
the 40th teachers' day is coming soon, pay tribute to the 18.918 million people's teachers!


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this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china and is a critical year for the implementation of the 14th five-year plan. in the season of bright autumn and abundant harvests, we usher in the 40th teachers' day. let us extend our blessings and respects to the 18.918 million people's teachers who work hard on the podium!
"the ideals and beliefs of having a great self and serving the country with sincerity, the moral sentiment of being a model for others with words and a model for behavior, the wisdom of educating people by enlightening their minds and hearts and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, the attitude of diligent study, seeking truth and innovation, the benevolence of loving students and willing to make sacrifices, and the pursuit of the world and educating people with culture", general secretary xi jinping profoundly explained the rich connotation and practical requirements of the unique spirit of educators in china on the occasion of teachers' day last year. recently, the cpc central committee and the state council issued the "opinions on carrying forward the spirit of educators and strengthening the construction of high-quality and professional teachers in the new era", proposing to take strengthening the construction of the teacher team as the most important basic work for building an education power and strengthen the guidance of the spirit of educators.
respect for teachers is engraved in the cultural genes of the chinese nation. since ancient times, the chinese nation has had a fine tradition of respecting teachers, valuing education, and advocating wisdom and learning. as the saying goes, "if a country is to prosper, it must value teachers and respect tutors; if teachers are valued and tutors are respected, laws and regulations will exist." in the 5,000-year history of the development of chinese civilization, heroes and masters have emerged in large numbers, all of which are inseparable from the hard work of generations of teachers. history has repeatedly proved that the development and progress of a country is closely linked to respecting teachers and valuing education. respecting teachers can not only promote education, but also promote the country.
since the founding of the people's republic of china, my country's education has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the tradition of respecting teachers and valuing education has been continued and promoted. from launching a large-scale literacy campaign to formally resuming the college entrance examination and implementing nine-year compulsory education, from vigorously developing normal education to establishing teachers' day and promulgating the "teachers law of the people's republic of china", the party and the state attach great importance to education, and the social status of teachers has been improved and their treatment has been improved. with determination to forge ahead and overcome difficulties, the construction of the teaching team has gone through a historical process of strengthening the foundation, optimizing the structure, and promoting security, and the sense of honor, happiness, and identity of the vast number of teachers has steadily increased. sticking to the podium and educating people with all their heart, the vast number of teachers also use their great love and wisdom to provide a steady stream of talent and intellectual support for national development, turning it into an inexhaustible kinetic energy, and holding up the glorious footprints and historical glory of standing up, getting rich, and becoming strong.
the wheel of time rolls forward, marking china's new development direction.
entering the new era, facing the mission of building a strong country and the people's eager yearning for fair and quality education, "vigorously cultivating a high-quality professional teaching team with noble professional ethics, superb skills, reasonable structure and vitality" has become the need of the times and the expectation of the people. the party central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core has placed the construction of the teaching team in a prominent position and made a series of major decisions and arrangements. the level of teacher training, professional ability and professional knowledge reserve has been continuously improved. a scientific, standardized, systematic and effective policy and system system has been formed in the field of teacher team construction. the ideological and political construction of teachers and the construction of teachers' ethics and style have been continuously strengthened... a good situation has gradually formed in which outstanding talents compete to teach, teachers give full play to their talents, and good teachers continue to emerge.
respecting teachers is likened to "running towards the future", which means paying attention to the present and the future.
from top-level strategic deployment, placing teachers' work in an extremely important strategic position; to improving system construction, building a high-level teacher system with chinese characteristics; to vigorously promoting the trend, making respecting teachers and valuing education a cultural and conscious action of the whole society... high-level planning and systematic advancement will surely gather strong confidence and the tremendous power of a great country's teacher, push a big education country to become a strong education country, and realize the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation.
advocating and promoting the spirit of educators is a necessary step to encourage teachers to cultivate morality, cultivate themselves, and devote themselves to their studies. it is the due responsibility of promoting education, science and technology, and talent work in an integrated manner, and providing basic and strategic support for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. it is also the call of the times to strengthen the foundation and lay the foundation for national prosperity and national rejuvenation.
the strength of teachers lays the foundation for the strength of education, and the strength of education lays the foundation for the strength of the country. with a love for the three-foot podium, with the expectation of lighting up the life path of more children, with the persistence of teaching every class well, with the spirit of overcoming difficulties and daring to innovate, we will keep pace with the times and respond to the call of the times. in the grand cause of chinese-style modernization, the vast number of teachers will be brave and resolute to take on responsibilities and write the glory of serving the country through education!
salute to the people’s teachers!
(source: people's daily)