
special evaluation previews remote vehicle control safety: the core guarantee of intelligent network connection


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with the development of internet of things technology, the internet of vehicles has become an important part of the intelligent transportation system. it connects vehicles to the internet through wireless communication technology, and realizes information exchange between vehicles, vehicles and infrastructure, and vehicles and pedestrians. as a key function of the internet of vehicles, the remote control function allows users to remotely control the vehicle through mobile devices, such as starting the engine, unlocking the door, monitoring the vehicle status, etc. however, this convenience also brings new security challenges.

information security risks

communication security

1. man-in-the-middle attack: the attacker inserts his own tampered or stolen information into the communication process.

2. replay attack: the attacker intercepts and resends legitimate information during the communication process.

authentication vulnerabilities

1. weak authentication: if the authentication mechanism is not strong enough, attackers can impersonate legitimate users.

2. credential leakage: the user’s login credentials may be stolen, resulting in illegal access to the account.

software and firmware vulnerabilities

1. unpatched vulnerabilities: known vulnerabilities in software and firmware can be exploited by attackers if they are not patched in time.

2. malware: attackers take control of the vehicle by implanting malware.

physical security

1. physical access: the attacker bypasses the remote control security measures by physically accessing the vehicle’s control unit.


strengthening communication security

1. use encryption technology: ensure that all communications use strong encryption algorithms, such as symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption.

2. security protocol: use secure communication protocols such as dtls or ipsec.

strengthening authentication

1. multi-factor authentication: use a second factor such as biometrics or a one-time password in addition to your password

2. update credentials regularly: force users to change passwords or authentication methods regularly.

software and firmware security

1. regular updates: update software and firmware in a timely manner to patch known security vulnerabilities.

2. secure coding: adopt secure coding practices during the development process to reduce the occurrence of vulnerabilities.

physical security measures

1. physical access control: restrict physical access to vehicle control units.

2. hardware security: use tamper-resistant hardware components, such as security chips.

evaluation procedures

in order to better protect the user's travel and vehicle safety, the ivista internet intelligence and privacy security special evaluation procedure (2023 edition) tests and evaluates the remote control safety of vehicles through the following four dimensions:

1. car control app security scanning test

2. vehicle control app safety communication test

3. app control vehicle command replay attack test

4. app control vehicle command tampering attack test

through the above attack tests, we can find the security risks of existing models and test whether the vehicle can resist specific attacks under normal driving conditions. the specific evaluation method is shown as follows:

the remote control function of the internet of vehicles has brought great convenience to users, but it has also introduced new security risks. by taking the above measures, the security of the system can be significantly improved to protect the information security and travel safety of users. with the continuous advancement of technology, information security measures also need to be continuously updated and improved to cope with increasingly complex security threats. ivista's internet of vehicles intelligence and privacy security special evaluation will continue to focus on consumer needs, meet consumers' expectations for automobile travel safety, shoulder social responsibilities, and escort consumers' safe travel.