
The real "junk food" has been found out. Three types of food are harmful to the liver and destroy the liver. It is better to "blacklist" them as soon as possible.


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As the saying goes, "People who eat grains will suffer from a hundred diseases."

Eating habits largely determine the health status of the body, and unhealthy eating is harmful to the health.

In recent years, liver problems have become a common health problem in my country. More than half of the people who suffer from liver health problems every year in the world are in my country, which has a lot to do with some unhealthy eating habits.

The real "junk food" has been found out. These three types of food are harmful to the liver and can destroy the liver. Unfortunately, many people treat them as treasures and eat them every day. I advise you to "blacklist" them as soon as possible.

1. Pickled vegetables

The original purpose of "pickling" was to better preserve food. Nowadays, we have more and better ways to preserve food, but pickled vegetables are still very popular and active on the tables of many families, thanks to their unique flavor.

But it should be noted that during the pickling process of vegetables, the nitrates in them will gradually be converted into nitrites, especially in homemade pickled vegetables. Due to the irregular pickling method, the nitrite content will be higher.