
he pingli | the relationship between the two countries has stabilized and improved. the australian treasurer visits china again after seven years


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australian treasurer chalmers
australian treasurer chalmers is about to visit china, indicating that china and australia are continuing to work hard to inject vitality into bilateral relations through frequent high-level interactions. for many years, china-australia relations have been tense and the two countries have gradually become estranged. chalmers' visit will stabilize bilateral relations and promote the healthy development of bilateral relations. in this regard, the outside world defines his visit to china as a "strategic economic dialogue."
in an interview with the australian broadcasting corporation on sunday, chalmers said he would visit china at the end of september and the talks would include china's import ban on australian lobsters and foreign investment rules in australia's key minerals and other areas.
after seven years, the australian treasurer visited china again, showing the positive trend of high-level exchanges between china and australia since australian prime minister albanese took office. the tensions accumulated by the previous government may be eased. as long as the two sides respect and understand each other, they can work together to promote economic and trade development and benefit the two countries and their peoples.
china and australia have always been building a mutually beneficial and win-win economic and trade relationship, but under the influence of the us government, the previous australian government exerted some unnecessary pressure on china.
since albanese took office in 2022, australia has changed the previous government's hostile policy toward china, actively eased tensions and established friendly relations. in response, china lifted a series of import restrictions on australia, effectively pushing bilateral economic and trade cooperation back on track.
in the first half of this year, australia's coal exports rebounded strongly, and coal from australia accounted for a large proportion of china's total coal imports. shipping information released by bigmint shows that australia's coking coal exports to china jumped from 2.16 million tons in the first half of 2023 to 6.56 million tons in the first half of this year.
after the two countries reached an agreement on the import and export of australian wine, major australian wineries hope to regain their dominance in the chinese market. according to data released by the australian side, the total value of australian wine exports to china exceeded 86 million australian dollars in just one month after the tariff was abolished.
in june this year, when premier li qiang visited australia, he announced that australia would be included in the scope of unilateral visa-free countries, which triggered a wave of australian tourism to china. the healthy development of bilateral relations will further enhance mutual understanding between the peoples of the two countries.
china has been australia's largest trading partner, export market and import source for 15 consecutive years since 2009. in 2023, the bilateral trade volume between china and australia increased by 4.1% over the previous year, and australia's investment in china increased by 11.7% over the previous year.
good economic and trade relations have also promoted the exchange of technology and best practices between the two countries, and achieved win-win cooperation in research and development, renewable energy and other high-tech fields.
it is important that the two countries work together to meet challenges while maintaining a win-win economic and trade partnership to provide support for future sustainable growth and cooperation.
as long as the australian government respects china's core interests, treats china as an equal, does not regard china as a threat, and distances itself from the us's sabotage attempts, the future prospects for positive and pragmatic china-australia cooperation will be brighter. the chinese and australian economies are interdependent, and economic and trade cooperation between the two countries will also become an important factor in promoting peace, stability and prosperity in the asia-pacific region.
this article is adapted from the china daily editorial of september 11.
original title: barometric visit indicates pressure on ties easing
produced by: china daily editorial office, china daily chinese website
translated by: cao jing editor: li haipeng
source: china daily