young Man with Unlimited Scenery

Cao Kefan, a Shanghai boy born into a scholarly family.

I grew up under the careful care of my parents, and my academic performance from elementary school to university has always been among the top three.

His affluent family background allowed him to concentrate on pursuing his ideals, and the influence of his traditional medical family also laid a solid foundation for his future development.

Young Cao Kefan was extremely intelligent and had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

He often studied hard alone and knew medical books by heart.

His parents' earnest hope for their son to become successful has become the driving force for his continuous progress.

Not only that, Cao Kefan also showed extraordinary language talent and could speak fluent English and Japanese, which laid the foundation for his future hosting career.

After graduating from university, Cao Kefan became a student under a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Shanghai, where he devoted himself to practicing Chinese medicine diagnostic skills.

He was humble, studious and dedicated to his research. Not only did his medical skills become increasingly sophisticated, but his character was also widely praised.

The patients all said, "Doctor Cao is worthy of being from a noble family, and his medical ethics are impeccable."

During this period, Cao Kefan also used his spare time to participate in community free medical consultation activities, using his professional knowledge to provide assistance to vulnerable groups, and won wide praise.

However, the gears of fate have already started turning quietly.

In 1987, Cao Kefan served as the host of a program when he participated in a campus activity.

His sense of humor and ability to respond on the spot impressed the whole audience. From then on, the dream of becoming a host quietly sprouted in his heart.

This accidental experience became a key turning point in changing the trajectory of his life.

The dream-chasing boy soars into the sky

The transition from doctor to host seems abrupt, but it is also reasonable.

After all, how could a confident and talented teenager be willing to hide in a white coat in a hospital all his life?

Deep down, Cao Kefan longs for a bigger stage and wants to influence more people with his talents.

Cao Kefan's hosting career can be described as soaring.

In 1995, he was recruited by Shanghai Dragon TV and became a new star host.

With his excellent comprehensive qualities, he quickly made a name for himself in Shanghai and even across the country.

His medical background and rich knowledge allow him to be at ease in all kinds of programs, whether they are popular science programs or talk shows.

During his time at Dragon TV, Cao Kefan felt like a fish in water. His keen observation skills and eloquent conversation quickly made him stand out among his peers.

Whether he is interviewing or hosting, he is always able to handle it with ease and bring the atmosphere to a climax.

He is good at capturing the emotional changes of the interviewees and asking sharp yet warm questions at the right time, allowing the audience to feel a real and profound communication.

In 2003, his own talk show "Kefan Listens" became all the rage and its ratings remained high for a long time.

Cao Kefan became famous overnight for his sharp and humorous hosting style, and people affectionately called him "Shanghai's No. 1 Host."

His interviews always hit the nail on the head, making the stars laugh with tears or cry with laughter, and the audience was simply mesmerized.

In the program, Cao Kefan not only focuses on entertainment topics, but also often discusses social hot issues, showing a strong sense of social responsibility, which makes his program more profound and influential.

Everything was moving in a good direction. Cao Kefan's career was at its peak and he became an idol pursued by countless young people.

However, success brings not only glory, but also temptations and challenges.

Cao Kefan began to indulge in his own achievements and gradually forgot his original intention.

Until one day, his personality suddenly collapsed...

The idol's image collapsed

In 2006, when Cao Kefan was interviewing the Chinese architectural master I.M. Pei, he made some shocking remarks that seemed disrespectful in questioning an elder.

Regardless of Pei's age and status, he raised some sharp and inappropriate questions, which caused widespread controversy.

In the same year, he and actress Huang Shengyi had a public argument on the show, which shocked the audience.

Cao Kefan seemed to have forgotten the professional ethics that a host should have and brought his personal emotions into the show.

Gradually, people discovered that Cao Kefan seemed like a different person.

He became increasingly aggressive on the show, often using rude words, and was particularly ruthless towards newcomers.

The original humor and thoughtfulness are gone, replaced by a condescending look.

He began to abuse his influence, arbitrarily judging others on the show, and even showed no sympathy for some disadvantaged groups in society.

This once humble and polite rising star host seems to have been blinded by fame and fortune.

He began to act arrogant and look down on everyone, as if the whole world should revolve around him.

In private, he also indulged in pleasure, his morals declined, and he gradually lost himself.

There are rumors that he began to frequent high-end clubs, had close contacts with some illegal businessmen, and even participated in some gray transactions.

To make matters worse, Cao Kefan's private life also fell into a quagmire.

Negative news broke out one after another: secretly filming, prostitution, fraud...

This once highly respected host has now become a despised and hated person.

The media began to dig up his negative information and expose his various inappropriate behaviors in the show, such as secretly asking guests to answer questions according to the script, and even threatening some small stars that their development would be affected if they did not cooperate.

For a moment, the hearts of former fans were broken.

People can't help but wonder, how much temptation does a person have to endure to fall to this point?

Cao Kefan’s star journey came to an abrupt end just like that.

In 2015, he publicly belittled a reality show contestant, and was fought back by Jin Xing and others. For a time, the war of words almost turned into a full-scale fight.

Since then, he has completely become a marginal figure in the entertainment industry and has never been able to make a comeback.

This dispute not only exposed Cao Kefan's arrogance, but also allowed the public to see his inner restlessness and emptiness.

The down-and-out host complains about himself

Today, Cao Kefan can only smile bitterly and self-deprecatingly in interviews that "the halo of the number one host has long since vanished into thin air."

He regretted his arrogance in the past, but he could no longer win back the hearts of the people.

His former glorious achievements have now become a weapon for mocking him. People always compare his past success with his current downfall, which makes him feel extremely tormented.

He tried to find another way out in the entertainment industry, but he couldn't even play a supporting role well.

The producer mocked him, "The audience will know it's you as soon as you appear on the stage, so what's the point of acting?" This sentence revealed the cruel fact that he could not return to his past glory.

Cao Kefan found that the image of host he had created over the years had been deeply rooted in people's hearts and the audience could not accept his transformation.

He tried to act in some online dramas, but was always criticized by the audience for his poor acting skills.

Even though they occasionally make some outrageous remarks on social media in an attempt to gain some attention, they are mostly met with ridicule and abuse.

It is really sad that the former favored child of heaven has now become a has-been internet celebrity.

The content he posted on social platforms often caused controversy. Sometimes it was inappropriate comments on social phenomena, and sometimes it was malicious attacks on his former peers. These behaviors only worsened his image.

Looking back on the past, Cao Kefan's heart was filled with regret.

He regretted being young and arrogant and not knowing how to be humble; he regretted being obsessed with sensual pleasures and losing himself.

I regret even more that I didn’t cherish the audience’s love and ended up losing everything.

He began to reflect on the trajectory of his life, trying to find the root cause of his downfall.

In a late-night talk show, he expressed deep remorse and said that if he could do it again, he would definitely cherish his career and treat every audience and guest with a more humble and responsible attitude.

Today, this high-spirited young man has become just like everyone else.

The glory of the past is like a flash in the pan, fleeting.

And his once highly anticipated hosting career has long since fallen apart.

Life is like a play, it all depends on one thought.

Cao Kefan's story has become a warning to the entertainment industry, reminding newcomers to always keep their original intentions and not be blinded by fame and fortune.


Cao Kefan's life is indeed thought-provoking.

He once had a good family background, superb talents, and was at the peak of his career, but he ultimately succumbed to his greed, conceit, and indulgence.