
A Chinese Japanese media announcer was fired for saying "Diaoyu Islands belong to China" during a live broadcast


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On August 19, the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK)'s "News Watch 9" program reported an incident that attracted widespread attention.A Chinese external staff member who was responsible for broadcasting Chinese news for NHK International Broadcasting Station made an impromptu statement that "Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory" when reporting news about Diaoyu Islands.

He read the "Senkaku Islands" in the news release as "China's Diaoyu Islands". When reporting news about the Diaoyu Islands, he made an impromptu statement that "the Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory".As the program was broadcast live, the speech was broadcast in its entirety.

NHK said that the staff member was sent by an outsourcing company. NHK immediately launched an internal investigation after the incident and lodged a solemn protest against the Chinese male announcer through relevant cooperative groups.The outsourcing group has terminated the labor relationship.

This incident quickly sparked heated discussions on Japanese social media, and opinions on the Internet diverged. Some people believed that as an employee of a Japanese media, adding content to the article without authorization was a serious violation of professional ethics, and that regardless of their personal stance, they should abide by work norms. However, others believed that as a Chinese, the broadcaster's remarks reflected his stance on national sovereignty and deserved understanding and respect.