
Major Internet companies have launched an anti-corruption campaign, and these behaviors involve corruption!


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Recently, Douyin Group released the "Douyin Group Anti-Fraud Report for the First Half of 2024", disclosing anti-fraud data for the first half of this year and typical cases transferred to the judiciary. Since the beginning of this year, Internet giants such as Douyin, Tencent, and Meituan have issued annual and semi-annual anti-fraud reports, expressing "zero tolerance" for fraud and corruption.
Commercial bribery and occupational embezzlement have become the focus of crackdowns
In recent years, commercial bribery and embezzlement have become the focus of Internet companies' fight against fraud and corruption.
In the first half of 2024, Douyin Group investigated and dealt with 125 fraud-related violation cases, of which 88 people were dismissed for violating the integrity red line, and 17 people were transferred to judicial authorities for suspected crimes. In the "Douyin Group Anti-Fraud Bulletin in the First Half of 2024", Douyin announced 8 cases that were transferred to judicial authorities.
In case one, former e-commerce employees Li, Zhu, and Xu took advantage of their positions to seek improper benefits for external influencers or service providers and accepted bribes. Their behavior violated the employee code of conduct, and the group has dismissed the three people. At the same time, the three people were suspected of committing crimes and have been transferred to the public security organs for handling. In other cases, expressions such as "taking advantage of their positions", "providing improper assistance to external anchors/service providers/agents", and "accepting bribes" also appeared frequently.
Employment is also a key focus of Internet companies' anti-corruption efforts.
At the beginning of this year, Tencent Group’s Anti-Fraud Investigation Department announced the anti-fraud situation in 2023. During the year, more than 70 cases of violating "Tencent’s Red Lines" were discovered and investigated. More than 120 people were dismissed for violating "Tencent’s Red Lines", and nearly 20 people were transferred to the public security organs for suspected crimes.
Among the 17 typical cases announced by Tencent, more than 60% involved the misappropriation of company assets. In case 1, Gao Qiyuan, formerly from the CSIG Cloud Business Development Department, and Wang Qi, formerly from the CSIG Cloud Product Department, illegally misappropriated company assets by taking advantage of their positions. After trial by the court, Gao Qiyuan was convicted of the crime of occupational misappropriation and sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of RMB 100,000; Wang Qi was convicted of the crime of occupational misappropriation and sentenced to three years and six months in prison and a fine of RMB 80,000.
The upstream and downstream sectors have become the hardest hit areas
The reporter found that, in general, many of the business departments where employees involved in corruption announced by Internet companies are located are involved in upstream supply chains and downstream sales links.
Meituan announced at the beginning of this year that it assisted the public security department in filing cases against 93 internal and external personnel suspected of crimes in 2023. Among the 9 suspected criminal cases announced by Meituan, the fraud and corruption in 7 cases occurred in the procurement of fresh goods, snacks, warehouse decoration and other links, involving Meituan Youxuan, Xiaoxiang Supermarket, Meituan Flash Purchase, Meituan Hotel and other business departments.
Meituan stated that in 2024, it will continue to focus on promoting full-chain governance of fraud and corruption in key areas such as commodity procurement, service procurement, product parts and components procurement, and major business cooperation, eliminate systemic risks of fraud and corruption, and jointly build and share an honest and trustworthy cooperative ecosystem with the majority of honest and trustworthy partner companies.
The Douyin Group’s report shows that in 2023, a total of 177 fraud-related violation cases were investigated and dealt with, of which 136 people were dismissed for violating the integrity red line, and 23 people were transferred to judicial authorities for suspected crimes. Among the 9 cases announced by Douyin that were transferred to judicial authorities for commercial bribery, fraud or embezzlement, 4 cases involved a business segment called "China Sales Business Platform", and the remaining business segments involved were Douyin, Tomato Novels, e-commerce, life services, etc.
In this regard, Liu Xiaochun, executive director of the Internet Rule of Law Research Center of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that the leading Internet companies are huge in scale and involve a large number of resource allocation issues in the upstream and downstream links. Therefore, it is inevitable that some illegal operations will occur under huge profits.
Promoting the establishment of anti-corruption mechanisms
In recent years, major Internet companies have continued to promote the construction of anti-corruption mechanisms to prevent and control fraud and corruption incidents.
Tencent stated in its annual anti-fraud report that it has formulated anti-fraud systems such as the "Tencent High Voltage Line" and established a sound risk management system to prevent, detect and combat all fraudulent behaviors such as commercial bribery and occupational embezzlement. Douyin said that it attaches great importance to operating in accordance with laws and regulations, constantly improving the construction of the system, and strengthening the internal and external promotion of compliance culture and reporting channels. Meituan said that it will continue to promote the construction of compliance systems in various cooperation fields and continuously improve risk control capabilities.
In March this year, the Beijing Daxing District Procuratorate and the Sunshine Integrity Alliance issued the "Internet Enterprise Integrity and Compliance Initiative", which stated that corporate integrity and compliance governance agencies and top managers play a leading role in the integrity and compliance management system.
It also pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen risk control and improve mechanisms for key positions in Internet companies. For example, in order to address the risks of setting up separate fees, specifying suppliers, rebates or kickbacks, breaking up or splitting orders, and delaying business in procurement positions, measures can be taken to establish and improve the bidding system, establish a relationship review mechanism, establish a procurement power supervision mechanism, strictly implement the approval responsibility system, and conduct key reviews of unique procurement projects.
Liu Xiaochun said that no matter for the government or enterprises, fraud and corruption have their own rules. In terms of post-event governance, we should take the attitude and determination to summarize common corruption patterns and methods, strengthen the attention and crackdown on key links and behaviors, and adopt more thorough and precise crackdown measures.
"Beforehand, a code of conduct for employees should be established, corresponding sanctions should be formulated, and a regular internal audit system should be established to continuously improve compliance construction."
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