
He couldn't bear to kill the Japanese female prisoner, so he took her to live in seclusion in the countryside. 34 years later, he learned that his wife's identity was not simple


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(This story has a real prototype, and some of the characters in the text have pseudonyms.)


On an ordinary morning in Sichuan in 1978, Liu Yunda was bending over and working in the fields when he suddenly heard the sound of a car engine outside the yard. This was a rare thing for him - there were very few cars in the village, and the occasional truck was just passing by. Liu Yunda looked up and saw several cars parked in front of his house. Several well-dressed guests got out of the cars, and they were obviously not ordinary people.

"What is this person doing here?" Liu Yunda muttered to himself, wiped the sweat from his forehead, put down his hoe, and walked slowly to the gate of the courtyard. These guests did not directly state their purpose, but first politely asked about the family situation, especially mentioned his wife. As the conversation deepened, Liu Yunda had some doubts in his heart. The last guest mentioned a name: "Omiya Shizuko。”

Omiya Shizuko

Hearing this name,Liu Yunda's wife (now renamed Mo Yuanhui)She was startled. This was a name she hadn't heard for a long time, a name she thought was forever buried deep in history. She couldn't help but get nervous. Was the secret of the past finally going to be exposed?

However, the visitors smiled and said that they were not here to cause trouble, but brought news from Japan - her long-lost father had finally found her after years of searching.

==Story Review==

The story begins more than 30 years ago. In 1941, the Anti-Japanese War was at its most intense. The Chinese army fought bloody battles on the Burma Road, while Japan continued to send troops to attack China's rear supply lines. Liu Yunda was a young company commander at the time, responsible for leading troops to guard the Burmese battlefield. After several fierce battles, Liu Yunda's unit captured a group of Japanese prisoners, including a young female soldier, Omiya Shizuko.

Shizuko Omiya did not go directly to the battlefield to kill the enemy. She was a medical logistics worker responsible for taking care of the wounded. But even so, she had a strong heart. She always believed that Japan was the righteous side. She fought for her country and even tried to escape many times after being captured, but failed repeatedly.

For prisoners like her, the Chinese army sometimes took more severe measures and even did not rule out the possibility of execution.But Liu Yunda couldn't bear to do that when he looked at the young Japanese girl. He felt that the girl was just a victim of brainwashing by the Japanese government and she didn't know the real truth.

So Liu Yunda started talking to her, trying to change her mind. He told her about the July 7 Incident, the Nanjing Massacre and other crimes committed by the Japanese army in China. Omiya Shizuko didn't believe these words at first. She felt that the Chinese were slandering Japan. But as time went on, Liu Yunda's patience and evidence broke her beliefs bit by bit. In the end, she realized that the country she believed in was actually the initiator of the war and the executioner of the killing.

This change of mind made Shizuko Omiya full of regret for the past, and made her decide to completely break away from the past. She was no longer the female soldier fighting for Japan, and she wanted to start a new life.

==Happy days of retreating to the countryside after the war==

After the war, Shizuko Omiya chose to stay in China. She and Liu Yunda returned to his hometown, a small village in Sichuan. In order to completely cut off contact with the past, she changed her name to Mo Yuanhui. No one here knew her Japanese identity, and even her three children did not know that their mother was once Japanese.

Liu Yunda and Mo Yuanhui started an ordinary but happy life in Sichuan. They made a living by farming. Although their life was hard, they loved each other and felt at ease because of the peaceful life.

The smoke of war has dissipated, and the pain of the past has gradually faded. Only in the dead of night does Mo Yuanhui occasionally think of her relatives far away in Japan, wondering if they are still alive and if they miss her too.

Although their life is simple, the relationship between Liu Yunda and Mo Yuanhui is getting deeper and deeper. No matter how hard the days are, the two support each other and face the challenges of life together. Mo Yuanhui's past seems to have become a distant dream. She is used to her identity as a Chinese wife and enjoys the satisfaction brought by ordinary life.

==The Call of Family==

All this changed one day in 1978. With the arrival of the Japanese guest, Mo Yuanhui had to face the past she had long tried to forget. The visitor told her that her father had never given up looking for her.

After the war, my father joined the business world and soon became rich, becoming a business tycoon in Japan. At the same time, he also joined the China-Japan Friendship Association and devoted himself to the restoration and development of relations between the two countries.

As a father, he could never forget his daughter who was lost in the war. For decades, he had been looking for her whereabouts. Until recently, he found out about Mo Yuanhui through some connections. Knowing that his daughter was still alive and well, the old man was very excited and decided to send someone to take her back to Japan to reunite with her family.

