
improve the efficiency of smart supervision of "internet open kitchen and bright stove" with high standards


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (hubei daily online) (correspondent xie baihui) on september 4, the author learned from the xiangyang audit bureau that during the economic responsibility audit of the leading cadres of the xiangyang municipal government affairs service center, the bureau identified the performance of duties in food safety supervision as one of the key review items.
auditors inspected the platform operation on site. photo provided by the correspondent
during the audit, auditors innovated their working methods and made full use of the advanced technology of the "internet + bright kitchen" smart supervision platform to gain an in-depth understanding and evaluation of the actual application effect of the platform in food safety supervision. by operating the platform on site, auditors carefully checked the operation of its intelligent early warning system, focusing on whether the system has the ability to automatically identify and warn of irregular operations or potential safety hazards in the kitchen.
auditors inspected the platform operation on site. photo provided by the correspondent
the "internet + bright kitchen" smart supervision platform is an important innovative achievement in the field of food safety supervision in recent years. it uses high-definition cameras and intelligent analysis technology to achieve real-time monitoring and intelligent analysis of kitchen operation processes. once irregular operations or potential safety hazards are found in the kitchen, such as not wearing masks or gloves, expired ingredients, etc., the system will immediately issue an early warning signal to remind management personnel to take timely measures to rectify the situation.