
The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection published a special report on Guizhou's anti-corruption campaign: 85 officials were prosecuted in the first half of the year


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On July 15, the 14th issue of the 2024 edition of China Discipline Inspection and Supervision magazine featured a 12-page cover story titled "Adhere to the new ideology and move towards high-quality development - Guizhou promptly removes 'bad apples' and continues to purify the political ecology". Through columns such as "Practice Essentials", "Practice Fax", "Frontline Chronicles" and "Interview Notes", many articles reported on Guizhou Province's experience, practices and achievements in maintaining a high-pressure situation in combating corruption, promoting the "three no's" in an integrated manner, and resolutely eradicating the soil and conditions that produce corruption.

Among them, the "Practice Essentials" column published an article signed by Li Yuanping, member of the Standing Committee of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the Provincial Supervisory Commission, entitled "Make great efforts to eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of corruption."

The article introduces that currently, the fight against corruption has entered deep waters, and we must find the breakthrough points for the tough battles and the focus points for the protracted wars, so as to exert our strength where there are no breakthroughs and where there are difficulties.

The Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision insists on assisting the Provincial Party Committee in conducting investigations and research on key topics of Party conduct and clean government construction and anti-corruption struggle every year, conducting comprehensive analysis and judgment of the political ecology, and conducting special analysis on "small cuts" of violations of discipline and law by key targets such as state-owned enterprises and finance, where power is concentrated, funds are intensive, and resources are rich, as well as "top leaders", to accurately grasp the phased characteristics and regional characteristics of Guizhou's anti-corruption struggle, and to see through new situations and trends of unhealthy trends and corruption. At the same time, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection listens to reports on letters and visits, supervision and inspection, review and investigation, and statistical analysis of case quality assessment every quarter, and promptly finds out where the corruption-stricken areas and anti-corruption weak points are, so as to formulate measures and prescribe the right medicine according to the disease to ensure greater results.

We must draw profound lessons from cases such as Sun Zhigang, Li Zaiyong, and Zhou Jiankun, maintain an unchanged attitude, undiminished intensity, and a correct focus. In accordance with the deployment and requirements of the Party Central Committee, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, and the Provincial Party Committee, we must continue to focus on the "seven issues", and make severe punishment of corruption involving collusion between government and business a top priority in the battle. We must resolutely investigate and deal with corruption that is intertwined with political and economic issues, resolutely eliminate "two-faced people" who have politically degenerated and are not loyal or honest to the Party, and closely guard against political risks.

We should keep a close eye on key areas such as finance, state-owned enterprises, local financing platform companies, infrastructure projects, bidding, education, medical care, and rural revitalization, and attack one mountain after another, investigate one field after another, and remove the deep-seated corruption sludge bit by bit. We should keep a close eye on the "key few", especially the "top leaders" and members of the leadership team, and conduct in-depth investigations and thorough investigations, so as to effectively control the "majority" by grasping the "key few".

The article reads: Since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission and the Provincial Party Committee, the discipline inspection and supervision organs of Guizhou Province have taken the concentrated rectification of unhealthy practices and corruption among the people as a major political task, comprehensively uncovered clues to the problems, vigorously promoted the investigation and handling of cases, focused on solving a number of prominent problems that the people are anxious about, and promoted the completion of a number of practical matters that the people can feel and feel.In the first half of this year, Guizhou Province investigated and dealt with 5,476 cases of unhealthy practices and corruption among the people, imposed party discipline and administrative sanctions on 5,090 people, and recovered economic losses of more than 900 million yuan.

In addition, in the above-mentioned special report published by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the first article of "Practice Fax" is entitled "Precise efforts to drive overall advancement through key breakthroughs", reporting on the vivid practice of Guizhou's in-depth anti-corruption struggle.

The article mentioned that on June 26, the website of the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision simultaneously released news that two provincial officials, Min Jian, former member of the Party Committee, deputy director, and former chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Provincial Public Security Department, and Yuan Jianlin, former deputy director-level cadre of the Standing Committee of the Qianxinan Prefecture People's Congress, were suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and were under investigation.According to relevant departments of the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, 85 provincial officials in Guizhou have been prosecuted in the first half of this year, reflecting the trend of continued efforts and in-depth advancement of the anti-corruption struggle.

