
international observation: china's modernization ignites africa's confidence in achieving modernization


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china news service, beijing, september 6th, title: chinese-style modernization ignites africa's confidence in achieving modernization
"china and africa account for one-third of the world's total population. without the modernization of china and africa, there will be no modernization of the world." "no one can be left behind on the road to modernization, and no country can be left behind."
at the opening ceremony of the forum on china-africa cooperation summit held on september 5, 2024, these words from president xi jinping's keynote speech spread across mountains and seas from beijing to the african continent, to the global south, and to the whole world, with great force.
video: senegalese foreign minister faller: china-africa cooperation has a long history and our relationship with china is a win-win situation source: china news network
recently, foreign minister fall of senegal, who is the current african co-chair of the forum on china-africa cooperation, met with chinese and foreign journalists and answered questions with wang yi, a member of the political bureau of the cpc central committee and foreign minister. in an interview with, he said that china-africa cooperation has a long history and the independence of african countries cannot be achieved without the help of china. "as foreign minister wang yi said, china's accession to the united nations is also inseparable from the support of african countries. therefore, our relationship with china is a true win-win relationship."
faller pointed out that china not only wants to develop itself, but also wants to help africa develop through cooperation. it hopes that everyone can enjoy the dividends of development and that all countries can achieve economic modernization.
speaking of talent exchange between china and africa, faller said that through china's technology transfer and talent exchange, young africans can receive training and acquire knowledge, so that they can stay in their own countries to carry out construction. when people have decent jobs, good salaries and good social security, they will stay.
file photo: on september 20, 2015, local time, ethiopia's first modern tram began operation. the tram can carry 60,000 passengers every day.
solomon tesfaya trila, former ethiopian ambassador to china, told that achieving modernization is a common pursuit of all countries in the world. in this process of modernization, china is far ahead. he personally appreciates this.
"it can be said that china's modernization has ignited the confidence of all countries to achieve modernization," said trilla. as the only african country that has not been fully colonized by the west in modern times, ethiopia has been actively and independently exploring the path of modernization and self-reliance.
in recent years, ethiopia's economy has maintained rapid growth and is one of the most economically dynamic countries in africa. trilla believes that cooperation between china and africa is crucial to ensuring ethiopia's modernization process.
"no one can be left behind on the road to modernization, and no country can be left behind." president xi's keynote speech at the forum summit impressed raphael mushanawani, ceo of zimbabwe's netone mobile communications company. he believes that what president xi proposed coincides with the "mantra" of zimbabwean president mnangagwa. president mnangagwa has said many times that when it comes to development, no place or anyone can be left behind.
msafiri sinkala, a member of the zambian delegation, also expressed appreciation for president xi's speech. he told that africa has natural resources and almost everything it needs for development. however, perhaps due to the lack of other resources such as technology and capital, it may be left behind. china and zambia can cooperate to jointly develop and make up for each other's shortcomings. he believes that this is the meaning of "no one should be left behind."
"every country has its potential, and no country should be left behind," amine lahmamsi, president of the shanghai branch of banque africaine co., ltd., also told china news service.
an ming pointed out that in recent years, the trade and investment between china and africa have been growing. today, we are in an era of global supply chains, and what we see is an emerging africa with a variety of resources such as human resources, gold, and natural resources. africa has great potential to grow into an emerging economy and achieve economic and ecological transformation. therefore, no country should be left behind, an ming emphasized.
on february 29, 2024, local time, the first phase of the lagos light rail red line project in nigeria, undertaken by china civil engineering, held an opening ceremony at ikeja station. (photo courtesy of china civil engineering)
ala izzi, secretary general of the african chamber of commerce and industry, pointed out that china has created a success story recognized by the world. today, china is the world's number one in terms of export, technology development, construction and infrastructure. all these positions have opened the door to cooperation.
he told that china can provide a lot of help for the modernization of africa as a whole. in the process of jointly promoting modernization between china and africa, we can focus on several key areas. first, transportation and logistics are the lifeline connecting them. secondly, the connectivity of new information and communication technologies and manufacturing should also be paid attention to.
izzy further pointed out that both china and africa need to transform some of the raw materials exported to the west into value-added products, which is a win-win for everyone and can create jobs for both china and africa and help enhance food security. it is also important to replace non-renewable fuels with renewable energy. china-africa cooperation in this regard will benefit future generations.
dennis munene, executive director of the china-africa center of the african policy institute of kenya, told that china's modernization process has inspired african countries to seek their own independent modernization paths. for africa, china has guided africa to achieve rejuvenation by improving modern infrastructure, promoting economic growth, developing and attracting foreign investment, and promoting poverty alleviation.
munene further pointed out that by learning from the successful experience of china's modernization, africa has benefited greatly in infrastructure, with more than 100,000 kilometers of roads, 10,000 kilometers of railways, thousands of bridges and about 100 ports built. these projects have made africa one of the hubs of global development. (end)
(authors: meng xiangjun, wang gaofei, zhang nan, wu jiaju, wu xinru, chen tianhao also contributed to this article)