
"Sunbathing your back" is popular during the dog days of summer, but how should you do it?


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With the arrival of the dog days of summer, the health-preserving method of "sunbathing the back" has become popular again.

On various social platforms, many netizens shared their thoughts and experiences of sunbathing their backs. The effects of "weight loss", "removing dampness" and "rosy complexion" have attracted many people to follow suit.

Experts interviewed

Wang Shibiao, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Gansu Second People's Hospital
Zhang Xiaoxuan, deputy chief physician of the Center for Preventive Treatment of Diseases, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Author of this article | Life Times reporter Wang Bingjie

Sunbathing: a "zero-cost" way to stay healthy

Sunbathing is also known as "Tianjiu". Some people call this way of health preservation "borrowing yang energy from the sun" and "free natural tonic". All you need is a flat ground, a mat and a parasol, which is almost free of cost. As a result, more and more people are following the trend of sunbathing.

Recently, the topic #Woman claims she lost 4 catties by sunbathing her back in 10 days# has become a hot search. A woman in Foshan, Guangdong said that she sunbathed her back on the roof for half an hour every day. Unexpectedly, she lost 4 catties in 10 days and her complexion looked better.

However, some netizens said that sunbathing depends on physical condition and is not suitable for everyone. It will affect sleep quality and may cause sunburn and heatstroke.

Zhang Xiaoxuan, deputy chief physician of the Center for Disease Prevention and Treatment of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that Chinese medicine believes that insufficient yang energy will lead to all kinds of diseases, and spring and summer are the best time to support the growth of yang energy. Although sunbathing is simple and "zero cost" to maintain health, it is indeed a "technical job" and not suitable for everyone.

The dog days of summer are a good time to tan your back

Wang Shibiao, chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Second People's Hospital of Gansu Province, said,The abdomen of the human body is yin and the back is yang. The Du Meridian and the Foot-Taiyang Bladder Meridian of the human body are both located on the back. Their acupoints connect the internal organs and are the body's largest detoxification channel. Therefore, the best way to bask in the sun and replenish yang during the dog days is to bask in the sun on your back.

When you sunbathe your back, your pores open up fully, which helps to expel the evil spirits from your internal organs.Unblock meridians, regulate internal organs, relieve depression, and improve physical fitnessefficacy.

From the perspective of modern medicine, sunbathing can also help the body synthesize vitamin D and promote bone health.

Who is suitable for back tanning?

Generally speaking, people with a calm constitution are suitable for back sunbathing in summer. People with a cold constitution such as cold hands and feet, fear of cold, and those who stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time, do little exercise, love to drink cold drinks, and have poor metabolism, especially women, are more suitable for back sunbathing.

Zhang Xiaoxuan emphasized that feeling dry mouth and tongue after sunbathing is a normal reaction, and you just need to pay attention to replenishing water and electrolytes; but if you experience symptoms such as irritability and insomnia, it means that there is heat in the body or insufficient water, and you need to stop sunbathing your back.

If you have a damp-heat constitution, you will often suffer from constipation, irritability, fear of heat and prefer coolness, and poor sleep. Sunbathing your back is like "adding fuel to the fire", causing more heat in the body, making you prone to sunburn, getting inflamed, and poor sleep.

Back sunbathing is not recommended for people who are prone to getting angry or having skin allergies, as well as the elderly, children, and pregnant women. Patients with skin diseases should also be cautious, and it is best to do so under the guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner to avoid adverse reactions.

Sunbathing is a "technical job"

Even if you are suitable for sunbathing your back, you should not do it randomly. There are a few things you need to keep in mind.


Before 10 o'clock and within 20 minutes

The morning is a good time to sunbathe as the sun energy gradually grows. After 10 o'clock, the ultraviolet rays are strong and it is easy to get sunburned, so try to "go early rather than late".

It is best not to sunbathe your back for more than 20 minutes. By sunbathing your back slowly every day, you can achieve a better effect in warming up your yang energy.


Eat before sunbathing and drink water after sunbathing

Sunbathing can speed up blood circulation, which is no less than doing a "small exercise". If you sunbathe on an empty stomach, hypoglycemia is very likely to occur. It is recommended to sunbathe half an hour after a meal. Before and after sunbathing, you should replenish water and electrolytes, such as light salt water, to avoid dehydration caused by excessive sweating.


Wear the right clothes and sunbathe your back and feet

The head is the meeting point of all yang, and the yang energy is strong. If you accidentally expose it to the sun for a long time, you may "overdo it" and cause dizziness, insomnia and other problems. It is best to wear light-colored, thin, loose clothes, lie flat on a yoga mat or other mat, cover your head and expose your back.

Since there are many acupuncture points on the soles of your feet, you might as well expose them to the sun. Zhang Xiaoxuan also reminded that you should try not to apply sunscreen when sunbathing your back, otherwise it will affect the effect of warming up the yang energy.


Don't get cold after sun exposure

When the body is heated, the pores will open, making it easy to be attacked by wind evil and catch a cold. Therefore, avoid sunbathing in a windy environment, and do not enter an air-conditioned room or use cool air immediately after sunbathing, otherwise you will easily catch a cold. ▲

Editor of this issue: Wu Mengyao