
hesheng丨live streaming sales are hot, who will pay for the problem of “mismatched goods”?


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under the wave of digitalization, live streaming has rapidly emerged as an emerging sales model and has become the "new favorite" of the e-commerce industry. live streaming has not only opened up new market channels for merchants, but also greatly expanded sales channels and performance growth potential. however, with the popularity of live streaming, a series of problems have gradually emerged, especially the frequent problem of "goods not matching the board", which has seriously affected consumers' shopping experience. in the live broadcast room, the goods are often displayed beautifully, but when consumers receive the real goods, they find that they are very different from the goods displayed in the live broadcast room. some illegal merchants even deliberately use vague words in the live broadcast room, and are vague about key information such as the material and specifications of the goods, in order to evade subsequent penalties and responsibilities.
when faced with "goods not matching the description", we must realize that this is not only a pain point issue where consumer rights are infringed, but also a major obstacle to the healthy development of the entire live streaming e-commerce industry. it requires all parties to work together and make long-term efforts.
departments lead legislation and supervision, and technology empowers supervision upgrades. relevant departments should play a leading role, strengthen supervision and guidance, establish and improve the legal and regulatory system related to live streaming, clearly define the rights and responsibilities of all parties, and provide legal guarantees for the standardized development of the industry. through legislative means, standardize live streaming with goods, set clear industry standards and penalty measures for violations, increase the cost of violations, and deter illegal businesses and anchors. strengthen cross-departmental collaboration, use modern technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to improve supervision efficiency and accuracy, and promptly discover and investigate illegal activities such as false propaganda and selling counterfeit goods.
the platform is responsible for technological innovation and protecting the pure land of consumption. as the cornerstone of the live streaming ecosystem, the platform should build a more stringent supervision system. this includes implementing strict entry standards for merchants and anchors to ensure that they operate legally and in compliance with regulations. advanced technical means should be used to conduct in-depth analysis and real-time monitoring of live streaming content, effectively identify and curb improper behaviors such as false propaganda and exaggeration. at the same time, an efficient and transparent complaint handling mechanism should be established to ensure that consumer feedback is responded to and properly handled in a timely manner, and a "zero tolerance" policy should be implemented for violations, so as to resolutely safeguard market order and consumer rights.
merchants should be self-disciplined and honest, setting an industry benchmark. as the main body of live streaming, merchants' honest business attitude is directly related to the future of the industry. merchants should uphold the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, and present product information truthfully and accurately in live streaming, including but not limited to key elements such as appearance, performance, and materials, to avoid any form of misleading and fraud. at the same time, they should clearly inform consumers of after-sales service policies, including but not limited to return and exchange rules, warranty period, etc., so that consumers can feel fully assured and protected during the shopping process.
consumers should consume rationally and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. faced with a wide range of live-streaming products, consumers should maintain a clear mind and rational judgment, learn to compare information outside the live-streaming room, and use multiple resources to verify the authenticity and cost-effectiveness of the products. before making a purchase decision, carefully read the product details page, user reviews and other information, and be wary of vague or misleading descriptions. once you encounter a situation where "the goods are not what they seem", you should have the courage to safeguard your own rights and interests, keep relevant evidence in a timely manner and provide feedback to the platform or merchant, and use legal weapons to protect your legitimate rights and interests when necessary.
in summary, the craze of live streaming has injected new vitality into economic development, but solving the problem of "goods not matching the pictures" requires joint efforts and collaboration from all sectors of society to build a healthy and sustainable live streaming e-commerce ecosystem, so that live streaming can truly become an important force in promoting consumption upgrades and economic growth. (xu miaomiao, commentator of