
chu chaoxin: vicious and selfish readers are not worth it


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on september 9, it was maliciously "attacked".

the story is simple: between 21:55 and 22:10 that night, a person who had added me on wechat sent me 10 messages in a row, reporting a problem and asking for help. at the time, i was coaxing my baby to sleep and was not looking at my phone. just 6 minutes later, at 22:16, probably because i didn't reply, he started to send me messages in a row to express his dissatisfaction with me. to express his dissatisfaction, he deliberately shot a video of a book i published a few years ago. in the video, he said, "i'll burn this book in a while."

old readers know that i usually bathe my child, read picture books, and tell stories to lull him to sleep at this time. i was sick recently and could only lie down, so i couldn't bathe my child, but i still read picture books to lull him to sleep. therefore, i often don't have time to look at my phone between 9pm and 10:30pm.

at around 9 o'clock that day, i was naturally coaxing my child to sleep and not looking at my phone. around 10:30, i looked at my phone while coaxing my child to sleep and found that i was already dissatisfied.

i was really angry when i saw those messages. after thinking about it, i realized that there must be something hateful about pitiful people, so i didn't respond. such people are not worth it.

i often encounter such unreasonable readers, who only care about their own affairs, and don't care whether you live or die. they come to you to ask for your help and flatter you. once they find that you don't respond, they don't care whether you don't have time or don't want to respond, as long as you can't eat and immediately show that you attach great importance to his affairs, and they will turn hostile and speak ill of you in an instant.

such people are not like humans and have no human touch. it is best to stay away from them.

i have been around for more than 20 years and have seen all kinds of people. i know how evil and ugly human nature is, so i am not very enthusiastic towards unfamiliar readers. for this reason, people often say that i am not very friendly to my readers and i don't know how to please them.

it’s strange, why should a writer please readers?

based on long-term analysis and observation of the background data of wechat official accounts, it can be basically determined that there are many public officials among the readers. some of these people read articles in the official accounts every day, but they read them every day not because they like them, but because certain articles and expressions have some objective influence after being circulated, which directly or indirectly touches them and they have to pay attention.

paying attention and liking are two different things, and paying attention does not mean liking. my friend "wai bo neck" once told me that the secretary of a prefecture-level city once told him that he read my articles every day. obviously, the secretary did not read them every day because he liked them.

as a senior observer of current affairs, i have some self-awareness. why should i try to please these people?

be reader-friendly? why should we be reader-friendly?

in my opinion, being reader-friendly means pleasing them and catering to their reading interests.

i'm sorry, but this is not the purpose of my writing. i don't write to please anyone, but because i have a need to express myself. i want to say something that i want to say and can say, not to please or disparage anyone. although some articles actually make some readers feel that they are pleased or disparaged, that is not what i deliberately did after trying to figure out the readers' thoughts. i just said what i wanted to say. who to please or who to displease is not what a writer should consider.

at this age, do you still think about catering to and pleasing others every day? of course, self-censorship happens every day, and no one should pretend to be cool.

in march 2016, i published an article in southern media research, discussing whether a journalist should write about what readers like to read or what i think readers should read. people who have read that article should be able to see that at that time i had already made up my mind not to please readers.

why so proud and stubborn?

sometimes a person is proud not because of excellence, but because of self. for me, the word "self" is not a positive word, but it is not an absolute negative word either. i am not excellent, but i want to be myself. being myself with responsibility is a basic pursuit of modern people.

pride and stubbornness also concern other readers.

there was a reader who left insulting messages in the backend of the official account, but i ignored him. this kind of person is not worth it. a few days later, one morning, he suddenly left three messages in a row, his attitude changed 180 degrees, he praised me with big words, and then said that he hoped i would do justice.

haha, do you want to please readers like this?

unfortunately, there are quite a few people of this kind among the readers of my wechat public account. they dislike me on weekdays, but my words can easily hurt them. when they get into trouble, they realize that i, who have hurt them, may be the most suitable gun.

i am never afraid of being a pawn. if the matter involves public interests or personal legitimate interests and there is sufficient and strong evidence, it is okay to be a pawn. however, facing readers who treat you like a father and scold you for no reason, i am not broad-minded enough to be a pawn.

it is a tragedy for writers to have to face a large number of such readers every day.

sometimes, i have to help some readers who are not so lovely. these people usually don’t leave messages, comments, or like posts. when i write articles to speak up for others, they never forward them. but once they encounter problems, they will come to me and hope that i can do something.

having seen through the true nature of these readers, i no longer expect them to bring me any practical benefits. they can like or not like my articles, or forward them or not. as a result, i become more capricious in writing articles, and most of the time i write what i want to write rather than what they like to read. i also care more about my own feelings rather than the feelings of my readers.

once you see through it, you will understand it and let it go. otherwise, you would have been angry to death eight hundred times.

there are also many readers who love to read this public account from the bottom of their hearts. once a friend in the system sent me a wechat message saying: sorry, although i agree with your article, it is not convenient to forward it directly to my circle of friends.

people often say something like this. "i understand, thank you for your support." i respect and understand these friends. although they dare not publicly like or forward my posts, they can quietly approve of them in their hearts, which has preliminarily achieved the purpose of my writing.

some readers also said sincerely: teacher chu, we are all ordinary people, a group of vulnerable groups, and may not be able to help you at the critical moment.

this message from a reader can occasionally make people feel the significance of their current writing, and can also make them sober and not live in the empty evaluations of others.

i have said before that writing these articles is my duty. if the articles help someone, don't feel indebted to them. if they don't help, don't blame them. another version of this is: if you like it, i don't feel i owe you anything; if you don't like it, i don't feel let down. whether you like it or not, i am here, writing these insignificant words for my own amusement.

don’t make excessive demands on each other and be at ease with yourself.