
hebei normal university students claimed that they were asked to help international students revise their papers, but the international students passed but did not receive a doctorate degree. the dean denied it.


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recently, nian hongli, a student at the school of physical education of hebei normal university, publicly reported on a short video platform that she was treated unfairly by the dean ma jian during her doctoral graduation. nian hongli said that the doctoral thesis of the international student chaerbaati who defended with her did not meet the standards set by the school of physical education, but was awarded a graduation certificate and degree certificate.

"because charbaati was an international student and his chinese writing ability was not good, the college and his supervisor asked me to revise his thesis. but in the end, she got a doctorate degree, but i didn't," said nian hongli.

on september 2, a red star news reporter called ma jian, dean of the school of physical education at hebei normal university, who said: "this student completely fabricated the facts. we have reported this to the relevant departments and made a report, but what she reported does not conform to the facts." the discipline inspection commission of hebei normal university responded that it had received the report from the person involved, but could not disclose the specific handling situation.

▲screenshot of the party’s report

the whistleblower said that neither she nor the international student passed the thesis review

"our doctoral graduation process is to first submit the thesis for review and obtain the evaluation results, and then participate in the defense." nian hongli provided the "feedback on the evaluation results of doctoral dissertations" of the school of physical education of hebei normal university, which stated, "according to the passing standards of doctoral dissertations of the school of physical education, the evaluation result of your dissertation is not passed. you will not be able to participate in the dissertation defense this time, but you can participate in the doctoral graduation defense."

▲results of review of nian hongli’s doctoral dissertation

below the notice are the requirements for passing doctoral dissertations from the school of physical education: all five review opinions are a or b; if there is 1 c and an a in the review opinions, then one more copy will be submitted for review, and the result of the second review will be b or above; if there are 4 bs and 1 c in the review opinions, and the review score for item c is greater than or equal to 75 points, then one more copy will be submitted for review, and the result of the second review will be b or above.

the red star news reporter obtained the review results of nian hongli's doctoral dissertations and those of the international student chaerbaati who was defending at the same time. the reporter saw that nian hongli's dissertation received an overall c (qualified) evaluation from five reviewers, while chaerbaati received one b (good) and four c (qualified) evaluations. according to the passing requirements of the doctoral dissertation of the school of physical education of hebei normal university, the dissertations of nian hongli and chaerbaati should not pass the degree assessment requirements.

on december 6, 2022, nian hongli participated in the doctoral dissertation defense and passed it successfully. on nian hongli's "school of physical education doctoral dissertation defense review opinion" form, nian hongli's thesis conclusion was "after review, the thesis reached the doctoral graduate level." she successfully obtained a doctoral diploma, but failed to obtain a doctoral degree certificate. nian hongli provided a telephone recording of her communication with the school in 2023, in which a person in charge confirmed to her that charbat had obtained a doctoral degree.

the whistleblower claimed that he helped international students revise and write papers

nian hongli told red star news that as a foreign student, charpati had poor chinese expression skills and had great difficulty writing papers in chinese. the college and the tutor took this into consideration and asked nian hongli, who was at the same level, to help him with the paper.

"my own doctoral dissertation also requires a lot of energy to complete, and most of the time i am often unable to do it. i don't understand why the college and my supervisor asked me to help them write the dissertation, because my own doctoral dissertation also requires intensive research and writing." nian hongli told red star news that later the college did not allow her to take part in the mid-term assessment of the dissertation, while charpati, who was at the same level as her, participated in it.

nian hongli said that as a student studying in a foreign country, she had no choice but to obey the orders of the college and the tutor and help charbati write and revise the thesis. so she found several master's students from the class of 2016 to help charbati revise the thesis. among them, nian hongli's main tasks included: rewriting the literature review and introduction for charbati, deeply revising each chapter, integrating the content of each chapter, rewriting the abstract, and reducing the weight of the thesis.

▲chat records with international students presented by nian hongli

"during the process of starting and mid-term of charbat's doctoral dissertation, i did my best to help her complete thesis assessment at each stage, including helping her write and revise the thesis." nian hongli provided the red star news reporter with the wechat chat records between her and charbat in 2019. she said that the thesis introduction, literature review, and chapter 2 sent to charbat were all written and revised by nian hongli herself. "i helped her revise the thesis, and she got a doctorate, but i didn't," said nian hongli.

on september 2, a red star news reporter called ma jian, dean of the school of physical education at hebei normal university, who said: "this student completely fabricated the facts. we have reported this to the relevant departments and made a report. what she reported does not conform to the facts." the discipline inspection commission of hebei normal university responded that it had received a report from the person involved on the matter, but could not disclose the specific handling situation.

on the same day, a red star news reporter consulted the relevant department of the hebei provincial department of education about the matter. the other party said that they had received reports about the matter before, but the specific reply still needed to go through the relevant approval process. as of press time, no relevant reply had been received.

red star news reporter zhong mengzhe and hu xianhe