
Tens of thousands of people evacuated Kursk on the fifth day after Ukraine invaded Russia


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On August 10, local time, the fifth day after the Ukrainian army invaded Russia's Kursk Oblast, the Russian and Ukrainian armies continued to fight, and more than 76,000 Russian residents were forced to evacuate.

According to the Moscow Times, the Ukrainian army has advanced several kilometers, and the Russian army has also urgently dispatched reserve troops and additional equipment, but neither side has disclosed the specific details of the mobilization of troops.

Russia's Atomic Energy Agency warned on the same day that the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, less than 50 kilometers away from the fighting, also faced a "direct threat."

Kursk Oblast officials said more than 76,000 Russian residents have been temporarily relocated to safe areas. Russian authorities have delivered emergency aid to border areas and added trains for people to flee to the capital Moscow.

On August 9, Russian residents evacuated the Kursk border area

Five days ago (on the morning of August 6), Ukrainian troops suddenly invaded Russia's Kursk Oblast.This was the largest and most successful offensive launched by the Ukrainian army in the two-and-a-half-year war., the Ukrainian army has at least four mechanized brigades and an airborne brigade participating.

The Ukrainian military said on the 9th that it attacked a military airport in Lipetsk, western Russia, overnight, blowing up some guided bombs and causing a series of explosions. The airport is home to Russian Su-34, Su-35 and MiG-31 fighter jets.