
16 groups and 42 people from chongqing were recognized nationwide! let's listen to their educational stories


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recently, the celebration of the 40th teachers' day and the commendation of advanced collectives and individuals in the national education system were held in beijing. among them, 16 collectives in chongqing were rated as "national advanced collectives in the education system", 17 people were rated as "national model teachers", 21 people were rated as "national excellent teachers", 2 people were rated as "national advanced workers in the education system", and 2 people were rated as "national excellent educators" (the list is attached). on september 13, chongqing daily reporters interviewed some representatives and listened to their education stories.
wang youbi, a teacher at peng yongwu primary school in yunyang county, chongqing:
helped more than 2,300 children escape from the mountains in 16 years
"education is like planting trees. it requires constant support and unremitting efforts." wang youbi, a teacher at peng yongwu primary school in yunyang county, chongqing, was named a national model teacher. she has been rooted in rural education for more than 30 years. from a private teacher to a public teacher, she has always adhered to the belief of "loving students as one's own children and having perseverance as strong as a mountain", selflessly dedicated, and worked silently, making outstanding contributions to rural education.
in 1994, 22-year-old wang youbi came to shibao village, hongshi town, yunyang county, and became a private teacher. at that time, shibao village was located in a remote area with poor transportation. it was a remote mountainous area where public teachers could not stay and private teachers could not keep the school. faced with dilapidated school buildings and the loss of students, she did not back down, but chose to stay, and ignited the hope of the children in the mountains with her love and perseverance: she solved more than 200 practical difficulties for nearly 100 left-behind children, and directly or indirectly provided more than 30,000 yuan in financial assistance. in 16 years, more than 2,300 children have walked out of the mountains and completed their studies.
in 2007, wang youbi passed the "transfer to public" exam and became a public school teacher, and has remained in shibao village. in 2016, wang youbi was transferred to peng yongwu primary school to teach.
naughty students will become diligent and motivated in her care; many left-behind children always receive her meticulous care; if some children have bad behavior habits, she will visit their homes as soon as possible to understand and help them correct them...
“nothing can compare to the look that teacher wang gave me,” “that hug and those words have always given me strength,” “i hugged teacher wang and said, ‘the food you cook is the most delicious in the world’”... these are what the children wrote in their essays.
"choosing to be a teacher means choosing responsibility. i feel very happy to be a rural teacher!" wang youbi said with deep emotion.
yang yang, a teacher at chongqing industrial vocational and technical college:
the textbooks compiled by the university were studied by nearly 10,000 students from 233 institutions across the country.
"the power of one person is limited. only by cultivating more outstanding talents can we promote the development of the entire automotive industry and make chinese cars stand out among the world's cars." this is the sincere original intention of yang yang, a national model teacher and teacher at chongqing industrial vocational and technical college.
in march 2013, yang yang, who had just graduated with a master's degree, made a major decision in his life: to come to the school of vehicle engineering of chongqing industrial vocational and technical college to be an ordinary teacher.
in the first few years of my work, i often saw a little girl happily tinkering with various tools and equipment such as wrenches, lifts, and diagnostic instruments at the school's training base. from meticulous engine maintenance to precise transmission disassembly and assembly, to the detailed diagnosis of automobile faults, she practiced every skill to perfection.
in order to lead the teaching and research team well, she explored ways of combining work and study, such as alternating work and study and order-based training. she worked tirelessly and braved the scorching heat to lead teachers and students to more than 40 companies for more than 100 on-the-job visits, bringing real production projects of companies back to the classroom.
"writing digital textbooks is a very tedious task, from learning the latest technology from companies, collecting case materials, converting materials into text, designing three-dimensional resources, and then writing scripts word by word, connecting the screen content frame by frame... every link must be repeatedly optimized and adjusted. the presentation of a knowledge point often requires several all-nighters to complete." although the process is difficult, yang yang is always happy to do it. in the end, she wrote 6 textbooks, one of which won the second prize of the first national textbook construction award. the supporting bilingual resources were studied by nearly 10,000 students from 233 units across the country and were used by changan automobile to train technicians from 31 countries.
abnormal noises in cars come from a wide range of sources, occur randomly, and have weak intensity. how to accurately locate the sources of abnormal noises in all directions and with a high dynamic range is a technical challenge recognized by the industry.
"if there is no road, i will make one myself!" so yang yang spent time in the hot test field, conducting experiments on car abnormal noise recognition over and over again. finally, yang yang innovated the high-precision panoramic recognition technology for abnormal noise sources in the car, broke through the spatial resolution of abnormal noise source positioning in the car to the centimeter level, and achieved 360° panoramic synchronous and accurate recognition of intermittent abnormal noise sources in the strong noise environment in the car...
in the students' minds, yang yang is both a good teacher and a good friend. in the weekly "sister yang chat" event, she is the first to understand the students' difficulties and needs and do her best to help them, or help them develop career plans through heart-to-heart talks, or help them find work-study programs after traveling a long way... there are always a large number of students around her, listening to her teaching and sharing her life insights on the podium.
xiao li, deputy secretary of the party committee and principal of chongqing nankai middle school:
let new teachers stand firmly on the podium in one year, master the teaching materials in three years, and become backbone teachers in six years
xiao li, deputy secretary of the party committee and principal of chongqing nankai middle school, was awarded the title of national advanced worker in the education system. on the road of education, he constantly enriched his teaching experience, attached importance to the school's scientific research construction, built nankai's characteristic courses, explored group-based schooling to help balance education, and fulfilled his educational responsibilities with his words and deeds, writing about his persistent and steadfast educational sentiments.
in the eyes of teachers, xiao li always leaves home early and returns late, devoting himself to his work and serving more than 3,000 nankai teachers and students wholeheartedly. in order to help young teachers grow, xiao li created a series of training programs for young teachers, and personally participated in internships, summer intensive training, report classes and open classes for new teachers, so that new teachers can stand firmly on the podium in one year, master the teaching materials in three years, and become backbones in six years. in order to comprehensively improve the teaching skills and comprehensive qualities of young teachers, he promoted the basic skills competition and quality class competition for young teachers, and held competitions of different themes and forms every year according to the education situation, so that many young teachers won good results in various competitions in chongqing and even across the country.
in the field of scientific research, he is innovative, has presided over many research projects and won awards, actively published papers and compiled teaching materials and supplementary materials. many of his projects have won national and municipal awards. in order to help achieve balanced education, xiao li also strengthened the exploration of cross-regional group school management, carried out in-depth bundling development of smart cloud schools, and went deep into pengshui, qianjiang, wanzhou, shizhu, chengkou, wulong, qijiang and other districts and counties in chongqing to provide teaching support.
more news:
1. list of recipients of the national advanced collective award in the education system
ii. list of national model teachers
iii. list of national outstanding teachers
iv. list of recipients of honor for outstanding workers in the national education system
5. list of national outstanding educators
▲ image source: chongqing education wechat account