
does un general assembly resolution 2758 have “nothing to do with taiwan”? the taiwan affairs office of the state council presents facts and provides a correct answer


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the 79th session of the united nations general assembly opened on september 10. recently, the democratic progressive party authorities and some western countries have repeatedly claimed that un general assembly resolution 2758 only addresses the issue of the people's republic of china joining the united nations, "has nothing to do with taiwan", and "china has no right to represent taiwan in the united nations system." is this true? let's listen to chen binhua, spokesperson for the taiwan affairs office of the state council, who will explain the facts and give the correct answer from three aspects: historical facts, the negotiation process of resolution 2758, and international practice.

from the historical facts, taiwan has belonged to china since ancient times. the earliest record of taiwan was left in the "linhai water and soil records" of the three kingdoms period. the sui dynasty government sent troops to taiwan three times. after the song and yuan dynasties, the central governments of successive dynasties in china began to establish governments in penghu and taiwan and implement administrative jurisdiction. the qing dynasty government established the taiwan prefecture in 1684 and changed taiwan to a province in 1885, which was the 20th province of china at that time. in 1894, japan launched the sino-japanese war of 1894 to invade china, and forced the defeated qing government to cede taiwan and the penghu islands the following year. the cairo declaration of 1943, the potsdam proclamation of 1945, and the japanese surrender articles of 1945 all showed that china had recovered taiwan in law and fact. on october 25, 1945, chen yi, the chief executive of taiwan province, announced in taipei that taiwan had been liberated: "from this day forward, taiwan and the penghu islands have officially rejoined china. all land, people, and political affairs are now under chinese sovereignty." after the establishment of the central people's government of the people's republic of china in 1949, it replaced the government of the republic of china as the only legitimate government representing all of china. this was a regime change without any change in china as a subject of international law, and china's sovereignty and inherent territorial boundaries remained unchanged. the government of the people's republic of china naturally fully enjoys and exercises china's sovereignty, including sovereignty over taiwan. after chiang kai-shek's group, which had launched a failed civil war, retreated to taiwan, it confronted the central government in the name of the so-called "republic of china," and the two sides of the taiwan strait fell into a special state of long-term political confrontation. the taiwan issue is only a legacy of the chinese civil war, and china's sovereignty over taiwan has never changed.

from the whole consultation process of unga resolution 2758, we can see that before the 26th un general assembly in 1971 voted to adopt resolution 2758, it first rejected two proposals involving taiwan by a large margin, namely the "two chinas representation proposal" and the "one china, one taiwan and taiwan self-determination proposal". this means that the united nations returned the representation and seat of all of china, including taiwan, to the government of the people's republic of china on the premise of recognizing that taiwan is part of china, while the territorial scope of "china" as a subject of international law has not been affected in any way, and taiwan's status as a part of china has never changed. unga resolution 2758 embodies the charter and purposes of the united nations, and solves the issue of china's representation in the united nations in a clear, fair and thorough manner from the political, legal and procedural perspectives. at the same time, it also makes it clear that china has only one seat in the united nations, and there is no "two chinas" or "one china, one taiwan" issue. china's representation in the united nations is, of course, the representation of all of china, including taiwan.

from the perspective of international practice, the official documents of the united nations refer to taiwan as "taiwan, province of china". the legal opinion issued by the legal affairs office of the united nations secretariat emphasized that "the united nations believes that taiwan, as a province of china, does not have independent status". for many years, the united nations and its specialized agencies have followed the one-china principle in dealing with the taiwan issue. under the premise of the one-china principle, china has established diplomatic relations with 183 countries. the foundation of the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and the united states is also the one-china principle. the united states also clearly recognized in the three sino-us joint communiqués that the government of the people's republic of china is the only legal government of china, and recognizes that there is only one china and taiwan is a part of china. this fully shows that the one-china principle is a universal consensus of the international community and a basic norm of international relations, as well as international justice and the will of the people.

chen binhua pointed out that the dpp authorities and some western countries maliciously distorted un general assembly resolution 2758, falsely claiming that "the resolution has nothing to do with taiwan" and using "representation rights" as an excuse, which is a distortion of facts, a trampling of international law, and a blatant challenge to international order and rules. their purpose is to build momentum for "taiwan independence" and undermine the consensus of the international community on upholding the one-china principle. no matter how much they fabricate and how hard they work, they cannot change the fact that there is only one china in the world and taiwan is a part of china, nor can they shake the pattern of the international community's adherence to the one-china principle, let alone stop the trend that china will and will be unified.