
Apple COO: I have seen the great progress made in China's manufacturing over the past 30 years. Without them, there would be no success for Apple.


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"30 years ago, early manufacturing only had the most basic processes and operations, drawing on whiteboards with markers, and workers doing simple repetitive labor on the production line. Today, we see automatic guided vehicles, automated arms, and robots changing materials on the production lines of LeadingEdge Intelligent Manufacturing. This is a remarkable progress." On July 25, Apple's Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams lamented the tremendous progress of Chinese manufacturing in the past 30 years when he was interviewed by a reporter from The Paper after observing the factory of supply chain company LeadingEdge Intelligent Manufacturing in Dongguan, Guangdong.

Williams can be regarded as a witness of Made in China, and he once spent a lot of time in Shenzhen during his career. Thirty years ago, when Apple laid out its supply chain in Shenzhen, he often came to Shenzhen on business trips to visit factories. When Apple launched the first iPhone in 2007, he also came to Shenzhen to coordinate the production of the first generation of iPhone. "From the primary manufacturing 30 years ago to such advanced technology today, I am also deeply inspired by this process." Williams came to Shenzhen again to visit the factory this time with deep feelings and complexes.

He told reporters that as of 2023, of the 187 suppliers accounting for 98% of Apple's global supply chain spending, 157 have factories in China producing Apple products, and more than 70 of them have factories in Guangdong producing Apple products.

Apple COO Jeff Williams and Lingyi Intelligent Manufacturing Chairman and General Manager Zeng Fangqin visited the intelligent production line of Lingyi Intelligent Manufacturing Factory

Lingyi Intelligent Manufacturing is a typical Apple supply chain company. It is reported that Lingyi Intelligent Manufacturing began to supply Mac parts to Apple in 2009 and became a supplier. Today, it has become an important partner in the development of Apple's supply chain, providing thousands of modules and parts for all Apple products, including Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple Vision Pro, AirPods, etc.

Williams visited Lingyi Intelligent Manufacturing's die-cutting and stamping continuous flow workshop, CNC machining workshop, anodizing production workshop, and the exhibition area of ​​Lingyi Intelligent Manufacturing's R&D center.

On the die-cutting production line, you can see that the waste materials originally produced by the production of large-size products are used to make small-size products by using cutting technology and special layout, thereby maximizing material utilization. The stamping continuous flow production line uses a continuous die belt to connect all processes, including stamping, cleaning, welding, inspection and packaging. The circulation cleaning system and modular welding equipment are innovative technologies on this production line. In order to achieve green manufacturing, Apple and Leading Technology have jointly developed a circulation cleaning system, which can help save 70% of water, 60% of cleaning fluid and effectively save 30% of equipment floor space. Modular welding equipment helps improve the versatility of automation equipment. After modular design, only part of the device needs to be replaced during production line switching, which can shorten the line switching time by more than 30%, improve the line utilization rate, and reduce equipment investment. The CNC smart workshop is also equipped with automatic guided vehicles and robots, which manage the production rhythm in an orderly manner.

Williams said that the thousands of components provided by Lingyi Intelligent Manufacturing can provide good support for Apple's technology. Consumers see the technological changes in Apple products but cannot see the details behind them. These supply chain partners are hidden behind the scenes to provide technical support for the products. "Without them, we would not have been successful."

Apple said that during its more than 30 years in China, it has continued to invest in China's supply chain and collaborated with a large number of Chinese suppliers to create new materials, processes and products.

The day before, Williams visited the Shenzhen Application Research Laboratory, which is about to be put into operation. This new laboratory will enhance the testing and research capabilities of products such as iPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro, provide stronger support for employees across the region, and deepen cooperation with local suppliers. The laboratory is close to the production and assembly base, and engineers can work closely with suppliers to share expertise in high-tech production processes to achieve real-time adjustments and help suppliers improve efficiency and save valuable time.

It is reported that the new laboratory in Shenzhen will work together with the Shanghai Application Research Laboratory which was expanded in March this year to provide support for product reliability, quality and material analysis.

Of course, Apple is also making its own efforts in the development and talent cultivation of supplier employees. Since 2008, Apple has been providing various skills training programs to provide workers in the supply chain with opportunities to learn new technologies and management skills. In 2022, Apple invested $50 million globally to launch the Supply Chain Employee Development Fund to further expand the training provided to the supply chain and its surrounding communities to help them develop the necessary skills for future work.