
70 years of the national people's congress: taking people's satisfaction as the standard and implementing representatives' suggestions in a way that reflects people's livelihood


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editor's note:this year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the national people's congress and the hunan provincial people's congress. 70 years for the people. the hunan people's congress media center and rednet shike news jointly launched a series of reports on "70 years of the people's congress", telling the hunan story of the people's congress system and showing the vivid practice of the whole process of people's democracy in hunan.
red net time news reporter wu gongran reports from changsha
the people have something to say, and we have something to respond to. the work of proposing bills and proposals by deputies is an overall, comprehensive and regular work of the national people's congress, and has always been the "highlight" of the work of the national people's congress. this work inherently embodies the requirements of full-process people's democracy and is an important aspect of the practice of full-process people's democracy in hunan.
on august 28, shen xiaoming, secretary of the provincial party committee and chairman of the provincial people's congress standing committee, presided over a special meeting on the handling of suggestions from deputies to the national people's congress and stressed that it is necessary to better absorb public opinion and pool people's wisdom in the process of high-quality handling of deputies' suggestions, and to effectively transform the deputies' "golden ideas" into "golden keys" to promote reform and development.
the implementation of suggestions promotes reform and development, and the people are the ultimate beneficiaries. the standing committee of the hunan provincial people's congress has always taken people's satisfaction as the standard for handling effectiveness, adhered to the goal requirements of "high-quality content and high-quality handling", and strived to implement the representatives' suggestions with the warmth of people's livelihood, and promoted the implementation of people's democracy throughout the process.
the hunan provincial department of human resources and social security issued "several measures to ensure the public recruitment of college graduates in public institutions".
a timely rain during graduation season
during the graduation season in june this year, the introduction of a policy brought "rain in time of need" to the world of hunan college graduates.
when releasing the recruitment plan, it is clearly defined that "college graduates" are graduates who graduated within the past three years and did not find a job within the establishment during the recruitment process (that is, within three years of the year in which the graduation certificate was signed, including the year of graduation). there is no restriction on whether they have work experience or have paid social security…on may 29, the provincial department of human resources and social security issued the "several measures for doing a good job in the open recruitment of college graduates by public institutions" (hereinafter referred to as the "measures"), which attracted widespread attention from the society and flooded the circle of friends.
wang ying, a provincial people's congress representative and lawyer at hunan jinzhou (xiangtan) law firm, was very excited when she learned about the release of the "measures", which meant that the relevant suggestions put forward by her had been implemented.
previously, when wang ying conducted a survey on the employment issues of university graduates in hunan province, she found that the reason why some university graduates delayed finding employment or did not find employment was that many units required recent graduates to be recruited, and only those who graduated that year or were unemployed within two years of job hunting after graduation could be considered recent graduates. this is not conducive to encouraging and promoting employment.
in january this year, wang ying, together with representatives lan guangxiang and wang yesong, submitted a "suggestion on relaxing the criteria for recruiting fresh graduates applying for admissions to relevant institutions" to the second session of the 14th provincial people's congress.
on may 31, 2024, ulan, secretary of the party leadership group and deputy director of the standing committee of the provincial people's congress, went to the provincial department of human resources and social security to take the lead in supervising key suggestions on talent development and expanding employment.
this suggestion was included in the key suggestions for handling, and was supervised by ulan, secretary of the party leadership group and deputy director of the standing committee of the provincial people's congress, and supervised by the provincial people's congress social committee, and hosted by the provincial department of human resources and social security.
with the joint efforts of the supervisors and organizers, the "measures" were finally introduced. not only did they clarify the identity of recent college graduates, but they also introduced measures such as tilting recruitment towards college graduates.
the implementation of this proposal has received unanimous praise from the society. not only did wang ying, the provincial people's congress representative who proposed the proposal, express her satisfaction, but also graduates from universities commented that this policy was issued at the right time.
implementing the representatives’ suggestions in a way that reflects people’s livelihood
the suggestions have been implemented effectively, public opinion has blossomed and borne fruit, and the people have benefited from them. in recent years, with the efforts of all parties, a large number of suggestions from hunan provincial people's congress deputies have been implemented effectively, have warmed people's livelihood, and have touched the hearts of the people.