Faced with such news, Mo Yuanhui's heart was filled with mixed emotions. She had become accustomed to her current life and had even forgotten her Japanese name. Moreover, she had her own home in China, with a husband and children. She didn't want to ruin all of this by returning to Japan. But on the other hand, blood is thicker than water, and her longing for her father made her unable to refuse this call.

After repeated discussions with Liu Yunda, Mo Yuanhui finally decided to return to Japan temporarily to visit her elderly father. She did not intend to leave China completely, but wanted to say goodbye to her father and then come back to continue her simple life.


After returning to Japan, Mo Yuanhui found that everything had changed. She originally thought that this was just a short trip to visit relatives, but things were far from as simple as she thought. Her father was already a leader in the Japanese business community, and the family's business involved many fields. As soon as Mo Yuanhui returned, she was drawn into this huge business empire.

Her father hoped that she could take over the family business and inherit it all. Faced with her father's expectations and the family's responsibilities, Mo Yuanhui felt at a loss. She had never thought about becoming a billionaire, nor had she ever thought about fighting in the business world. But her father's health was getting worse and worse, and she couldn't bear to go against her father's wishes, so she had no choice but to accept this burden.

==Liu Yunda's family's new life==

At Mo Yuanhui's strong pleading, two years later, Liu Yunda was brought to Japan to live together. Liu Yunda felt very unfamiliar with all this at first. He did not expect that his wife would become an heir worth over 100 million yuan, and he and his children would live in a luxurious villa and lead a life he had never imagined.

Although living conditions have changed dramatically, Liu Yunda is somewhat uneasy. He is worried that Mo Yuanhui will no longer be the same person she used to be in this materially rich world.

However, when Mo Yuanhui said to him, "I am still the same rural wife, Mo Yuanhui," Liu Yunda finally felt relieved. He knew that no matter how their lives changed, his wife's heart was still the same as before, and she was still the one who was willing to spend ordinary days with him.

Mo Yuanhui inherited her father's estate and took charge of the family's business empire. Although business matters often kept her busy, she still cherished the time she spent with Liu Yunda and the children. She understood that money was important, but family was her true home.

==Leaves Return to Roots==

Although life in Japan was becoming more and more comfortable, Liu Yunda always missed his hometown. Decades of rural life had already left a deep impression on him, and he could never adapt to the hustle and bustle of the city. So, in his later years, he decided to return to his hometown in Sichuan, to the land he and Mo Yuanhui had once cultivated together.

Mo Yuanhui respected his choice. Although she had no way to return to the countryside with Liu Yunda, she understood her husband's feelings. Everyone has a home in their hearts. Liu Yunda's roots are in the land of China, and her heart is always connected with him.

Whenever Liu Yunda received a letter from Mo Yuanhui, he would read it carefully in his room. Those words made him feel as if he could see his wife. Although they were separated by thousands of miles, he felt that she was still by his side. He also knew that although his wife was rich, she still missed the rural area in Sichuan and the ordinary times they had spent together.

==Final Farewell==

Time passed quickly, and Liu Yunda's health gradually deteriorated. In his later years, he became increasingly weak and eventually fell ill in bed. On his deathbed, he did not have too many regrets and just wanted to see his wife for the last time. When Mo Yuanhui received the news that Liu Yunda was seriously ill, he immediately put down everything he was doing and rushed back to Sichuan.

When she rushed to her husband's side, Liu Yunda was already dying. She held her husband's hand, tears in her eyes, and whispered, "I'm back."

Liu Yunda smiled slightly. Although he was weak, he still looked at his wife with tenderness in his eyes. He used up his last bit of strength and whispered, "Welcome home."

At that moment, Mo Yuanhui burst into tears. She knew this was her husband's final farewell.


After Liu Yunda died, Mo Yuanhui held a simple funeral for him in Sichuan. She did not choose to ship her husband's body back to Japan, but buried him in accordance with his wishes on the land he loved, next to the fields they once worked together.

Mo Yuanhui did not stay in Sichuan for too long, because she still had many responsibilities to deal with in Japan. But she knew that no matter where she was, there was always a place in her heart, where the person she loved most and the years they spent together were buried.

Mo Yuanhui continues to manage the family business in Japan. Her life is still busy, but her heart is more peaceful. She knows that no matter how life changes, she will always be the wife Mo Yuanhui from the Sichuan countryside, and her roots will always be in that land.