
How many consumer traps are there in the shopping store? | Tracking


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Cover News reporter Yang Ruiwen Photos provided by the interviewee
Recently, an online blogger named "Filter Crusher" exposed a low-cost tour group and a jewelry store in Leshan City, which staged a "boss" marketing and sales campaign, which attracted the attention of netizens.
The blogger told the Cover News reporter that the low-price tour group he participated in encountered a "female boss" inspecting the work when buying jade. She was very generous and gave everyone a "discount price" to guide consumption. When the clerk next to him "worriedly" suggested that the price was too low, the female boss waved her hand and said, "Do what I say." This gave everyone a psychological hint that they had "picked up a bargain", but they only realized that they had suffered a loss after buying the things.
Such low-cost travel scams by "rich second-generations" are not isolated cases in major scenic spots across the country. Lawyers say that if the "bosses" have fabricated their identities, or if the jade is not identified as jade or does not meet the grade or quality they marked or advertised, then there is false statement and false propaganda, which constitutes fraud against consumers and they may be punished by the market supervision department.
Low-cost tour group encounters "boss" inspecting work
On-the-spot discounts guide consumption
"I experienced the low-cost tour group version of "The Birth of the Actors." Recently, the blogger "Filter Crusher" with millions of followers on Bilibili released a video, saying that he signed up for a low-cost tour group to go on a two-day tour to Leshan, Sichuan. He encountered a low-cost tour group that was full of tricks and all the members were possessed by acting spirits. One of the parts, "he encountered a domineering president inspecting and offered huge discounts on the spot to guide consumption," was even more hard to guard against.
The blogger recalled to the Cover News reporter that he spent 280 yuan at the end of July to sign up for a low-cost tour group for a two-day tour from Chengdu to Leshan and Mount Emei. When he was visiting the Chan Jingtang jewelry store in Jiadingfang, Shizhong District, Leshan City, he suddenly met an "uninvited guest."
"At first they said there would be a tea artist performance. While we were waiting, a woman suddenly walked in. The staff on site suddenly became nervous when they saw her expression and called her 'General Manager Gao', which made people feel that a big leader or a very powerful person had come."
After learning that the originally scheduled tea artist had not arrived yet, "General Gao" walked forward and introduced herself to everyone as one of the persons in charge here. This store is also her family business. She herself graduated from Wuhan University of Geosciences (later investigation revealed that such a school does not exist) and is quite proficient in jade knowledge.
After introducing the excellent quality of his own black jade, without waiting for anyone to speak, "Mr. Gao" generously stated that he would not make any profit and would only charge for materials. He then gave everyone a 10% discount on the original price tag, which caused the surrounding staff to "not be able to resist" stepping forward to stop this "impulsive" behavior.
After an argument with the shopping guides in front of everyone, "General Gao" shouted in a domineering tone: "You do what I say." The shopping guides had no choice but to issue the invoices with "sullen faces."
Mr. Gao asked sales staff to "do what I say"
The blogger showed the reporter the black jade inlaid with gold that he bought for 1,400 yuan, and said that he had asked several second-hand stores to appraise it, and they all believed that its true value was much lower than the actual purchase price.
Blogger purchased black jade voucher in Leshan
The black jade purchased by the blogger
Another member of the group, Ms. Xie (pseudonym), also confirmed the incident to the reporter, saying, "I didn't feel anything at the time, but when I came back and thought about it, I felt something was wrong." She commented that it was "all a routine."
The nationwide low-cost travel scams of the "rich second generation" are dazzling
The identity is fake and is an ordinary staff member
"Bosses" have never been regional. It is not difficult to find out from social platforms that the low-cost travel scams of "rich second generation" have already appeared in many tourist cities across the country.
Many netizens on social platforms have described how they encountered the low-price group tricks of the "rich second generation"
Xiao Lin (pseudonym), a citizen from Jiangsu, recalled that she had the same experience at the Zhangjiajie Jade Museum. She said that a young man suddenly walked into the room, claiming to be the boss's son. He behaved very humble and politely, saying that he was doing jadeite raw stone business in Myanmar, and his father asked him to come here for an internship and prepare to take over the family business.
"Although people around me treat me with respect, they actually look down on me behind my back and think I'm just a rich second-generation who knows how to spend money."
The young man was very nervous and honest. He asked everyone after speaking a few sentences, "Did I speak well? Are you willing to listen? Please give me some face and sit for a while. Today is my first lecture. I am afraid that you will not like it. It will be embarrassing for the employees to see it later."