for example, in 2024, the provincial high people's court and other units carefully handled the "suggestions on accelerating the handling of difficulties in refunding litigation fees", and jointly with the provincial department of finance formulated the "implementation opinions on standardizing the management of collection, enforcement and refund of litigation fees", which established an automatic refund mechanism for litigation fees, and clarified that when filing a case, the parties can choose to have the court automatically refund the litigation fees if they win the case, and the collecting court shall handle the refund in accordance with the law and regulations within 15 days after the judgment document takes effect. the release of this implementation opinion means the establishment of a system for actively refunding the litigation fees of the winning party. the suggestions made by representatives such as xu jian and chen hailong for two consecutive years have been implemented, solving the problem of difficulty in refunding litigation fees and providing more convenience and benefits to the people.
the office area of ​​hunan province social insurance information system joint operation and maintenance center.
for example, in 2023, the provincial taxation bureau and other units have solidly handled the "suggestions on establishing a joint operation and maintenance mechanism for the social security fee information system of the three departments of human resources, social security, taxation, and medical insurance" proposed by representative zeng guanghui, and launched the hunan provincial social insurance fee information system joint operation and maintenance center on may 10, to promote cross-departmental information sharing and business collaboration, improve the efficiency of social security fee management, allow data to run more and the people to run less, and make it convenient for insured people to handle insurance and collection business.
for example, in 2021, the provincial department of civil affairs and other units handled the key suggestions on "promoting the construction of rural elderly care service system" in a solid manner, absorbed the suggestions of representatives such as xuan juren, and issued "several measures to promote the development of rural elderly care services", strengthened talent training, and added 5,000 special care beds throughout the year, greatly improving the shortage of special care beds in rural areas.
from the above cases, we can see that the suggestions that convey the people's voice and gather the people's expectations, after being implemented, have provided a solution to the people's urgent needs and effectively responded to social concerns.
the representatives have the final say on whether the suggestions of the representatives are well implemented.
only through high-quality handling can high-quality suggestions produce results that satisfy the people.
in order to implement the suggestions with high quality, in recent years, hunan has established and improved a "big supervision" pattern of representative suggestions with the provincial people's congress standing committee strengthening leadership, members of the presidium taking the lead in supervision, various special committees of the people's congress carrying out corresponding supervision, people's congress deputies actively participating, and society paying attention.
organizing representatives to review the handling of suggestions and promote the formation of a forced mechanism for handling suggestions is a key link in this work pattern. because, as the proposers of suggestions, witnesses, participants and promoters of the handling of suggestions, representatives have the most say and the most judgment power on whether the suggestions of representatives are well handled and what the actual effects are.
in 2014, the standing committee of the provincial people's congress organized the first deputies to review and handle suggestions in the country. since then, it has held meetings for deputies to review and handle suggestions for 10 consecutive years, giving the right to judge the handling of suggestions to deputies, ensuring the people's right to know, right to participate, right to express, and right to supervise, and constantly strengthening the correct, effective, and legal supervision of the people's congress.
on september 15, 2023, the hunan provincial people’s congress deputies’ review and suggestion handling meeting was held in changsha.
especially in 2023, the working meeting on the handling of representatives' evaluation suggestions was innovative and upgraded. all members of the directors' meeting attended. for the first time, branch venues were set up in each city (state) to watch the live broadcast. for the first time, representatives were organized to watch the live video simultaneously through the hunan smart people's congress.
we have continuously explored and improved the review form, from the early one-way reporting by the reviewed units to two-way communication between the reviewed units and the participating representatives; from simple satisfaction evaluation to a scoring system... after 10 years of hard work, the review of representative suggestions has made a big step forward from being incomplete in its early stages to being sophisticated and refined. the review preparation has become more detailed, the review process has become more rigorous, and the review results have become more authoritative, achieving a magnificent transformation from "reviewing" to "reviewing well".
the person in charge of the representative working committee of the provincial people's congress standing committee said that evaluation is a means rather than an end. the purpose of evaluation is to further improve the quality and efficiency of suggestion handling and to ensure that the suggestions are handled to the heart of the people.
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