
Urban management reform observation: Datong integrates the city-level comprehensive administrative law enforcement team with the district-level law enforcement team


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The urban management system in Datong, Shanxi Province is undergoing reform.
According to Datong Daily and Datong Radio and Television Station, in order to further promote the reform of the law enforcement system and comprehensively improve the level of urban management and services. In accordance with the requirements of Datong Municipal Organization Reform, on the morning of August 21,The Datong City Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment, which was established by integrating the Datong City Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team and the Pingcheng District Urban Management Law Enforcement Team, was officially unveiled and awarded the flag.This marks that Datong City's comprehensive administrative law enforcement work in urban management has entered a new stage of development.
The internal organization of Datong City Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment adjusted the three law enforcement teams of Pingcheng District Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade, Pingcheng District Environmental Governance Supervision Brigade and Pingcheng District Urban Appearance Supervision Management Office into the internal organization (law enforcement brigade) of Datong City Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment and sent them to Pingcheng District to enforce the law.
The dispatched law enforcement brigade is under the unified leadership, command and dispatch of the Municipal Urban Management Bureau, and exercises the administrative penalty power in the field of urban management and the related administrative inspection and administrative enforcement power within the city level and Pingcheng District, as well as the filing, investigation and punishment of administrative penalty cases transferred from the housing and construction field. It is responsible for supervising the handling of sudden incidents in urban management, law enforcement of major cases and cross-regional cases. The organization and functional configuration of urban management law enforcement in Datong City will be further optimized, the law enforcement level will be further clarified, and institutional and mechanism guarantees will be provided for the high-quality development of urban management.
Datong City has jurisdiction over 4 districts and 6 counties, of which Pingcheng District is the main urban area and the political, economic and cultural center of Datong City, with a permanent population of 1.1057 million.
Previously, the main functions of Datong City Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team were: entrusted by Datong City Urban Management Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, responsible for the specific law enforcement and supervision of relatively concentrated administrative penalty power in urban management; responsible for daily patrols throughout the city, as well as the handling of emergencies, and law enforcement of major and cross-regional cases.
The main functions of the Pingcheng District Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Team are: responsible for the daily management of peddlers and street vendors and those who occupy the road in front of doors in the area east of Yuhe West Road, south of Beidu Street, west of Binhe Road (including Binhe Road), and north of the south exit of the highway; in accordance with the arrangements of the district party committee and government, cooperate with the district housing acquisition and compensation command to carry out safety duties in housing acquisition and renovation of old houses; complete various petition and stability maintenance duties assigned by the district party committee and government; complete various emergency drills and disaster relief operations of the district militia emergency company; undertake other temporary and sudden duties assigned by the district party committee, district government and higher-level competent departments.
According to reports, the establishment of Datong City's Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment for Urban Management is an important measure for Datong City to further deepen the system and mechanism of urban governance and administrative law enforcement. It aims to integrate relevant functions of urban management, optimize institutional settings, streamline the law enforcement system, achieve comprehensive, efficient and precise law enforcement, and comprehensively promote the modernization of Datong City's urban governance system and governance capabilities.
Since the beginning of this year, urban management system reforms have been carried out in many parts of the country.
In June, the official website of the Beihai Municipal Government of Guangxi Province issued an "Announcement on Stopping the Use of Beihai Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau Work Permit". According to the "Announcement", the administrative law enforcement responsibilities of the Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau in the fields of housing and urban-rural construction, natural resources, transportation, ecological environment, industry and information technology, tourism, culture, sports, radio, television, commerce, human resources and social security will be transferred to relevant competent departments, and the Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau will no longer be retained.
Also in June, the official website of the Ganzhou District Government of Zhangye City, Gansu Province, released the "Announcement of the Ganzhou District Urban Management Bureau on the Revocation and Renaming of the Zhangye City Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau", which transferred the urban management administrative law enforcement functions of the Zhangye City Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau to the Ganzhou District Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, abolished the Zhangye City Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, and renamed the Ganzhou District Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau to the Ganzhou District Urban Management Bureau. The Paper noted that Ganzhou District is the only district under the jurisdiction of the city in Zhangye.
In July, Nanchang City Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade was officially renamed Nanchang City Urban Management Comprehensive Command Center. The responsibilities of the command center have been adjusted as follows: the law enforcement responsibilities of Nanchang City Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau in environmental protection management are assigned to the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, and other law enforcement responsibilities are delegated to the main urban areas (Donghu District, Xihu District, Qingshan Lake District, Qingyunpu District, Honggutan District) and the High-tech Zone, Economic Development Zone, and Wanli Management Bureau. The main responsibilities of the command center are to be a first-class public welfare institution at the section level under the Nanchang City Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau. It is responsible for the city's urban management law enforcement "transportation management service" platform, shared electric motorcycle online supervision platform and "one network management" and other public affairs work; undertake the city's urban management emergency response, security services and other public affairs work; assist the bureau to organize city-wide urban management special law enforcement activities and supervise, inspect and evaluate the city's urban management administrative law enforcement work; assist the bureau to do a good job in the legalization, standardization and standardization of the city's urban management law enforcement team.
Ma Liang, a professor at the School of Public Administration of Renmin University of China, mentioned in an interview with The Paper earlier that the establishment of comprehensive urban administrative law enforcement departments was a reform measure explored by many cities in the past, but its effectiveness has not been obvious in recent years, so reform is imperative. Generally speaking, the reform presents two directions. On the one hand, from comprehensive to professional, the law enforcement force integrated into the urban management department will be split into various functional departments to highlight the professionalism of law enforcement; on the other hand, law enforcement resources will be transferred to the grassroots level to strengthen the law enforcement capabilities at the grassroots level so that the grassroots can see and control them.
Zhangye's transfer of the urban management administrative law enforcement functions undertaken by the municipal Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau to the district-level Ganzhou District Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau is a manifestation of the downward transfer of law enforcement resources.
Interface News reported that in this round of institutional reforms in various places, the reform of the urban management law enforcement system did not follow a unified model and path.
In addition to the reform plans in Beihai and other places, some places transferred the Municipal Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau to the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau to become a second-level bureau, and enforced the law in the name of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau; some places abolished the Municipal Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau and only retained the sign of the Urban Management Bureau; some places renamed the Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau (Urban Management Bureau) as the Urban Management Bureau, but did not retain the municipal urban management law enforcement team, and set it up in the municipal area to undertake local urban management law enforcement work; some places abolished the Municipal Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment and transferred the personnel of the Urban Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment to the Municipal Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment.
The above report stated that Wang Yi, an expert from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, director of the Urban Management Research Center of Yangzhou University, and professor of the School of Law, recently wrote an article pointing out that judging from the institutional reform plans that have been announced involving urban management law enforcement agencies and law enforcement teams, the directions of urban management law enforcement agencies and law enforcement teams in various places are different.
"During the institutional reform, the arrangements for the retention, transfer, and other arrangements of urban management law enforcement agencies and law enforcement teams are entirely decided by local party committees and governments. From a local perspective, there is no problem with this. However, from the overall perspective of the national urban management law enforcement reform, the content of the institutional reform involving urban management law enforcement agencies and law enforcement teams in various cities and counties is not unified, reflecting that the national urban management law enforcement system, institutions and mechanisms are imperfect, which is not conducive to the stability of the national urban management law enforcement agencies and law enforcement teams, and affects the work enthusiasm of urban management law enforcement personnel." Wang Yi said.
The Paper reporter Zhong Yuhao
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