
optimize the process of riders entering residential areas and solve the pain point of "difficulty in entering the door"... china logistics association and meituan jointly issued the "smooth delivery last 100 meters initiative"


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xinmin evening news (reporter yang shuo) recently, the china property management association and meituan jointly issued the "initiative on jointly smoothing the "last 100 meters" of delivery services". the initiative called on property service companies to work together with food delivery platforms and riders to smooth the "last 100 meters" of delivery services.
the "initiative" calls for the establishment of a regular communication and coordination mechanism among communities, owners, property services, delivery riders, etc., to jointly explore a comprehensive governance plan that takes into account community order, owner experience, and rider convenience, and to guide property service company employees and riders to actively participate in community grassroots governance, and to jointly build, govern, and share good community order.
the "initiative" encourages food delivery platforms to work with property service companies to jointly innovate technical means and take reasonable measures to optimize the process of online delivery personnel entering residential communities, such as using mini-program products such as "entry code" and "brother code", and granting entry and exit rights to online delivery personnel who actively report to the property service office; for those who have explicitly requested to prohibit delivery personnel from entering the community in the form of a collective resolution of the owners, the property service companies must clarify the terminal delivery rules.
in addition, communities with conditions are encouraged to provide convenient conditions for terminal delivery. property service companies should ensure that the house number signs or guide information in the community are clear and complete; actively assist street communities to set up exclusive parking areas, install isolation barriers, guide signs and other facilities to ensure orderly parking of vehicles, and jointly build public facilities such as community rest stations to create a harmonious and friendly community atmosphere; communities with conditions are encouraged to complete terminal delivery through food delivery platform's food collection cabinets, delivery robots and other equipment in accordance with the provisions of the property service contract or the owners' convention, based on full listening to and respecting the opinions of the owners.
a relevant person in charge of the china property management association said that although property practitioners and deliverymen have different responsibilities, they both serve the community residents and are indispensable in the community ecology. only mutual respect and understanding can build a harmonious relationship. we also look forward to the active participation of community residents in creating a more friendly working environment for deliverymen and property service personnel, and building a better home together.
the person in charge of relevant business of meituan said that riders are important partners of meituan. meituan will work with various business departments to ensure resources, support the continuous implementation of rider-friendly community projects, solve riders' problems, and encourage riders to actively integrate into the community governance structure to better serve the community. in the future, we look forward to continuing to work together with all sectors of society, including property service companies, to jointly explore innovative solutions and build an inclusive and harmonious community.
to solve the problem of "difficulty in entering the gate" for riders, meituan has cooperated with large property service companies to launch a "rider-friendly community access solution" since august. riders can scan the code at the entrance of the community to register with one click and verify their identity instantly. the whole process only takes about 5 seconds. the solution has currently served 800,000 riders.