
"Don't put these three things in your home, they will bring you disease and disasters." Don't put these three things in your home! It's not superstition!


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Home is our harbor and where we live for decades.

Therefore, many people will decorate their homes to make them warm and tidy. With the embellishment of many furniture or decorations, the home can indeed look more comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

But not everything can be placed randomly at home, some things may cause bad things to happen.

Just like what the older generation said, "There are three things that should not be placed in the home, as placing them will cause illness or disaster." So, what are the three things that should not be placed in the home?

The information sources in this article have been detailed at the end of the article. In order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished. It is for reference only.

Furniture painting

In home decoration, hanging paintings is a popular choice for many people.

However, not all decorative paintings are suitable for hanging at home.

While pursuing beauty, we also need to consider the potential impact of paintings on the family atmosphere.

Art paintings with a fierce feeling often attract people's attention with their strong visual impact.

Such paintings might depict hideous faces, intense battle scenes, or eerie and terrifying landscapes.

Although some people think these paintings make a statement, they are not actually suitable for a domestic setting.

Imagine that when you tiredly push open the door of your home, what you are greeted by is a bloody and cruel war scene, or a hideous and terrifying demon face. Such a scene would probably make you lose your mood to relax in an instant.

The negative impact of ominous paintings cannot be underestimated.

They can cause discomfort and anxiety, and family members may unconsciously feel nervous and uneasy when faced with such paintings every day.

Especially for children, they are still young and don’t understand these things, but they will feel afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

In addition, from the perspective of feng shui, evil paintings are also believed to affect the family's magnetic field.

The negative energy they emit may interfere with family harmony and even affect the fortunes of family members.

Although this statement lacks scientific basis, we have to admit that the environment is crucial to people who live there regularly.

The impact of the paintings on the family atmosphere is obvious.

A warm landscape painting can bring a sense of peace and tranquility, while a dynamic abstract painting may inspire creativity and energy.

Choosing the right painting can create the ideal atmosphere for your home.

So, what kind of paintings are more suitable for home environments?

First of all, warm and harmonious natural scenery is a good choice.

Paintings of sunny countryside or peaceful forest paths can add a sense of tranquility and peace to your home.

Secondly, lively flower paintings are also very popular. A gorgeous picture of blooming peony flowers is not only pleasing to the eye, but also symbolizes wealth and good fortune.

In addition, abstract artwork is also a good choice.

They not only show a sense of modernity, but also stimulate imagination. For families who like traditional Chinese culture, a vivid landscape painting can create an elegant and refined atmosphere.

When choosing paintings, color coordination should also be considered.

Warm tones such as beige and light orange can add a sense of warmth to the home, while fresh green and blue can bring tranquility and comfort.

Avoid choosing overly strong or dark tones as they may give people a depressing feeling.

In short, the choice of home decorative paintings is not only about aesthetics, but also about the quality of life.

Withered plants

Green plants add a lot of vitality and vigor to our lives, but not all green plants are suitable for long-term placement in the home.

For example, imagine a withered plant. When you open the door, what you see is a pot of plants with yellow leaves and dry branches. Such a scene would probably make you lose your good mood in an instant.

Wilted plants not only damage the ornamental value, but also have many negative effects on the indoor environment.

First, they cannot carry out normal photosynthesis and are no longer able to purify the air. Instead, they may become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

These microorganisms flow through the air and can cause various respiratory diseases, posing a particular threat to the health of children and the elderly.

In addition, wilted plants often emit an unpleasant odor, which is not only uncomfortable but may also attract some small flying insects, further deteriorating the indoor environment.

Symbolically, withered plants represent the loss of vitality and disillusionment with hope.

In our subconscious minds, they may evoke associations of decay and death, thus affecting our emotional and psychological state.

Similarly, in the eyes of many people, withered plants are also regarded as an ominous sign in feng shui, symbolizing the decline of family fortune and financial luck.

In particular, some plants with auspicious meanings, such as the money tree or lucky bamboo, are believed to have a bad influence on the family once they wither.

Therefore, it is particularly important to clean up withered plants in time.

When we notice signs of wilting in plants, we should take immediate action.

If the wilting is localized, you can try pruning and strengthening care; if the entire plant is irreparable, you should remove it decisively.

When it comes to placing plants, the living room is more suitable for placing large plants.

A lush money tree can not only add vitality to the space, but also purify the air.

In addition to the money tree, large plants such as Monstera and rubber tree are also good choices. They can create a natural and comfortable atmosphere for the space.

However, not all large plants are suitable for living rooms.

Some plants with strong odors, such as lilies or jasmine, have pleasant fragrances, but if placed in a confined space for a long time, they may cause discomfort symptoms such as dizziness and nausea.

More attention should be paid to plants that are poisonous.

For example, oleander, although its flowers are beautiful, its parts are highly poisonous.

Therefore, when choosing indoor plants, be sure to understand their characteristics in advance to avoid potential dangers to your family.

Broken mirror

Mirrors are indispensable in our homes and every household has one.

However, when a mirror is broken, it brings more than just visual regret, it is more likely to cause a series of safety hazards and psychological distress.

This potential danger cannot be ignored, especially in families with children or elderly people.

A curious child or an elderly person with poor eyesight may accidentally touch these sharp edges and cause accidental injury.

In addition to the actual safety hazards, broken mirrors are also given unlucky meanings in traditional concepts.

The old saying “A broken mirror cannot be mended” not only reveals the reality that a broken mirror is difficult to repair, but also implies some kind of flaw that is difficult to mend.

In many cultures, mirrors are seen as objects that reflect the soul. In the eyes of many elderly people, a broken mirror seems to foreshadow the arrival of bad luck and misfortune.

When faced with a broken mirror, the wisest choice is to replace it in time.

Just like we update our clothes regularly, household items also need to be updated from time to time.

A new mirror not only eliminates safety hazards, but also brings a fresh feel to the space.

It is worth mentioning that in recent years, some mirror artworks that are deliberately made to look damaged have appeared on the market.

Although these works are unique in artistic expression, they are not suitable for long-term display in the home.

They may inadvertently evoke associations of brokenness and incompleteness, affecting the harmonious atmosphere of the home.

Likewise, it is equally important to choose the right location for the mirror.

A dressing room, bathroom or dressing table are ideal places to place a mirror.

In the cloakroom, a full-length mirror allows people to check their overall look; the mirror in the bathroom is convenient for daily grooming; and the mirror on the dressing table is an indispensable companion for those who love beauty.

However, the mirror should not be placed directly opposite the bed or the door.

Traditional thinking holds that such placement may affect sleep quality or cause the home's energy to leak out.

Although these statements lack scientific basis, giving proper consideration to this traditional wisdom is a sign of respect for culture.

In general, as an important element in the home, the integrity and placement of the mirror deserve our serious attention.


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