
Han wedding parade, ingenuity challenge, book appreciation, intangible cultural heritage interaction, the Chinese Valentine's Day in Renfengli, a thousand-year-old street, is more than romantic


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The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the Chinese Valentine's Day. In the ancient city of Guangling, Yangzhou, Renfengli, traditional cultural customs and modern fashion blend together, complementing each other and exuding more traditional cultural charm. From August 9 to 10, the 2024 "Renfengli·Meet you"-Renfengli & Golden Eagle Third Chinese Valentine's Day Folk Culture Event kicked off here. The ancient city's thousand-year-old street joins hands with the modern business district to present a romantic folk culture feast that combines tradition and modernity.
Wedding Parade
Happy Market
Tourists follow the Han Wedding Parade and travel through a thousand years of romance
As night fell, a grand Han wedding parade was staged on the ancient street. The bride-sending team, dressed in festive and gorgeous Han costumes, set out from the Renfengli small theater and headed north, walking on the bluestone road, traveling through time and space, and bringing the romance of a thousand years ago to the eyes of modern people. After leaving the north entrance of Renfengli, the team slowly moved along Wenchang Middle Road. This section was originally named Sanyuan Lane, which not only commemorates the three champions in this lane during the Song Dynasty, but also has the beautiful meaning of winning three championships in a row. In the old days, this place was a must-go for marriage. The reporter of Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News saw that the modest gentleman wore official uniforms and futou, and the graceful lady wore a phoenix crown and xiapei. There were also maids holding palace lanterns and fans, and musicians playing musical instruments in the team. Many tourists followed the team and became one of them.
Afterwards, on the main stage of the Golden Eagle North Plaza, a carefully planned Han wedding ceremony pushed the atmosphere to a climax. The bride and groom followed the etiquette of the ancient wedding, completing the steps of worshipping in the hall, washing hands, sitting together, drinking from the same cup, etc., perfectly presenting the solemnity and elegance of the ancient wedding in the modern city. Miss Li from Shanghai said happily: "It's great, the aesthetics of our ancestors are absolutely online. I am also considering holding a wedding in this Chinese style. I will study it carefully when I go back."
Festive scene
Intangible cultural heritage inheritors interacted with tourists, and many people added WeChat on the spot to learn
The Qixi Festival, also known as the Qiqiao Festival and the Daughter's Festival, is a festival for ancient women to show their talents and pray for dexterity. At the same time, the seventh day of the seventh lunar month is also the birthday of Kuixing, who is in charge of literary fortune, so it is highly valued by scholars. Entering the mural area at the north entrance of Renfengli, the folk custom interactive area has set up four levels: threading a needle to pray for dexterity, throwing a needle to test dexterity, Qixi knotting dexterity, and Kuixing begging for dexterity.
At the scene, Yangzhou folklore expert and municipal intangible cultural heritage inheritor Xia Meizhen was interacting with citizens and tourists: "Threading a needle to beg for skill is the earliest way to beg for skill, which began in the Han Dynasty. Women hold silk threads and continuously thread the needle. The faster they thread, the more skill they beg for." Many tourists tried it, holding their breath, concentrating, carefully threading the thread, and "immersively" experiencing traditional folk customs. In the relaxed and pleasant interactive atmosphere, many citizens and tourists passed the levels one after another and felt the beautiful meaning of "begging for skill on the Qixi Festival".
The reporter noticed that in order to enrich the festival experience of citizens and tourists, the block invited dozens of local intangible cultural heritage inheritors to promote the integration of traditional festivals and intangible cultural heritage creation based on elements such as Yangzhou embroidery, paper cutting, and rope weaving, and to show the cultural charm of the ancient city. Huang Dandan, the inheritor of Yangzhou embroidery intangible cultural heritage, sat quietly in front of the embroidery stall, embroidering her works slowly and steadily, with tourists crowded on the side. "I am now embroidering an original work called Yuexia Lao, which was created specifically for the Chinese Valentine's Day." Huang Dandan said: "Many young people watched my embroidery process on the spot, and added my WeChat and said they wanted to come and learn. I especially like to make friends with such young people."
Romantic Chinese Valentine's Day
Did you know that it was once a "fashion trend" to dry books on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month?
According to folklore experts, there is another special custom on the Qixi Festival - drying books. It is said that in the Tang and Song dynasties, drying books on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month was a "fashion trend". At the market, the owner of the Renjian Xiaowen Study set up a stall: "We have dried books in the study during the day, and brought these books here to dry again at night. I hope more people will understand the custom of drying books and pass on the practice of cherishing books, sharing good books, and respecting knowledge." The reporter saw that the most read book by young people on the drying book stall was "Annotations to the Long and Short Poems of Huaihai Layman" by Qin Guan, a talented scholar from Gaoyou, Yangzhou in the Song Dynasty. "The thin clouds are playing tricks, the flying stars are conveying hatred, and the Milky Way is crossing the dark distance." It is a good sentence to appreciate together on the Qixi Festival, which is appropriate for the time, the scene and the people.
The reporter saw that various performances and exhibitions in the block allowed citizens and tourists to immerse themselves in a fun world of traditional culture. In the interactive area of ​​"Meet You and Have a Trip on the Chinese Valentine's Day", tourists checked in on the spot, wrote prayer bookmarks, and felt the romance and affection of the Chinese Valentine's Day; in the swing area, love songs sung in the name of love and pleasant band performances made people wander in a wonderful literary and artistic atmosphere; in the Renfengli small theater, a fascinating suspense stage play was being performed, and the audience decided its ending...
According to the organizer, while celebrating the Chinese Valentine's Day, this event also advocates the spirit of volunteer service, and specially launched the Light Up Starry Night "Three Knives" Night Practice Volunteer Service Project, where volunteers from Jiangsu Tourism Vocational College and Spark Volunteer Association provide public welfare services such as pedicure, haircut, and hand-made buns for citizens and tourists, as well as national reading and anti-pornography and anti-illegal publicity. According to the relevant person in charge of the block, Renfengli carries out these folk activities, on the one hand, to increase the festive atmosphere and let tourists experience the beautiful and romantic Chinese Valentine's Day; on the other hand, it is also to inherit and carry forward Chinese traditional culture, promote the integration of culture and tourism, and boost cultural and tourism consumption.
Correspondent Guangxuan Zhu Juan Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Chen Yong
Proofreading Faye Wong