
journalists from many countries praised the new measures of china-africa practical cooperation


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the opening ceremony of the beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation was held on the morning of september 5. foreign journalists who participated in covering the summit gave positive comments on the keynote speech delivered by president xi at the opening ceremony.they believe that the series of practical measures announced by china to promote china-africa friendship and advance modernization are crucial to africa's development.
joseph omba, a cameroonian correspondent:i think president xi's speech was very brilliant. the new initiatives and measures proposed this time will further deepen cooperation between china and africa, and between africa and african countries. the "ten partner actions" proposed by china will help africa achieve modernization in all fields.
anduo, a photographer accompanying the madagascar delegation:i am very pleased to see that china's bilateral relations with all african countries with which it has diplomatic ties have been elevated to the level of strategic relations. this is an important sign, which means that we will carry out closer cooperation with china, which will bring more opportunities for trade and technological exchanges, and the fruits of development will benefit both sides.
reporters from many countries have noticed that "modernization" has become a key word in president xi's keynote speech. china and africa are working hand in hand on the journey of modernization, and the fruits of development will surely benefit the chinese and african people better.
tagamu, a reporter from congolese elite forum:at the opening ceremony, president xi jinping once again mentioned that it is very important to work together with africa to promote modernization. modernization is the equal right of all countries. the "ten partner actions" announced by president xi jinping today once again declared the determination of the chinese and african people to work together to promote modernization.
sokutu, a south african reporter accompanying the delegation:in his speech, president xi jinping said that china and africa should pursue the dream of modernization and adhere to win-win cooperation. he also stressed that china and africa should continue to work together to promote high-quality joint construction of the "belt and road" and strengthen cooperation in the field of humanities. we believe that this series of measures will greatly help africa achieve further development.
sugo staite, a reporter for malawi national press:i think president xi jinping's speech is a milestone. for me, what makes china so admirable is that china is concerned about the common future and destiny of mankind. china not only believes in its own strength, but also believes in the strength of our unity. china and africa will also have a greater impact on the international stage by working together to achieve modernization.
madre, a reporter from the burkina faso newspaper sidwaya:on the road to modernization, african countries need to seek their own paths. the chinese model of modernization is worth learning from, and china-africa cooperation can also help us move forward together on the road to modernization.
gambia national television reporter shao yi:the cooperation between china and africa is based on respect, reciprocity, friendship and mutual understanding, which is a win-win cooperation model. the achievements of china-africa cooperation have greatly benefited our people.
source: cctv news client
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