
the thai film "grandma's grandson" has become a box office dark horse with its high reputation. "getting rich by relying on grandma" can also be filmed with warmth and tenderness


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original title: thai film "grandma's grandson" becomes a box office dark horse with high reputation (lead)
“getting rich by relying on your grandmother” can also be filmed with warmth and tenderness (theme)
beijing daily reporter yuan yuner
unexpectedly, the summer movie season has a "king bomb" at the end: a small-to-medium-budget thai movie has a douban score of 9.0, with almost no negative reviews. recently, the thai film "grandma's grandson" broke into the top of the box office charts as a dark horse. as of september 4, the cumulative box office of the film has exceeded 84 million yuan. the film also has inspiration for the creation of similar themes in domestic films: it is necessary to polish the sense of reality carefully and to strike a balance between business and art.
audience comments: "too much tissue paper"
to sum up "grandma's grandson" in one sentence, it is "how to get a 1 million inheritance before grandma dies". in the film, an, an unemployed young man from a chinese family in thailand, saw that his cousin inherited the property because of taking care of his seriously ill grandfather, and he also became interested in his terminally ill grandmother, planning to replicate his cousin's "road to wealth" and obtain a million inheritance. however, facing the equally "hard-working" uncles and the picky and poisonous grandma, this road of "relying on grandma to get rich" does not seem to be as smooth as an expected... the film was an unprecedented success when it was released in thailand, and it is the annual box office champion in thailand so far in 2024.
after its release in china, the film has achieved a good attendance rate despite a small number of screenings, thanks to its high reputation. the film is mainly driven by emotions. the family in the film is of chinese descent, and a large number of chinese elements and chinese culture are naturally integrated. coupled with the careful scene arrangement and patient storytelling, chinese audiences can almost seamlessly immerse themselves in the film. the delicate and moving relationship between grandparents and grandchildren in the film directly touches the audience's tears, reminding people of their childhood and the grandparents who are either old or no longer alive.
many viewers commented that "grandma's grandson" is very touching, but it consumes too much tissue paper. "there is not a single wasted shot in the film. all the details laid out in the beginning will have a response in the end, and it is very touching." audience tian tian commented that the film is not deliberately sensational, but when all the details are piled together, it bursts out with strong emotional power. "i have been crying since the second half, and an audience member sitting behind me was sobbing."
the breath of life is blowing
what inspiration does "grandma's grandson", which earned the audience's tears, bring to domestic practitioners?
film critic lu zhiyu admitted that before watching the film, he thought that "grandma's grandson" would be similar to korean tear-jerking movies in style, but he didn't expect the film to be told in a leisurely rhythm, full of life texture, and not at all deliberate. the old man worked hard for the family all his life, and before he died, he carefully weighed the issue of inheritance distribution; after the children had their own families, they gradually neglected to accompany the elderly; out of responsibility and filial piety, they had to take care of the elders until the end of their lives, but they also hoped that their efforts would be "rewarded"... lu zhiyu said that many creators shoot similar themes, which are either not real enough and full of suspension, or deliberately fabricate an extreme story and fall into a bloody and bizarre love affair, while "grandma's grandson" makes people feel the breath of life coming at them, sometimes deeply moving, and sometimes helplessly sighing.
the grandmother was deeply harmed by the preference for boys over girls, but she also unconsciously passed on this old concept to the next generation; the long line of people using shoes and bags to "reserve seats" in the chemotherapy area of ​​the hospital in the early morning reflected the shortage of medical resources; an, a young "stay-at-home mom", wanted to make easy money by becoming a game anchor, which reflects the fierce competition and confusion faced by young people today... "grandma's grandson" does not avoid sharp real-life issues, but quietly presents them in a subtle and gentle style, leaving room for the audience to think and interpret.
low cost leverages the big market
"there are many well-made domestic films about family ethics, such as "leaving on the boat" and "mom and seven days", but their styles are too literary and artistic, and their audiences are greatly limited. can the creators be more down-to-earth in narrative rhythm and methods? at least the audience should be able to accept it. for commercial films, it is another direction. can they pay more attention to artistic conception and add more humanistic care like "grandma's grandson"? " film market analyst zhu qingtian believes that "grandma's grandson" gives creators a compromise between business and art, which is neither too high-brow nor too clichéd.
peng kan, a lecturer at the school of arts and media at beijing normal university, said that although the theme of "grandma's grandson" is heavy, the creators have managed to make it look light with a humorous style, which is touching but not overly sensational, and the scale is just right. "it is said that the cost of this film is only a few million yuan, but it has tapped into a huge market. our practitioners can study how to make a big profit with a small amount of money and create works that truly touch people's hearts."
the film's main actors use a combination of "young and handsome" actors and "old and experienced" actors, which is also worth learning from. "the actor who plays aan, putipong asaratanakong, whose chinese name is ma qunyao, is now a "top-tier" idol in thailand. his performance in the film is natural and fresh, and it doesn't make people feel out of place. the actress who plays the grandmother is full of drama just by standing there. this combination of old and young actors is both fresh and full of dramatic tension." ms. deng, a film and television practitioner, said that the combination of ge you and wang junkai in the recently released domestic film "hedgehog" is also a successful case, but we need more excellent scripts and actor combinations.
source: beijing daily