After everyone listened to his story with respect, the man began to introduce the gold-inlaid jade of the twelve zodiac animals, and then asked the clerk how much it cost. After learning that it was 6,280 yuan, the young man said it was too expensive and the cost would be no more than 2,000 yuan. When the salesperson objected that "this price system cannot be made", the young man waved his hand and said that he would take responsibility for the subsequent problems.
"At first we thought this guy was very genuine and revealed all his background." The young man's early performance left a very good impression on everyone, and everyone, including Xiaolin, took out their wallets to make purchases to "appreciate his kindness."
However, after going back to the appraisal, Xiao Lin found that the jadeite he bought for tens of thousands of yuan was only worth a few hundred yuan. "Later, I learned that there are so many scams pretending to be rich second-generations. I was really taken advantage of."
The reporter saw that CCTV had reported such incidents in 2018. Without exception, the tourists in the news had encountered "heirs to shopping stores" during their low-priced tours. These second-generation rich people who "inherited 5 billion yuan in assets" were generous and enthusiastic, willing to sell the store's valuable jewelry to tourists at low prices, seizing the consumers' desire to get a bargain and leading them into shopping traps.
CCTV previously exposed the low-cost travel of the "rich second generation" from the Internet
CCTV reporters secretly visited some of the shops involved and found that the identities of the "rich second generation" in the stores were fake. They were actually store lecturers and had no family relationship with the boss. They were just ordinary staff members. The account books showed that the sales of the "rich second generation" in half a month had a turnover of nearly 300,000 yuan, of which 40% was dividends to travel agencies. A Hetian jade bracelet had a purchase price of 85 yuan and was priced at 28,800 yuan.
Relevant departments: Will conduct investigations in accordance with laws and regulations
Lawyer: If the identity is fabricated or it constitutes fraud to consumers
Regarding the merchants and travel agencies exposed by the blogger, the reporter learned that the Leshan City Shizhong District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has paid attention to the matter and will work with relevant departments to conduct an investigation in accordance with the law. The Chengdu Cultural Market Comprehensive Law Enforcement Corps also carried out corresponding work at the first time and will formally file a case against the relevant personnel.
If the identity of the "boss" is false, is it a fraud? Under the miserable performance of the "boss", do consumers need to pay for all impulsive purchases that lose their reason? How should the rights of consumers be protected?
The Cover News reporter contacted Zhao Liangshan, senior partner of Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm and well-known public interest lawyer, and Zhao Xiaoyan, a lawyer at Sichuan Jiashan Law Firm.
Zhao Liangshan pointed out that the most obvious characteristic of the fraud of selling goods by pretending to be a boss is that the seller gains the trust of consumers by fabricating the identity of a boss and fabricating facts, and then sells inferior goods at high prices, and the selling price of the goods is far from the real value. Zhao Xiaoyan believes that if there is evidence to prove that the real identity is not the "boss", or if it is not jade after identification or does not meet the grade or quality they marked or advertised, then there is false statement and false propaganda, which constitutes fraud to consumers, and the market supervision department can punish the store.
Zhao Liangshan pointed out that if consumer fraud is established, Article 148 of the Civil Code clearly stipulates that if one party uses fraudulent means to make the other party perform a civil legal act against his true intention, the defrauded party has the right to request the People's Court or arbitration institution to revoke it. Consumers can request the cancellation of the sale and purchase behavior of both parties and claim a refund. At the same time, according to Article 4 of the Advertising Law, advertisements shall not contain false or misleading content and shall not deceive or mislead consumers. Advertisers shall be responsible for the authenticity of the content of the advertisements. According to the relevant provisions of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, the Market Supervision Administration may impose administrative penalties on sellers for false propaganda.
The two lawyers reminded that consumers should pay attention to improving their ability to identify, and should not blindly listen to the introduction and publicity of merchants. They can ask merchants to provide relevant certificates of products for comparison and verification. If it is an online purchase, such as buying through live broadcast, it is recommended to record the live broadcast. If a dispute occurs, the transaction snapshots, orders, live broadcast recordings, chat records with customer service, and unboxing videos of the goods can all be used as evidence to facilitate rights protection. Once consumers find that they have been deceived, they can report to the local Consumer Rights Protection Association or sue the court for rights protection; if they are suspected of fraud, they can choose to report to the police.
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