
The peak number of concurrent users on Steam for "Seven Days World" exceeds 230,000, twice the number of the initial release


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The open world free multiplayer shooting game "Seven Days" reached a new high of 231,668 people online at the same time on Steam over the weekend, more than double the online data at the time of its launch (103,000).

Currently, the game has a total of 22,592 user reviews, with a 65% approval rating, which is mixed.

In addition, the official also released a "Notice on the Limitation of Entry and Queuing When the Server Reaches the Upper Limit" yesterday. The official explained that because the number of players increased more than expected, there were too many players on a specific server, which led to the risk of server data loss. It also caused players on a single server to have a bad experience and serious queuing problems, so they had to set a limit on the number of players on a single server.

1. Why do we need to set a limit on the number of people on a single server? My friend and I can't enter the same server because of the limit on the number of people on a single server?

We have been continuously observing the data of online servers and found that the number of people has increased beyond our expectations. Too many people on a specific server will lead to the risk of server data loss. In addition, too many people on a single server will cause players on this server to have a bad experience and more serious queueing problems. Therefore, we have to set a limit on the number of people on a single server. However, some players have indeed been affected, and we will continue to optimize this issue. We sincerely apologize for this.

2. Why does a server with too many people have a bad experience? Do you deliberately make players queue or unable to enter the server?

Seven Days World is a large-scale survival and construction game. The resources in the map are limited. If the number of players is too crowded, it will be difficult for everyone to find a suitable place to build a territory. Some later gameplay, such as the stronghold war in the PVP server, will also be affected. According to previous test data, we found that in the current scenario, a server with about 6,000-8,000 people will have a better experience and ecology, so we set a corresponding upper limit. Once this upper limit is exceeded, we need to queue up to ensure that the current online players can get a good gaming experience.

After the official public beta of the game, players from all over the world have been enthusiastically joining. Through the background data, we can see that many transcendents continue to explore and adventure in the game. With new players joining every day, some servers have queues and have to set a limit on the number of people on a single server. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone.

3. What servers have reached their upper limit? How do I select a server?

Currently, 9 servers in various regions around the world have reached the upper limit of the number of people, including:

The following servers are about to reach their registration limit. Players who want to invite others to join are advised not to choose this server:

4. How do you plan to optimize the fully loaded server?

We are actively working on resolving issues to provide a good experience, including short-term mitigation measures and future reopening, including:

1) We will immediately increase the upper limit of the number of people on each server, which can greatly alleviate the problem of players being unable to enter the expected server. However, this measure will only have a limited effect on alleviating the problem. Please do not choose a server that is too crowded.

2) We will present the number of people on the server in the recent updates, so that you can judge the current number of registered people on the server and choose the server that suits you to avoid being unable to enter with your friends.

3) In the August update, we will add an invitation code function to the server with access restrictions. Old players on the server can issue invitation codes to your friends, and using the invitation code you can enter the server without being restricted by the upper limit of the number of people.

5. I found that there are still some servers that need to queue. What measures have you taken to alleviate the queue?

We are aware of this problem and are working hard to solve it. Through emergency optimization, we have increased the upper limit of the number of people online at the same time on each server and optimized the recommendation system for new player servers. We have also arranged 24-hour shifts to open new servers in time and relieve queue pressure.

After the upcoming version maintenance (July 18), we will continue to optimize the queue experience and provide compensation for players who have queued for a certain length of time. At the same time, we will also increase the number of lines on a single server so that everyone can play with friends more smoothly.

We fully understand that everyone wants to play games with friends. The project team is also reviewing the design related to server load and will do its best to optimize queuing issues.