
If a war breaks out in the Middle East, the United States and Russia may have to intervene personally. China's determination is very important.


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Iran has vowed to retaliate after Israel beheaded Hamas leader Haniyeh in Tehran, the Iranian capital. And considering that Israel has repeatedly slapped Iran in the face, this retaliation is likely to be Iran's worst-case scenario.

Iran is currently active everywhere. It first held consultations with representatives of its allies from Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq. The content must be about Iran's retaliation against Israel and possible subsequent counterattacks by Israel. Later, the New York Times reported that in order to deal with possible conflicts with Israel, Iran has requested Russia to provide advanced air defense systems including the S-400.

Iran's ballistic missiles are ready

Russian officials confirmed that the delivery of advanced radar and air defense equipment to Iran has begun. Shoigu's visit to Iran at this critical moment on August 5 is most likely to guide Iran's military preparations. Compared with the first counterattack against Israel, Iran's preparations this time are indeed more thorough, the movement is indeed bigger, and the diplomatic actions are frequent. It seems that Iran is truly ready to fight with Israel, and does not rule out the possibility of a full-scale war.

While Iran is preparing for war, Israel is also not idle.