
why are mothers so keen on joining modeling teams?


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you can often see videos of elderly models walking on the catwalk on social platforms. although their hair is gray, they are dressed fashionably, stand tall, and are calm and confident, breaking the stereotypes of young people about age.

while young people are still insisting on a life of "working with eyes open and fainting with eyes closed", they have already started a new stage of life. some choose to return to the daily necessities of life, and live a simple and elegant life; others re-enter society, playing chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and flowers, and enjoying the infinite sunset.

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women participating in the senior model team's fashion show are vividly interpreting the diversity and splendor of life in their own way, and powerfully proving that each stage has its own unique melody and charm.different choices and different lifestyles are worthy of our respect and praise, because each one is a unique understanding and wonderful interpretation of life.

it's not a show.

a firm and calm life

who says that getting old means being lonely? who says getting old means being helpless? who says getting old means losing all charm? there is a group of "silver-haired trendsetters" who are not afraid of the passing of time, are not limited to the traditional framework, and bravely pursue the rhythm of life with a heart full of passion for life.

it's not a show.

acceptance of natural aging

models walking on the catwalk are usually portrayed as tall, slim, elegant and fashionable. they are the darlings of the fashion industry, with perfect body proportions and outstanding temperament. this profession is often regarded as a symbol of youth and beauty, and the models' age, appearance and body shape must strictly comply with industry standards.

however, the ladies of the elderly model team have overturned this traditional perception with their unique charm. perhaps their bodies are no longer as slender as they were in their youth, and their skin has also been marked by the traces of time, but what they exude is the calmness and wisdom accumulated over time, and the indifference and strength after experiencing vicissitudes of life. what they are walking for is not a show, but a calm acceptance of natural aging and a positive sublimation of body image.

body image(Body Image), refers to a person's perceptions, thoughts, and feelings about their body. this includes not only opinions about physical appearance, but also attitudes about bodily functions and overall health.a positive body image means feeling satisfied and confident about one's own body, regardless of appearance. this can encourage individuals to take better care of their bodies and maintain a healthy lifestyle. on the contrary, a negative body image may lead to inferiority, anxiety, and depression. this psychological state is often referred to as "appearance anxiety" or "body anxiety," and may further lead to health problems such as eating disorders and excessive exercise.

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social attitudes and media communication have a profound impact on the formation of personal body image. research shows that people's dissatisfaction with their body shape gradually emerges from the age of 8, and their self-evaluation of physical attractiveness systematically decreases as they age. it is particularly noteworthy that many reports point out that people who are about to turn 25 have the strongest anxiety about aging. however, contrary to popular belief, women's body image tends to gradually turn positive as they age after the age of 30.

the root of this change is that as women grow older, they gradually transcend the single evaluation standard of body shape and appearance, and begin to cherish and recognize their multiple advantages and values ​​beyond their ideal body women grow older, their life experiences become richer and their ways of coping with life become more mature. these factors together promote their improvement of self-esteem and self-love and their comprehensive acceptance of themselves.therefore, it can be said that age not only brings about physiological changes, but also promotes the growth and transformation of women on the psychological level, enabling them to face their bodies and lives with a more positive and healthy attitude.

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the rise of elderly models not only breaks the inherent prejudice of the fashion industry against age and appearance, but also sends a positive message to society: no matter what age group you are in, no matter whether you meet the traditional aesthetic standards, everyone should cherish and accept their own body. on the catwalk, they interpret fashion in a unique way, convey a positive, healthy and optimistic attitude towards life, and inspire more people to look at beauty and aging with a more open and inclusive mindset.

it's not a show.

an attempt to integrate meaning

what should retirement life be like? this question is often shrouded in a fog of misunderstanding. on the one hand, the social stereotype that "retirement means degeneration" has led us to mistakenly associate negative labels such as "loneliness", "stubbornness" and "weakness" with "old age" and "retirement", casting a thick shadow on late adulthood, which is a normal stage of life; on the other hand, the narrow definition of "successful aging" has led us to mistakenly believe that the only yardstick for measuring "quality old age" is to maintain abundant vitality, be socially active and remain charming, completely ignoring everyone's unique yearning and interpretation of late life in their hearts.

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whether it is the elderly models who walk steadily and calmly on the catwalk, or the fashionable grandmas who are confident and charming in street photos, they have won the reputation of "elegant temperament" and "dignified and generous". many young people who once had anxiety about aging have gradually let go of their fear of "aging" after witnessing their charm.

however, while we appreciate it, we should also be careful not to fall into another cognitive misunderstanding: that is, only by maintaining such elegance and refinement, or deliberately pursuing a life similar to that of young people, can we be considered to be successfully aging. this concept is undoubtedly one-sided, and it ignores the fact that aging is the natural law of life development and a process that everyone cannot avoid.

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so, what is "successful aging"? aristotle used the word "eugeria" in "rhetoric" to describe it, which combines a good attitude with the appropriate way to treat aging. therefore, successful aging should not be limited to outward elegance or a youthful lifestyle, but should focus more on the individual's inner satisfaction, love of life, and recognition of self-worth. it is a life of being cared for and feeling comfortable in old age even without a healthy body, sharp mind, or active social life.

psychologist eric erikson pointed out that the core of psychological development in old age is to achieve "integration", and failure to achieve this goal may lead to despair. this process involves a deep integration of life experiences and self-reflection, aiming to explore and establish the unique meaning and value of one's life, so as to achieve inner perfection and harmony. individuals who fail to effectively complete this psychological integration may fall into an inescapable despair and feel that life is empty and meaningless.therefore, both the elderly themselves and society need to view elderly life from a "transcendence" perspective.

ye zaiting, a professor of clinical psychology at fu jen catholic university, further elaborated that the “transcendence” of the elderly is reflected in three aspects:

go beyond physical limitations, accept the reality of physiological function degradation, and transform physiological satisfaction into psychological satisfaction;

go beyond your own value, no longer rely on social occupations to affirm yourself, but take the completion of the life cycle as the basis for self-affirmation;

go beyond your expectations in this life and transform your personal expectations into blessings for your children.

therefore, whether it is the model team that chooses to shine on the stage, show themselves, and redefine the aesthetics of the elderly with their style; or the enthusiastic people who choose to actively participate in volunteer activities and interpret the transformation of social responsibility and expectations with actions; whether it is the people who choose to fiddle with flowers and plants on the balcony at home and enjoy the leisurely retirement; or the cultural enthusiasts who continue to explore and improve in the fields of art such as calligraphy, painting, and music... all are attempts by the elderly to integrate the meaning of life. in their own way, they calmly face the passage of time, the decline of functions, and the changes in social roles, practicing the "integration" emphasized by erikson and the "transcendence" mentioned by professor ye zaiting.


old age is just another stage of life. it does not represent the end, but another beginning, the starting point of another different life. the flower season is short, but life is long. on a small stage, the elderly model team interpreted this philosophy of life with their steps, postures and smiles: when entering old age, there is no need to deliberately pursue elegance or be bound by refinement. the most important thing is to take a brave step and move forward fearlessly.


[1]Body Image | Psychology Today

[2] the psychology of appearance by nicola ramsay and diana harcourt

planning and production

author:ye zhuang psychologist, member of the chinese psychological society

reviewer: fan chunlei, associate researcher, institute of psychology, chinese academy of sciences

planning丨fu sijia

editor: fu sijia

proofread by xu lai and lin lin
