
junlang kindergarten in xinwu district, wuxi city: children's hearts protect the green, and little forest safety guards are online


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in early september, the weather was still hot. the children of junlang kindergarten in xinwu district, wuxi city, transformed themselves into "little forest guardians" and embarked on an educational and entertaining journey - in-depth exploration of forest fire safety knowledge and personal experience of forest fire alarm telephone simulation drills.
"children, how should we deal with forest fires?" the teacher's question aroused the children's curiosity and sense of responsibility. "please remember, at the critical moment, call the forest fire alarm number - 12119!" the teacher's emphasis made the children read along, and this string of numbers was like a safety code, deeply engraved in their hearts.
as the urgent sound of the alarm broke the silence, a tense and orderly forest fire alarm call simulation drill officially began. the children were divided into groups, playing the roles of brave little guards who discovered the fire and professional firefighters who received the alarm. in the simulation, the "alarmers" were calm and dialed 12119 accurately to clearly convey the fire information; the "firefighters" listened carefully and recorded quickly, showing their determination and efficiency in racing against time.
after the drill, the children excitedly shared their thoughts and gains. they all said they would share what they learned with their family and friends to jointly protect our green home. the children's smiles were like the warm sunshine in spring, indicating that the seeds of forest fire safety have taken root and sprouted in their hearts and are growing vigorously.
this activity not only enabled the children to master the use of forest fire alarm phones, but more importantly, it inspired their sense of responsibility and mission as young citizens of the earth.