
Boston Dynamics humanoid robot performs push-ups, 8 in one go! First exposure of results after transformation


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Doing 8 push-ups in one breath, Boston Dynamics Atlas has a new job!

Not only does it look easy to complete, but the movements are also quite standard (elbows and ankles are always kept at 90 degrees, and the whole body is in a straight line).

The process of standing up is also very steady, and the squatting is very upright, and it feels like he will salute in the next second. [doge]

The more special thing is, did you notice? The robot Atlas has no hands! ! (It is equivalent toPush-ups, another day of being killed by robots...)

The above is from Reddit usersRSS 2024This is a scene captured at the Robotics Summit. This slide shows how robots can make surprisingly good decisions when dealing with non-convex problems (i.e., the objective function or constraints are not convex) using nonlinear model predictive control (Nonlinear MPC) with direct optimization.

After watching Atlas show off his muscles, some netizens expressed excitedly:

Really good, put the "power" in Boston Dynamics

Some even "sympathized" with Atlas and confidently asserted:

Poor guy has no hands, but can certainly beat figure02.

The latest achievements after hydraulic to electric drive

In April this year, Boston Dynamics' humanoid robot officially announced its transition from hydraulic to all-electric drive.

You know, before this, Boston Atlas was known for its complex and precise movements, which was due to its different electric drive scheme from the most commonly used humanoid robots on the market.Hydraulic drive solution

At that time, it was widely speculated that“Commercialization”It is the main reason why Boston switched to electric drive.

After all, the hydraulic drive solution is really too expensive——

The industry estimates that the manufacturing cost of a hydraulic version of Atlas isUp to $2 million(approximately RMB 14.47 million).

Due to the high costs, industry players generally chose electric drive solutions, such as Musk's Optimus Prime, Figure invested by OpenAI, domestic Xiaomi humanoid robots, Zhihuijun's Expedition A1, etc.

Now, when everyone has chosen electric drive, a new point of competition has arrived again.

This is not.A pair of flexible robotic armsIt became the focus of discussion:

At first glance, the "hand" of Boston Atlas stands out.No fingers

This also triggered complaints from netizens:

It’s 2024, and Boston Dynamics still has no hands!

However, one netizen replied below:

Obviously, compared with other parts of the robot, the dexterous robot hand is the most difficult to develop.

Some further speculate that it is not just a technical reason:

The requirement for 5 fingers is not practical at the moment, that's why they haven't implemented it yet.

Well, we can fight with just one hand~

Recently, netizens who like to watch the fun have launched a“The most powerful humanoid robot today”vote:

The result is that the Tesla Optimus Prime 2, which was released 9 months ago, is still "far ahead".

Humanoid robots are really popular recently

Just three days ago, Figure 02, known as the "strongest on earth", was released.

The company behind this is Figure Robotics, which was selected by OpenAI and jointly invested by Nvidia, Microsoft and Bezos.

This time Figure 02 goes directly intoBMW FactoryWorking part-time, whether it is taking steel or assembling equipment, it is no problem~

This reminded everyone of the Optimus that had also entered the Tesla factory before. Netizens who were watching the fun even made aCompare on the same screen

In contrast, most netizens agree that:

(Figure 02)Isn’t it just a “copy” of the Tesla Optimus Prime 2 from 9 months ago?

This has sparked another "plagiarism" debate...

While all this is going on, our domestic humanoid robots are about to make their collective debut:

August 21-25, 2024World Robot ConferenceIt will be held in Yizhuang, Beijing. Friends who are looking forward to seeing the latest progress of domestic humanoid robots can code it~

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