
"Tiger" was sentenced for accepting bribes of over 100 million yuan. When the special investigation team searched his residence, someone knocked on the door and gave him gifts.


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Editor: Gao Yuyang

On July 16, the Intermediate People's Court of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, publicly pronounced the first instance verdict.The case of Li Dong, former member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy general manager of the State Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., taking bribes.rightThe defendant Li Dong was sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime of accepting bribes.

Pictured: the court trial scene

After investigation, it was found that:1999 to 2023The defendant Li Dong used his positions as deputy secretary and manager of the Party Committee of Shenhua Zhungeer Coal Company, deputy secretary and chairman of the Party Committee of Zhungeer Energy Company, deputy chief engineer, member of the Party Leadership Group, and deputy general manager of Shenhua Group, and member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy general manager of State Energy Group to provide assistance to relevant units and individuals in matters such as product sales, coal procurement, business operations, and job adjustments, and illegally accepted property given by relevant units and individuals directly or through others.The total amount is equivalent to more than RMB 108 million, part of which was not actually obtained.

The Yichun Intermediate People's Court held that the defendant Li Dong's actions constituted the crime of accepting bribes, and the amount of bribes was particularly huge, and he should be punished according to law.Considering that some of Li Dong's bribery crimes were attempted, he truthfully confessed all his crimes after being arrested, pleaded guilty and repented, actively returned the stolen money and property involved in the case have all been recovered, and he has statutory and discretionary mitigating circumstances, he can be given a lighter punishment according to law.The court then made the above judgment.

Li Dong was born in 1960. He is a doctor of engineering and a professor-level senior engineer.

Li Dong worked for Shenhua Group for a long time.

On November 28, 2017, China Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd. was officially established. Li Dong was appointed as the deputy general manager and became a member of the first leadership team of China Energy Group.

In March 2020, Li Dong left office.

On February 8, 2023, Li Dong was investigated and expelled from the party in August of the same year.

The notice pointed out that Li Dong had a weak political consciousness and deliberately resisted the organization's review;Adjusting and promoting cadres for personal gainIllegally owning shares in non-listed companies and illegally working in private enterprises for remuneration after retirement; There is no law or bottom line,Unscrupulously relying on coal for their livelihood, they have long engaged in power-for-money transactions in the name of "investment" and "agency"

In January this year, the fourth episode of the TV special "Continued Efforts to Advance in Depth" titled "Promoting the "Three No's" in an Integrated Manner" was broadcast, and Li Dong appeared in the film.

Li Dong appeared in the anti-corruption documentary

The feature film introduces,When Li Dong was first detained, the task force sensed his "style" from an unexpected incident.

Li Zhiyong, a staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, said: "We searched Li Dong's residence according to the work process. During the search, someone knocked on the door, which was actually a gift. Business owners are allowed or are used to coming to their homes to deliver gifts or visit, which also shows that he does not set strict standards for himself."

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According to the WeChat public account of the Supreme People's Court on July 16, the Intermediate People's Court of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, publicly pronounced the first-instance verdict on the bribery case of Li Dong, former member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy general manager of the State Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "State Energy Group"), and sentenced the defendant Li Dong to life imprisonment for the crime of accepting bribes, deprived him of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property; the property and interest obtained by him from taking bribes shall be recovered according to law and turned over to the state treasury.

After trial, it was found that from 1999 to 2023, Li Dong used the convenience of his positions as deputy secretary and manager of the Party Committee of Shenhua Junggar Coal Company, deputy secretary and chairman of the Party Committee of Junggar Energy Company, deputy chief engineer, member of the Party Leadership Group, and deputy general manager of Shenhua Group, and member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy general manager of the State Energy Group to provide assistance to relevant units and individuals in product sales, coal procurement, business operations, job adjustments and other matters, and illegally accepted property given by relevant units and individuals directly or through others, totaling more than 108 million yuan, some of which was not actually obtained.

Li Dong is 64 years old (born in January 1960). He graduated from Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology with a bachelor's degree in underground coal mining in 1982. In 1997 and 2005, he received a master's degree and a doctorate in mining engineering from Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology respectively.

Li Dong was once criticized for living off coal. This is a screenshot from an anti-corruption documentary.

On February 8, 2023, Li Dong, who had retired for nearly three years, was investigated. In August of the same year, Li Dong was "double-opened" for serious violations of discipline and law. According to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission's report at the time, Li Dong had long violated regulations by accepting banquets, travel, golf and other activities, and illegally accepted gifts; he illegally owned shares in non-listed companies, and after retirement, he illegally worked in private enterprises for remuneration; he had no bottom line of discipline and law, and he unscrupulously relied on coal to eat coal, and had long engaged in power-for-money transactions in the name of "investment" and "agency".

On December 1, 2023, the Supreme People's Procuratorate announced that the investigation of Li Dong's case was concluded by the National Supervisory Commission and was reviewed and prosecuted by the Yichun Procuratorate of Jiangxi Province. On April 19, 2024, the Intermediate People's Court of Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, held a public trial of Li Dong's bribery case at the first instance.

Li Dong has been deeply involved in the coal industry for more than 30 years. After graduating in 1982, Li Dong went to work in the Cadre Department of Liaoning Coal Industry Administration. Subsequently, he served as deputy director and director of the Production Department and Secretariat of Northeast Inner Mongolia Coal Industry United Company; director-level secretary of the General Office of the Ministry of Coal Industry; and director of the General Manager's Office of Shenhua Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenhua Group").

In early 2001, with the formal establishment of Shenhua Group Jungar Energy Co., Ltd., Li Dong was transferred to the position of chairman of the company. After that, he also served as deputy chief engineer of Shenhua Group and served as deputy mayor of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Since 2006, Li Dong has been promoted to deputy general manager of Shenhua Group. In May 2011, he became senior vice president of China Shenhua Energy Co., Ltd. (referred to as "China Shenhua", 601088.SH).

In 2017, Shenhua Group and China Guodian Group were reorganized into China Energy Group, becoming one of China's five largest power generation groups. Li Dong became the first member of the leadership team of China Energy Group and was appointed as the group's deputy general manager and member of the party group until his retirement in March 2020.

On January 9 this year, with the broadcast of the fourth episode of the TV special "Continued Efforts to Advance in Depth" titled "Promoting the "Three No's" in an Integrated Manner", the details of Li Dongxiu's case of misconduct and relying on coal for a living were disclosed.

The documentary introduces that Li Dong makes a living from coal, both in coal transportation and sales and in the bidding and procurement of coal machinery and equipment. "In 2006, Li Dong was transferred to the former deputy general manager of Shenhua Group, and his 'main battlefield' for profit-making also shifted to the coal machinery and equipment procurement field under his charge."

According to the documentary's commentary, the former Shenhua Group had a set of strict procedures for bidding and procurement, but Li Dong, despite criticism from all sides, personally intervened. On one occasion, when a company that had transferred benefits to him failed to win the bid, Li Dong forced his subordinates to find a reason to cancel the bid and re-bid. "His willful use of power also reflects that supervision of state-owned enterprise leaders is still a weak link that needs to be strengthened urgently."