"Analysis of the characteristics of corruption cases investigated and dealt with in the province in 2023 is completely consistent with the Party Central Committee's judgment on key issues, key areas, and key targets of anti-corruption." Relevant responsible comrades from the Case Supervision and Management Office of the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision introduced that in terms of form, new types of corruption and hidden corruption such as "shadow companies", "false transactions", and "option corruption" have shown a clear increasing trend, and have become the main form of corruption of the "key minority"; in terms of fields, the financial, state-owned assets, and engineering construction fields are high-incidence areas. Among the cadres managed by the party committees at the same level who were transferred to the procuratorate for suspected crimes in the province, more than 70% of the corruption problems involved engineering construction, project approval, bidding and other links; in terms of targets, the proportion of "top leaders" investigated and dealt with by the provincial discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels is relatively high. "Corruption by 'top leaders' is most likely to produce catalysis and chain reactions, resulting in regional, systemic, and collapse-style corruption. An Jiuxiong, former secretary of the Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture Committee, Ma Linbo, former secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Rural Credit Cooperative, and Zhu Shengxiu, former secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the Guizhou Hotel Group, are typical examples."

The article introduces that the key issues, key areas, and key targets of anti-corruption have been clarified. In the specific work, we must firmly grasp the key links and find the breakthrough points and focus points for case investigation and handling.

Taking the state-owned enterprise sector as an example, the discipline inspection and supervision organs of Guizhou Province focused on key links such as material procurement and engineering construction, and severely investigated and dealt with corruption in areas such as infrastructure construction, public resource transactions, equity transfers, and bidding; they kept a close eye on key links such as major corporate projects, mergers and acquisitions, and implementation of mixed-ownership reforms, and severely punished corruption such as relying on enterprises to eat up enterprises, collusion between internal and external parties to embezzle state-owned assets, etc.From January to May this year, the province investigated and dealt with 533 cases involving 548 people in the state-owned enterprise sector.

The same is true for punishing corruption in the financial sector. "We use 'financial brokers' as a breakthrough point, focusing on key positions, key people, and key issues in three industries: banks, government platform companies, and government regulatory departments, to dig out the corruption chain hidden in normal financial business activities." Li Su, deputy secretary of the Liupanshui Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and deputy director of the Municipal Supervisory Commission, introduced that 12 cases involving corruption in the banking system and 10 cases involving government platform companies and regulatory departments involving financial corruption have been investigated and dealt with, and more than 270 clues of related problems have been transferred.

In the process of handling corruption cases involving top leaders, targeting major engineering projects, personnel selection and employment, and other issues that are prone to occur can often achieve twice the result with half the effort. A comrade from the Seventh Investigation and Investigation Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said that in the investigation of the case of Wang Moumou, the former secretary of the Jianhe County Party Committee, the investigation team focused on screening major engineering projects started during Wang Moumou's term as the "top leader", and identified 26 key projects to be investigated, including a greening project on the north bank of the river in Jianhe County. Subsequently, by sorting out the anomalies and violations in the use of land, planning, construction and funding of the projects, further evidence was collected and fixed, and finally it was verified that Wang Moumou had violated the rules in providing assistance to others in the contracting and funding of these government projects, and had accepted bribes of more than 22 million yuan, which was a serious violation of discipline and law.

Strong attack and in-depth investigation require not only the spirit of daring to fight and being good at fighting among the discipline inspection and supervision cadres, but also the corresponding system and mechanism to guarantee it. In the process of deepening the reform of the discipline inspection and supervision system, the discipline inspection and supervision organs of Guizhou Province have actively adhered to the right path and made innovations. They have continuously improved the working mechanism to promote the integration of forces and the connection of work, and ensured the standardized and efficient operation of anti-corruption work. Fu Jun, director of the Tenth Investigation and Review Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, introduced that in the investigation of a series of serious violations of discipline and law by Liu Wenxin, former secretary of the Qianxinan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Committee, and Gao Weidong, former secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Moutai Group, the office worked closely with the municipal and prefecture commissions for discipline inspection and supervision, strengthened cooperation with the public security organs, and communicated with the case hearing room of the Commission in a timely manner. "The working pattern of linking the office and the local area, connecting the top and the bottom, cooperating inside and outside, connecting the left and the right, and working together has effectively integrated case-handling resources and shared the results of cooperation, laying a solid foundation for the smooth completion of the review and investigation tasks."