
the us deputy secretary of state is promoting the "china threat", and the lai authorities are stepping up their cooperation. misjudging the situation may lead to a crisis.


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recently, under the leadership of the republican party, the u.s. house of representatives experienced a crazy "china week" (september 9-13).during the week, a total of 28 anti-china and containment bills were passed, covering restrictions on chinese products and companies, hong kong and taiwan issues, and sino-us education and technological exchanges.

not only that, on september 18th local time, the u.s. house foreign affairs committee also held a special hearing on the theme of "great power competition in the indo-pacific region", continuing to hype up the "china threat."u.s. deputy secretary of state campbell, who attended the hearing, echoed a group of anti-china congressmen, claiming that china is "the greatest challenge in american history" and that "the cold war pales in comparison to the many challenges china faces."

campbell, 67, has always been known as the "indo-pacific tsar" in the us political circle. he is a key designer of the us government's asia-pacific and china-related policy system. one of his important propositions is that "the indo-pacific is the region where the competition between the united states and china is the most intense, and it is becoming more and more globalized"; it is necessary to "shape the strategic environment around china" in the indo-pacific region to contain china. he also believes that the real threat china poses to the united states is "in international organizations, and we must be competitive there."

it is worth noting that campbell is recognized as a "pro-taiwan" person.he has visited taiwan many times and as early as the lee teng-hui era, he was involved in intelligence liaison work with the taiwan authorities and the united states and japan.he advocates strengthening substantive relations, supply chains and "defense cooperation" between the united states and taiwan.he also stated that the united states does not support "taiwan independence" but will support taiwan's "international participation."

at this hearing, in addition to promoting the "china threat theory", campbell also confused the public, distorted and attacked un resolution 2758, claiming that the resolution did not mention the status of taiwan and was used by mainland china to argue that taiwan's status was "illegal."

this is another senior us government diplomat who deliberately distorted and misinterpreted un general assembly resolution 2758, following former american institute in taiwan chairman rosenberg, deputy assistant secretary of state for asia-pacific affairs michael blue, and assistant secretary of state for asia-pacific affairs john kundera. the intention is to construct a false narrative, mislead international public opinion, challenge the one-china principle that has been formed by the international community, and loosen up the taiwan authorities' "international participation."

its purpose is to "use taiwan to contain china", internationalize the taiwan issue, create the "uncertain status of taiwan", set up obstacles for cross-strait reunification, weaken china's competitive strength, and ensure the united states' own hegemonic position.

in response to campbell's statement, lai ching-te's administration was delighted and grateful, and claimed that it would continue to cooperate with the united states to "jointly maintain peace and stability in the taiwan strait and the indo-pacific region."

on september 20, the first day of the new session of the island's legislature, the democratic progressive party caucus proposed the so-called "un resolution 2758 does not involve taiwan" motion, attempting to manipulate this issue, create an excuse for "legal taiwan independence", and coerce the blue and white parties to follow suit.

but as the commentators on the island pointed out, this issue itself is a fake issue. it is completely a misleading act by the us, abusing its hegemony, and seeking legitimacy for "resisting china and protecting taiwan". for taiwan, apart from "self-satisfaction", it will not gain any benefits, and it will not change the pattern and trend of the international community's adherence to the one-china principle.

an important practical issue is that the "china week" led by republican lawmakers and the hype about the "china threat theory" by us government officials are largely just stopgap measures aimed at the us election.the two parties must compete on "being tough on china" and "america first" to provide voters with room for imagination in their governance.the taiwan issue has become a "tool" for the two parties, and most of the time it is "much ado about nothing" and lacks substantive content.

this can be seen in the latest party platforms of the republican and democratic parties. the draft platform of the republican party only mentions "china" four times and does not mention "taiwan" at all. in the party platform of the democratic party, the discussion on taiwan is included in the "china" chapter, and the "one china policy" deleted four years ago is restored, and it is clearly stated that "continue to ensure that neither side of the two sides of the taiwan strait will unilaterally change the status quo", indicating that the democratic party has returned to traditional policy thinking.

not long ago, richard bush, former chairman of the board of directors of the american institute of international trade, also said that in order to avoid war becoming the "only" option in the taiwan strait, the key is for the dpp authorities to make it clear that they "have no intention of pursuing legal independence."the dpp authorities are now pushing for the "un resolution 2758 does not involve taiwan" bill, which is intended to highlight the subjective identity of "taiwan" and smuggle lai ching-te's "new two-state theory" that the two sides of the taiwan strait are "non-subordinate."

however, this approach is completely in cooperation with the united states, "acting" too much, and trying to achieve the political operation of "taiwan independence". i am afraid it will cross the red line and make the united states jump.

not long ago, the news that the united states was clearing out its inventory of "military aid", using expired bullets and moldy bulletproof vests to perfunctorily provide military aid, and that the delivery of f-16v fighter jets ordered by taiwan was further delayed, showed that the "hypocrisy" and empty talk of u.s. arms sales and aid to taiwan have slapped the face of the dpp authorities, who are blindly pro-u.s. and rely on the united states, and made the people on the island doubt the u.s.'s determination and ability to "support taiwan."

according to statistics, as of august this year, the united states has accumulated a backlog of $20 billion in arms sales to taiwan, including f-16v fighters, abrams main battle tanks, harpoon missiles, himars rockets, etc. at present, most of the us arms sales to taiwan are parts and components, ammunition replenishment, and technical support projects. some professionals believe that since 2020, the us has stopped supporting the modernization of the taiwan military.

recently, jonathan, a professor at the u.s. naval war college, published an article in foreign affairs magazine, arguing that the taiwan region is not the key to the united states maintaining its core interests. on the contrary, the use of force to "defend taiwan" is a high-risk, low-return behavior, and proposed the view that we should not waste energy to "defend taiwan."

facts have shown that everything the united states does is based on american interests first, and they will never conflict with mainland china for the sake of "supporting taiwan."the united states’s backtracking on un resolution 2758 and engaging in cognitive warfare are merely political operations to “use taiwan to contain china.”

if the lai ching-te administration misjudges the situation, escalates its actions, attempts to seek "independence" by relying on the united states, and provokes confrontation, it will only bring taiwan into danger, seriously endanger the safety and well-being of taiwan compatriots, and seriously escalate tensions in the taiwan strait.