
drilling construction takes on a new look: automated equipment helps achieve high efficiency and environmental protection


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china youth daily·china youth network intern reporter chen xiao reporter ma yuping
most people have the impression that a drilling construction site is one where someone is on duty 24 hours a day, covered in mud in the summer and ice in the winter. today, with the advancement of technology, this scene has become a thing of the past.
on august 28, china youth daily and china youth network reporters visited the 70180 drilling team platform of the yellow river drilling company of sinopec shengli petroleum engineering company and saw the most advanced "one-button" human-machine interactive automated drilling rig, power catwalk, drilling platform manipulator, driller integrated control system and remote real-time monitoring system and other automated equipment. it can be said that here, drilling has achieved automation, intelligence and informationization.
in the driller's room of the automated drilling rig, the staff only needs to move the rocker and press the button to complete wellhead operations such as automatic pipe delivery and automatic stand discharge. "controlling the drilling rig is like a pilot flying a plane in the cockpit," said yu qingmin, the leader of the 70180 drilling team, with a smile.
for the oil industry, drilling is a must before oil can be extracted. however, from conventional oil and gas reservoirs to tight oil and gas reservoirs and shale oil and gas reservoirs, the domestic oil exploration and development targets have gradually shifted to complex deep layers. the deeper the wells are drilled, the harder it is to find oil.
compared with other shale oils at home and abroad, shengli shale oil has many complex characteristics such as deep burial, thick rock formations, high pressure, high temperature, and many faults. the requirements for drilling equipment for high-difficulty wells such as difficult-to-use wells and ultra-deep wells are becoming increasingly higher.
automated drilling rigs have become the biggest confidence in "drilling wells and drilling wells quickly". in recent years, shengli oilfield has been committed to upgrading and transforming equipment automation, serialization, and standardization, actively benchmarking the needs of high-end equipment such as shale oil and gas development, and continuously promoting equipment upgrading and transformation system engineering.
the construction site of the 70180 drilling team of the yellow river drilling company of sinopec shengli petroleum engineering company. photo by chen xiao, a trainee reporter of china youth daily and china youth network
at the construction site of the 70180 drilling team, the reporter saw that there were nearly a hundred drill rods placed on the side of the drilling rig. these are pipes used to connect the drill bit to the power equipment, transport drilling fluid and deepen the wellbore. a drill rod about 9.5 meters long weighs up to 300 kilograms.
"when using old-fashioned drilling rigs, workers had to roll these pipes onto the drilling floor and then hoist them up one by one via a cableway." yu qingmin said that today's "one-button" human-machine interactive automated drilling can achieve unmanned operation of the entire drilling floor, with the drill rods automatically pulled, hoisted, and connected by the equipment. in addition, automated drilling can also independently complete a series of drilling processes such as pipe selection, buckling, drilling, and buckling, making drilling construction basically fully mechanized and automated.
the introduction of automated equipment not only reduces labor intensity and ensures the safety of employees' operations, but also improves work efficiency. "the work that originally required five people can now be completed by two people." yu qingmin introduced that this shale oil well, with a designed well depth of more than 5,700 meters, took only 37 days to complete.
"we not only have to drill good wells, but also protect the environment." yu qingmin introduced to reporters a set of green equipment on site that uses mud-free technology. the equipment can process waste mud during the drilling process while drilling, eliminate pollution risks, and maximize the reuse of liquid phase, thereby reducing construction costs and achieving the goals of clean production and environmental protection.
it is reported that the mud non-falling treatment device mainly uses high-frequency vibration drying screen, sand removal integrated machine, and medium-speed centrifuge to cooperate with each other to achieve the step-by-step separation of drilling fluid and cuttings and continuous purification of mud. the separated cuttings can be used to pave roads, improve saline-alkali land, sinter bricks, make rock wool boards, etc. the water removed can be recycled, realizing the transformation of waste into treasure, energy conservation and emission reduction, and "zero pollution" at the well site.
(source: china youth daily client)