
Anchored in modernization and further deepening reform | A "classification" solution to a test question


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The high-speed rail rushed from Shanghai to Anhui, carrying Wang Fei's determination to make the water-saving and drought-resistant rice "Huhan 1516" a "big single product" with a planting area of ​​over one million mu. Not long ago, the "Huhan 1516" he bred was transferred to Anhui Quanyin Hi-Tech Seed Co., Ltd. for 400,000 yuan plus sales commission. These days, he frequently traveled between Shanghai and Anhui in the scorching heat to guide company employees to accelerate the development of Anhui and Jiangsu markets.

Wang Feiming is a breeding expert at the Shanghai Agricultural Biological Gene Center. At the end of 2022, the "Huhan 1516" that he had cultivated for seven or eight years passed the national new crop variety approval and became the first water-saving and drought-resistant conventional rice variety to pass the national approval. With this breakthrough application result, Wang Feiming was "exceptional" hired as an applied research talent in the new round of job competition in the unit with the title of associate researcher, and the salary is equivalent to that of a researcher.

"Seeing the first-level job evaluation standards for applied research talents, I felt that it was tailor-made. The rigid requirements for the number of research projects and papers published have been removed from the application conditions. Whether there are breakthrough application results has become the key evaluation indicator," said Wang Feiming.

How to "set new standards" after "breaking the four criteria"? How to make good use of talents around national scientific and technological tasks, innovate the evaluation mechanism of scientific and technological talents, and stimulate the innovative vitality of scientific researchers? The "Decision" reviewed and adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee pointed out that we should deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism and establish a talent evaluation system oriented to innovation ability, quality, effectiveness and contribution.

Carrying out a pilot reform of the evaluation of scientific and technological talents is a task assigned to Shanghai by the state. In 2023, Shanghai will include it in its key tasks and release the "Shanghai Science and Technology Talent Evaluation Comprehensive Reform Pilot Plan". The Municipal Science and Technology Commission selected 6 units to carry out the pilot based on the previous research, and the Shanghai Agricultural Biological Gene Center is one of them.

The Gene Center is a public welfare scientific research institution engaged in the collection, preservation, research and utilization of agricultural biological gene resources. It has won the first national science and technology award in Shanghai's agricultural field, "Water-saving and Drought-resistant Rice", and owns the "Seed Ark" with the largest rice resources in the world. Among the 56 staff members of the center, 55 are scientific researchers, but their division of labor and scientific research goals are quite different: some are engaged in basic research, some focus on breeding new varieties, and some are deeply engaged in supporting technologies and scientific and technological services. How to guide various types of scientific researchers to make full use of their talents and achieve success according to the type of innovation activities, with innovation value, ability and contribution as the guide, is a test question facing the Gene Center.

Gong Liying, Party Secretary and Director of the Gene Center, said that under the guidance of the Municipal Agricultural Committee and the Municipal Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Center's Academic Committee focused on "what to evaluate, who to evaluate, how to evaluate, and how to use", and classified and assessed the scientific and technological talents who undertook major scientific and technological tasks, basic research, applied research, technology development, social welfare research and other different types of scientific research activities into four categories: basic work, basic research, applied research and scientific and technological services. As a result, the promotion channel for scientific researchers has changed from a "single-plank bridge" to an "overpass" that leads in all directions.

Wang Feiming studied under Luo Lijun, the chief scientist of the Gene Center and the father of water-saving and drought-resistant rice. He has been engaged in breeding for 16 years, but his title has always been "stuck" at associate researcher. One of the main reasons is that he lacks experience in leading scientific research projects. After the implementation of classified assessment, the key to the evaluation and appointment of applied research talents is breakthrough application results. This allows Wang Feiming, who has a nationally approved variety, to be rated as a first-level applied research talent, and at the same time he can devote more time to the transformation of results. At present, "Huhan 1516" has signed authorization licenses with 4 companies, with a total amount of more than 2 million yuan. The planting area has covered the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and is expanding to the north.

With the advancement of the talent evaluation reform pilot, the Gene Center's Achievement Promotion Department has attracted a corporate talent with ten years of field production management experience. Zhao Hongyang, director of the Gene Center's Achievement Promotion Department, told reporters that the new employee is an undergraduate student. According to previous standards, he could only start as the most basic assistant agronomist (fourth-level position) in the agricultural system; according to the classification assessment standards, with many years of front-line production experience, he can be rated as an agronomist (third-level position) as soon as he joined the company, which doubles the attractiveness of the Gene Center as a scientific research unit.

"This year, the Achievement Promotion Department plans to promote water-saving and drought-resistant rice to Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places. If the task can be exceeded, this new employee will be expected to be promoted to an associate researcher, which will have a great motivating effect on employees." Zhao Hongyang said that as an achievement transformation specialist, he also stepped onto the "exclusive track" of science and technology service talents in the classified assessment reform, and "jumped" from an intermediate professional title to a deputy senior professional title.

The end of this year is the time to hand in the Shanghai Science and Technology Talent Evaluation Comprehensive Reform Pilot Project. Focusing on the "1522" goal of adding 100 million mu of water-saving and drought-resistant rice planting area, increasing production by 50 billion kilograms, reducing water use by 20 billion tons, and reducing carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by 20 billion kilograms, the Gene Center is seizing the pilot opportunity to stimulate the enthusiasm of scientific researchers and strive to achieve the simultaneous development of scientific research and popular science, and the double harvest of basic research and application transformation.

Author: Shen Qiusha

Text: Our reporter Shen Qiusha Photo: Our data map Editor: Shi Wei

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