
As the confrontation between Russia and Japan escalates, Putin's government is under attack from all sides, and five countries gather in the Sea of ​​Japan, the situation becomes more delicate


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At the critical moment when the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian front was tense, Japan suddenly announced that it would hold the "Central Asia-Japan" summit in Kazakhstan in August. This move cut off the source of the problem and completely angered Russia.

According to the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova explicitly stated that Japan's attempt to strengthen its political influence in Central Asia is essentially spreading American ideology, with the aim of undermining the economic system established between Russia and the Central Asian countries. In her words, Zakharova also hinted that the Central Asian countries would not gain economic benefits from cooperation with Japan, and hoped that the countries in the Central Asian region would open their eyes and see clearly what is mutually beneficial cooperation and what is economic colonization.

Objectively speaking, the Russian Foreign Ministry's concerns are necessary.

Japan has always considered itself as the spokesperson of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region. Before intervening in the affairs of Central Asia, Japan's diplomacy in Southeast Asia had a strong political purpose. A few years ago, the way the Japanese government strengthened cooperation with Southeast Asian countries was centered on economic construction, but in recent years, the Japanese government has been selling defense support to Southeast Asia. Its ambition has aroused the resentment of Southeast Asian countries. Therefore, except for the Philippines, which actively strengthened its cooperation with Japan, Southeast Asian countries have a very cold attitude towards Japan's defense cooperation. This can further infer that Japan has a similar purpose in Central Asia, which is to exert influence on behalf of the United States.