
don't play tricks on people who are short of weight.


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original title: don’t play tricks that cheat on weight
cherries with a net weight of 3 jin, including the fruit and the box, only weigh over 2 jin; a 250-gram package of gongju, with desiccant accounting for 122 grams... shortages of weights and measures, which used to be common in offline shopping, now frequently appear in online shopping. according to reports, many online shopping merchants either blatantly short-weight or change the concept, causing consumers to find that the actual weight does not match the label after receiving the goods, among which fresh fruits and snacks are the hardest hit.
the number of cases of short weight in online shopping increases year by year, which is closely related to the particularity of online shopping. on the one hand, with the rapid development of the e-commerce industry, competition is becoming increasingly fierce. in order to reduce costs, some unscrupulous merchants make a fuss about the weight of goods. in order to gain more exposure and traffic, some merchants use various routines to falsely report the weight of goods, thereby reducing the unit price of goods and obtaining priority recommendation qualifications in the platform's automatic price comparison. on the other hand, from the perspective of consumers, online shopping is different from traditional offline shopping. buyers and sellers cannot meet, and they cannot check the weight immediately. if consumers do not have certain life experience or do not check after receiving the goods, it is difficult to find that the goods are short weight. this has led to some merchants being fearless, and short weight incidents have occurred repeatedly, leaving consumers with nothing to say.
don't play tricks of short-changing. the online shopping economy is actually an economy of trust. the behavior of short-changing by bad merchants not only harms the interests of consumers and destroys the fair competition environment in the market, but also involves false advertising and even fraud, and should be severely cracked down. however, in practice, such behavior is often highly concealed, and the cost of consumer rights protection is very high. even if the rights protection is successful, the platform's punishment on the merchant is only to return the goods, refund the postage or refund the price difference, etc. the cost is extremely low, and it is difficult to effectively crack down on the merchant. therefore, it is necessary to proceed from reality and improve the corresponding rules and systems to curb short-changing online, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and the normal online shopping order.
to curb the practice of short-changing online shopping, platform supervision is indispensable. according to the results of media investigations, many merchants dare to short-change because they exploit loopholes in the platform rules. in this regard, the platform should take action, adjust its operation strategy in a timely manner, improve the recommendation mechanism, and exclude merchants who like to short-change. in addition, it should strengthen the qualification review of merchants, regularly check the authenticity and accuracy of product descriptions, improve the merchant reputation evaluation system, open up consumer complaint channels, develop product weight verification technology solutions, etc., to "patch" the rules and eliminate the soil for bad merchants to short-change.
to curb the problem of short weight in online shopping, relevant regulatory authorities should also take action. they can learn from the successful experience of combating short weight offline and increase the intensity of spot checks and supervision on the problem of short weight in online sales. in particular, platforms and merchants with poor consumer reviews and many complaints should be monitored, followed up in a timely manner, and severely punished so that they dare not and cannot short weight.
as the saying goes, the buyer is not as smart as the seller. although online shopping scenarios are becoming more and more diverse and the environment is becoming more transparent, consumers are still relatively vulnerable compared to platforms and merchants who have mastered the rules and technology. therefore, no matter when and in what shopping environment, consumers should keep a clear mind and make rational choices, and not be confused by the thousands of tricks on the internet and fall into the trap of merchants who shortchange you. (wei yan)
source: hainan daily