
this year, more than 120 executives of listed companies retired, and some held shares worth more than 80 million yuan.


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jianyan design disclosed on the evening of september 10 that the company's board of directors received a written resignation report submitted by executive chief architect yao maoju on september 10. yao maoju applied to resign from the position of executive chief architect of the company as he reached the legal retirement age.

the listed company stated that yao maoju’s resignation report will take effect from the date of delivery to the board of directors, and his resignation will not affect the normal operation of the company.

securities times e-company reporter noticed that yao maoju may face the situation of "retiring but not resting". jianyan design said that it would re-employ yao maoju to engage in relevant technical work.

according to his resume, yao maoju was born in 1964 and is 60 years old this year. he is a senior engineer, a national first-class registered architect, an academic and technical leader in anhui province, and a master of engineering survey and design in anhui province. he has served as a director and deputy general manager of jianyan design for a long time. after august 2023, he served as the executive chief architect of jianyan design, responsible for the company's architectural creation, special design, design scheme bidding, and architectural technology quality.

in 2023, yao maoju received a pre-tax remuneration of 744,500 yuan from jianyan design. as of now, yao maoju holds 2.1331 million shares of the company, with a market value of approximately 23.6987 million yuan.

the listed company stated that yao maoju has been working in the company for 36 years. he has always been conscientious and diligent in performing his duties for decades. he is a core talent in the company's architectural design business and has made outstanding contributions to the company's development.

the reporter made a rough calculation and found that since the beginning of this year, more than 120 directors, supervisors and senior managers (including core technical personnel) of a-share listed companies have retired (including yao maoju). most of them no longer work in listed companies after retirement, and a few have been re-employed.

image source: times finance gallery

on august 30, aike technology disclosed that the company received a retirement report from wang peng, deputy general manager and secretary of the board of directors. wang peng resigned because he reached the statutory retirement age. after resigning from the aforementioned position, wang peng plans to serve as a consultant in the company.

sante cableway has also made similar arrangements for the work of its chief engineer shu bendao after his retirement. the company said that in view of shu bendao's influence in the cableway industry and the fact that the company is currently in a critical period of development of its cableway business, the company will continue to employ shu bendao as its technical consultant.

shu bendao is a senior engineer, a member of the china special equipment expert committee, and an expert of the china ropeway association. in 2023, he received a pre-tax salary of 800,000 yuan from sante cableway.

in may, zhang xiaoling, deputy general manager of haun automotive & electric, applied to resign from the position of deputy general manager of the company due to reaching the statutory retirement age. after resigning, zhang xiaoling still holds other positions in haun automotive & electric.

haiou zhugong announced in late february that yuan xunping had applied to resign from his position as deputy general manager of the company due to reaching the statutory retirement age. after retirement, he will serve as the company's chief consultant for integrated bathroom products.

among the retired people, some hold shares worth a considerable amount of money.

on september 3, tongde chemical disclosed that the company's deputy general manager wu dunwei applied for resignation because he had reached the statutory retirement age. wu dunwei holds 2.4113 million shares of tongde chemical, with a market value of approximately 10.1516 million yuan.

liu hong, deputy general manager of zhongju high-tech, retired in early september, and the market value of his shareholdings was approximately 6.457 million yuan.

teng hong, deputy general manager of kailong co., ltd., retired in august. he directly held 1.335 million shares of the company with a market value of 9.3851 million yuan.

liu shufeng, former chairman of shengyi technology, retired in june due to age reasons. he holds 4.8277 million shares of the company, with a market value of about 84.0503 million yuan. shengyi technology said that mr. liu shufeng joined the company in january 1990 and has been working in the copper clad laminate industry for 34 years. he led the company from a small factory with an annual output of 600,000 square meters of copper clad laminates to a group-listed company with an annual output of 120 million square meters, a net asset of 13.983 billion yuan, an annual profit and tax of over 400 million yuan, and more than 10,000 employees, making an indelible contribution to the company's development.

rockchip and dalong real estate both had two executives retiring at the same time. rockchip announced on july 8 that deputy general managers hu qiuping and fang qiang resigned from their positions as deputy general managers due to retirement. dalong real estate announced at the end of june that the company's board of directors received written resignation reports from director peng zehai and director, member of the board's remuneration and assessment committee, financial director and chief accountant wei caihong. peng zehai and wei caihong applied to resign from the above-mentioned related positions due to approaching retirement.

the reporter noticed that most of the directors, supervisors and senior managers retired due to age. among them, fang qiang, deputy general manager of rockchip, applied for retirement for personal reasons. according to his resume, fang qiang was born in 1966.